SECRETS REVEALED: The Surprising Truth Behind Why Narcissists Exist! #narcissist #mustwatch

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Prayer for Salvation

Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God came to earth to be the Savior of the world and that by His death on the cross, He paid the price for the sin of the world, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thank You for Jesus and thank You for the gift of salvation. Thank You that by believing in the name of Jesus, I am forgiven of my sins and brought into sweet fellowship with my heavenly Father.

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Son to die on Calvary's cross in my place. Thank You that His innocent life was sufficient to pay the full price for my sin and the sin of the world.
Lord, I turn away from insolent pride and from everything that is dishonoring to Your name, and pray that I would grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, until I come to spiritual maturity, as day by day the Holy Spirit seeks to transform my lowly body into the likeness of Jesus.

Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful gift of salvation, and thank You for that by believing I am now Your child. In Jesus' name, I pray,

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This video was made with Clipchamp
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(Sorry but this is long) .. So many people who talk about NPD do so from the perspective of one adult to another (target= adult & NPD= adult). Thankfully it is being addressed 💜💪✌ ... but my attention goes quickly to infants and small children under the power & authority of an NPD.
Those children will grow up .. and statistics that I've always heard say that those children will be the same way.
A helpless baby in extreme torture - it seems to me - can understandably become one themselves.
Obviously, there are levels of abuse.
So when I see an adult NPD they may also be with Autism, ADD and Dyslexia and the mentality of maybe a 10-year-old but in an adult body, it is a real mess to come to terms with.
Granted they are an adult now - but don't have the education, skills or experience to live a normal life, keep a job and relationships and handle money and contracts. So you end up with someone who has to sell drugs and sex to get by. They have to ditch and dodge relationships and the law and deal with addiction & jail & medical care bc they can't face their shame and hate themselves bc they can't work - etc.
But at the same time no one can help them or tolerate them and they can't change. They're caught in a trap and can't get out. Their brain has been physically and psychologically and spiritually changed.
For instance - born into the occult or something about as bad. The cognitive dissonance for the target or bystander is huge. I can only pray for such.
A horrible, devilsh entity got ahold of a baby or young person and completely took over.
Then others did have presence of mind - maybe they didn't get the full attack until they were a little older... and they had a good moral compass.. so yeah they had a messed up childhood and the first half of their adult life was rough... but they did not become an NPD. They were tough and had a fighting chance and so they didn't go down the dark alley (so to speak). They aren't perfect angels and maybe later they become a Christian even. They didn't take the broad way. We are so thankful for those.
But the heartbreak is for those who were kidnapped into a witch-warlock haven or born to the same ... and were too young or disabled to fight back.
Then of course those who got drug addicted as teens and one bad turn led to another or even... possibly, .. pure evil from birth??
We can't tell which is which and we can't help them.
(Now the other types of NPD have important jobs, families, money, cars, contacts, etc. It's easier not to feel sorry for them and but still pray for them.)
But what a scenario. What a landscape of chaos and destruction.
Now ... those with a tender heart have to harden up. Smh. To save their own lives. Now our path is going somewhere we didn't wanna go either.


Great message! The Narcissists are only there to move us forward in our purpose. I'm just happy that all power is in God's hands, and we don't have to worry. The Word of God tells us in Deuteronomy 3:22 You must not fear them, for the Lord your God Himself fights for you. The battle against the Narcissist is already won. We just know that nothing can harm us. God will not let it happen. Thanks for always giving great content.


Great message. I feel the narcissist was a blessing in disguise to wake us up to who we truly are.


Very good massage keep up God's work and watch him allow your work to grow.


Im so happy you are back sis! You are such a blessing in presenting scripture as a way to remind us to not tolerate abuse, however we can show discernment and compassion from afar LOL! It's a balancing act that God will give us strength to walk when we put on the whole armor of GOD. Love you dear sis and may the Father continue to bless this platform! We need this!


Praise God for showing his children things and people for what they are, we are sane, sound and safe! I therefore bind to hell lacking truth in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquitances, opponents and the body of Christ, binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with anyone lacking truth in one's life, in accordance with this word and john 8:44, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah, glory to God ❤!


Thanks for Sharing on this topic about Narcissists‼️ GOD BLESS ❤️


What an excellent message! I mean really extraordinary. Thank you
