May 2019 Epic Book Haul | Broken Throne, Nocturna, & More! | Epic Reads

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A moment of silence, Scarlet Guard, for this final return to the Red Queen world. And then prepare your shelves for the other epic books entering the world, including brand new fantasy tales, mysteries, and girls being so boss that it basically gave us new life.

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when he said "thief who can change faces" am I the only who thought of Arya Stark? :P


I just discovered this channel and I'm in LOVE!!


I have so many books I want to read…but I have a BIG UPCOMING EXAM 😭😭😭😭😭


Hands down I am excited for Aurora Rising. My fave duo is back at it again with another great sci-fi book. 💜


What's the difference between the collectors broken throne and the "normal" one






Nocturna! I'm in!
And May *padumz* I add ... u look so cute with that crown ^^


Broken Throne'u türkçeye çevirmeyen pegasus yayınları... Burdan sizi linçliyorum


Does anyone have any really good audiobook recommendations? I like to listen to them in the car when I’m driving and it’s hard to find a good voice to capture all of the characters.


Took me about five seconds to get than pan pun. I guess you can say I'm a slow cooker (Im sorry)


Authors really need to learn to let go of their stories when they finish them. I don't want tweets about a story I finished already nor do I want a short story collection of a book series I put down more times than I can count. I mean no offence to Victoria Aveyard or to anyone who loves the red queen series. But a controversial opinion is coming in 3, 2, 1:
Mare is such a bitch and I hate her more than any character in the series. She's so infuriating, neglectant, short-sighted, thoughtless, selfish, and plain mean and abusive. There is no trait that she has that redeems her. Not to mention how quickly she does a 180 degree shift from her normal personality into a sweet girl. She's not sweet, anything but. She's the special girl who has special powers who can't think for herself. Like if you don't want to be in the rebellion, leave. Let someone else lead. She's not a leader and has no leadership qualities whatsoever. She can't communicate with a girl whose brother was sent to die eventhough she went through the same thing... 3 times! She should have been best friends with her from the start. She can't inspire or motivate, nor does she have the patience to teach any of her subordinates. She's not a leader, she's a tool. She's a weapon of destruction who only knows how to destroy. Not to mention she leads Cal on like she's some kind of temptress and can't even talk to him about his silver supremacy issue. They literally have nothing in common except their hatred of Maven. Which I get but still Maven is still 50x a better character than Mare. I would have liked to see him be the main character, that would have been so much more interesting than Mare and her inferiority/insecurity complex. Even Cal is a better character, hell even Kilorn is a better and he's basically useless and annoying most of the time. Also can we talk about the problematic issue of the love foursome. Like seriously? Maven, Cal and Kilorn all love Mare? Seriously? What men are just that stupid that they fall in love with one girl because she has lighting powers? What's wrong with them? I get Kilorn, he grew up with her and perhaps he developed feeling during that time. I sorta get Maven because his mom could have made him obsessed with her. But I don't get Cal even in the slightest. Again, they have no chemistry, they can't communicate well, they both have personalities that butt heads too much for any blooming relationship to follow. Like there is literally no appeal to being with Mare if you're Cal. But I commend him for being able to put up with her because I would have smuthered her in her sleep. I wish she had died instead of Maven. There's something that's called giving your character flaws so they can grow, Mare too many flaws and doesn't grow at all. She stays the same throughout the whole series. No character growth whatsoever. I dunno about you but I like to identify with a main character who grows so I can grow with them. At least the Maven has realisations and tried to change a little. Seriously, Maven deserved better, the poor basterd never got a chance with his bitch of a mother. Akso this whole series has so many meaningless characters it's rediculous. The whole cthere more of one" felt like a way for the writer to introduce more characters because she liked the ideas of the characters but most of the had no bearing on the plot whatsoever.
Also the second character pov in King's cage should have been Cal's not the silencer girl who I can't remember the name of because she's that forgettable. It would have given a better distinction between Mare and Cal. But perhaps Victoria can only write one kind of main character. Which I hope she doesn't because that would but a serious damper on her careeer as writer. But then all you need to kne successful series, right J.K Rowling? (and your cash grabbing side strories which doesn't even have an act 2 at all. There's an beginning and an end but where the hell is the middle. And stop introducing new characters in a way that messes up everything.)
It's a shame because this series could have been great, much better than it is right now. This just shows that the authors that can't create anything else but something in the same world have a serious problem. I hope she breaks out of it and kills more of her darlings next time. #teamcal #killmare #savemaven

That's my controversial opinion. If you don't like it, I don't care. I really hate YA the way it is right now. ESPECIALLY the fantasy ya. They all have to be so dramatic. If I wanted to read a drama I would read a drama. I want to read a fantasy where I can dive into a new world and want to live there. Not in a world where everything sucks unless you're rich. I want to read a book without needing to put it down because I want rip the book a apart or want to burn it or want to throw it at a wall. Why is that so hard? Why does everything need a gigantic plot twist nowadays? Whatever happened to story that you want to read because they make you feel good. Red queen, the whole series, just makes me want to scream in agony. I seriously couldn't even finish King's cage and I read the spoilers. Never gonna read War Storm cuz it's nothing more than a glorified "restore the kingdom" plot. And nothing really happens. So I'm sorry not sorry but I dnf'ed it and I'm so happy I don't have to read it anymore. Ifyou like it, more power to you. But they are so problematic ii makes me want to rip my hair out.
