Punk Movies

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Movies talked about:
SLC Punk
Punks Dead: SLC Punk 2
Green Room
The Runaways
Return of the Living Dead
Class of 1984
This Is England
Sing Street
Ladies & Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains
Breaking Glass
Bomb City
Repo Man
We Are The Best
The Ranger
Tank Girl
Rock 'n' Roll High School
Dogs in Space
Out of the Blue
Wild Zero

Music used:
Everything Turns Grey by Agent Orange
Thanks For The Night by The Damned
Are You Having Fun Yet? by Ten Pole Drunk

Also if you have a Letterboxed account I have a punk movie list on there I will be keeping updated!
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Being an ancient punk, it was nice to see the movies we actually watched in the 80s here, the only one that I think you missed is The Great Rock n Roll Swindle, which is a fun film.


_Hard Core Logo_ (1996) by director Bruce McDonald. It's a road movie about a band, sort of based on D.O.A., on tour in the 90s, trying to recapture their 80s glory years. The screenplay was adapted from the book _Hard Core Logo_ by Michael Turner, which was about his time in the band Hard Rock Miners.

_Leningrad Cowboys Go America_ (1989) by director Aki Kaurismäki. It's a Finnish road movie about a polkabilly band trying to make it big in the USA.


Great list! I would also include:

Savage Streets (1984)
Valley Girl (1983)
Class of 1999 (1990)
The River's Edge (1986)


Repo Man is probably one of my favorite movies based purely on how eminently watchable it is.

Sometimes I can just pop the thing on to wallow in the atmosphere, y’know?


It’s so cool that you included “we are the best” from Sweden, can also recommend “god save the king” from 2005 who also is a swedish punk movie about girls starting a band🖤


I see that you mentioned Repo Man. It's one of my all time faves. There are two other Alex Cox films that you may have seen Sid & Nancy as well as Straight To Hell which features Dick Rude, Courtney Love, Joe Strummer, Shane MacGowan, Edward Tudor Pole and other actors from Repo Man. Also a movie from Finland from 1989. Lenningrad Cowboys Go America. Not exactly a punk film but the band kind of sound like Punk Polka. Their hairstyles are definitely legendary. Love the list!


Wild zero is absolutely insane! Its like one of those beatles movies but with more aliens and broken amplifiers


Dankeschön for putting "Verlierer" on your list.I also like to recommend "Kings of Norway"( with a cameo appearance of John Lydon) and "Dorfpunks" from Germany about some smalltown punks in the early eighties.


I think 'This is England' and the related series are some of the best works I've ever seen. Yeah, they're a though watch, but so could be reality in those times, or so I hear. The acting in some of the scenes was absolutely phenomenal and could convey so much emotion (both positive and negative) that I genuinely felt like those were memories from a past that I've never lived. And the series gives a much better closure to the chracters' plots than the movie, in my humble opinion.


Hey, great list! You definitely sorted some great ones out. Fun fact one- some of my friends are in Suburbia, and it's based on The Black Hole, which as Tony's ( from the Adolescents) apartment. So, it's also a highly fictionalized version of true events. Fun fact two- back in the Eighties, I did a fanzine that covered punk movies, and a reader of that zine, Zack Carlson, did his own that turned into the Bible of Punk-related movies "Destroy All Movies!!!", which fetches collector prices these days, but is well worth it for total fanatics. So, my pick to add to your list might come off as a bit left field, but if you ever find a copy of either of the "Lovedoll" movies - Desperate Teenage Lovedolls and Lovedolls Superstar I bet you'll like them.


Great list! SLC Punk is one of my favorites because it so closely resembles my own experiences back in the 80's, though on the East Coast. Matthew Lillard is phenomenal as is everyone in the cast.


River's Edge, starring Keanu Reeves, Ione Skye, Crispin Glover, Dennis Hopper, & Daniel Roebuck (also in Dudes). The kids here are in that metal-hardcore crossover era, and the film's stylists nail it. Soundtrack features Agent Orange & Wipers, along with Slayer. I don't know of any other movies that even so much as touched on the thrash/punk crossover kids, much less anything that ever took them (us) seriously. This one is worth checking out.


I can recommend "A long hot summer" from 1999 (Pitkä kuuma kesä), finnish movie of guy from city moving to countryside and trying to impress a girl by starting to manager a punkband. Really well done, depicts 90's finnish youthculture well, has many actors from punk and rock scenes of the time.


This is England is a masterpiece. One of my favorites for sure, another good one was a short film based in the 80s called The Fence. its a fun one about a dude in england who gets his motorbike stolen and has his brother help him get i back. I absolutely loved it.


I have watched and enjoyed This Is England, but firstly I wanted to say I kinda wish you would have talked about Green Room more, fantastic movie by a amazing director and it's got Sir Patrick Stewart (plays a great villain).
This is England had a great soundtrack a lot of great Ska in it, I felt like This is England was just a British/punk version of American History X, worth a watch if you are into England and anti-raciest.
Liked and subscribed.
Oi!Oi! From small town Texas!


I'm surprised What We Do is Secret wasn't on the list.
P.S. Dogs in Space is an amazing film, it's about the Little Band Scene which gave rise to numerous bands, one of the most famous is Dead Can Dance, also The Boys Next Door/The Birthday Party were on the periphery of it, Ollie Olsen who was in The Young Charlatans with Rowland S. Howard was the music director on the film, and appears a number of times, including playing keyboard on Shivers, a song made famous by The Boys Next Door, but originally recorded by The Young Charlatans, which Olsen played guitar on.


my favourite ones on this list are Bomb City, This is England and Sing Street, my other favourites I'd really recommend are Good Vibrations, How to Talk to Girls at Parties and London Town. The first one's a good biopic of the 70s Belfast punk scene, the other two are sillier, more surface level ones that have a similar vibe (but more punk) to Sing Street. How to Talk to Girls at Parties in particular is really fun, it's about a group of 70s punks trying to find a house party but end up stumbling into an alien meeting house and one of the aliens runs away with them


While it's definitely more New Wave than punk I highly recommend Liquid Sky from 1982. Artsy sci-fi indie film following a woman's journey through the modeling scene in New York and the aliens that want to study her. The main actress (and co-writer) plays two roles of different genders. Makes a great double feature with Repo Man!


THIS IS ENGLAND... one of the best movies I've ever seen. Thank you for including it and yes, it has some powerful racism. The hardest scene for me was actually the birdhouse scene in the car.


Ayyyy, Breaking Glass! I also think it’s important to add how this movie was prophetic about how many post-punk bands would go New Wave which was crazy for when it came out! 1980!

You know you probably could do a few of in this series. I certainly could provide more recommendations 😂
