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joe rogan on the OLDEST CENTRAL AMERICAN CIVILIZATION (The OLMECS) #shorts #joerogan #joeroganexperience #joeroganalien #alien #aliens #ancienthistory #ancientegypt #ancientstory #olmec #conspiracy
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If you go to that area you will still find people that look like that


The olmecs were worshipped as gods by the people because they taught them, and brought them everything ❤


Nobody at all:



Those helmets may be how they moved stuff with their minds.


The Hawaiki name could be referencing the Sumerian king called Haya "Haia" who was deified as the Sumerian god of Hay (grass) and whose daughter Ninlil married Enlil whose brother Enki married Ningikuga where we get the name for the Land of Kuga-Ki

Kane-huna-moku, or “hidden land of Kāne" could easily be a reference to where some of the descendants of Cain son of Adam and Eve later relocated too.

Kanaloa seems to be a reference to Kháskō "Khaínō" "Kháos" "Chaos" which based on my research is different names for Ham the son of Noah and the tradition Vilokan and the Vodou spirits and Vodou "Vudu" "Voodoo" is a nickname of Vodun the son of Mawu who was also known as "Mahu" and Māhū is connected to the Native Hawaiian and Tahitian cultures.

Lwa pronounced lwah also called loa or loi are spirits and are connected to Voodoo and Aku-Aku are spirits also known as Varua is that the shortened name for VARUṆA mentioned in the Rigveda.

Ghuggus "Ghugus" "Gogus" father of Indus and Ganges was the son of Sheba "Seva" "Shiva" and Pārvatī Gaurī Umā the daughter of Parvateshwara "Himavant" "Himaraja" where we get the name for the Himalayan mountains and Himavat means "frosty".

Himavant means "icy" and are considered spelling variations of his name.

His name Himaraja is short for Hima Rājataraṅgiṇī and what is very interesting is the Polynesian legends that mention Rangi "Father Sky" and Papa "Mother Earth" also known as Ouranos "Uranus" (Noah) and Gaia (Tytea).

Parvata means "mountain" and Hima means "snow" and Alaya means "abode, dwelling".

Parvateshwara was the son of Brahma "Hambra" and Saraswati and Brahma the son of Vishnu "Fishnu" "Nuah" "Nu" (Noah) and Lakshmi (Emzara) and Habra city is located in the Indian state of West Bengal.

Based on my research King Bharatas (Rigvedic tribes) was the son of King Pharuta the ancestor of the Puru tribe of India (Vedic tribes) and grandson of Magog the son of Japheth.

Voodoo Curse basically refers to Vilokan tradition and the words "cuss" and "curse" derive from the name Cush the son of Ham.

The word Polytheism and Polynesian both begin with "Poly" is that supposed to be a nickname of Apollon "Apollo" and is that where we eventually get the name for Mount Pelée in the Caribbean where there are many different traditions linked to Voodoo.

Apollo was deified as the wolf god and was connected to Shamanism or Samanism which is a religious practice that involves a practitioner shaman or saman which is someone who interacts with the spirit world.

Efun Sacred White Earth traces its roots to Effuntenus the son of Phut and Bakht and she was the daughter of Batawil son of Tyrrhenus "Tiras" (Tyrrhenians) and the grandson of Japheth.

The island of Elephantine which was located at the border between Egypt and Nubia is named for Effuntenus.

Bir Tawil is an area of land along the border between Egypt and Sudan and is named for Batawil.

Japheth was the ancestor of the Bena people and Batawil was also known as "Benawyl" and Benawil is the name of a location in Chad (Africa).

Beniwal is also the name of a clan or warrior Gotra of Jats in Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in India.

The Batwa of Uganda also known as the TWA people are named for Batawil.

The average height of the Batwa of Uganda is about 5 feet and King Tutankhamen's height was 5 Feet 5.75 Inches.

According to Josephus, Tiras became ancestor of the "Thirasians" a "flame-haired" red or blond-haired people and Ramesses II had red hair and so did Queen Tiye the mother of Akhenaten.

Based on my research Tutankhamen descends from To͞otan "Tutan" Tutana the son of Ashkenaz.

The name Tutankhamun isn't his original name it's Tutankhaten which can also be spelled Khatun.

We know Tutankhaten later changed his name to Tutankhamen because he built a statue to honor the Egyptian human queen Amunet later deified as the goddess "Imnt" the wife of King Hammon the great grandson of Cush the son of Ham and where Amman, Jordan derives its name.

The descendants of King Hammon and Raamah the son of Cush deified them as the Egyptian god Amun Ra.

Khatun is a female title of nobility and counterpart to "khan" or "Khagan" that was used by the Turkic Khaganates and in the later Mongol Empire.

Before the arrival of Islam in Central Asia, Khatun was a title used by the queen of Bukhara which is a region in Uzbekistan located in Central Asia and the Uzbek Language originates with Togarmah, brother of Ashkenaz.

Avôr the son of Togarmah is the ancestor of the Scythian Avars of Central Asia also known as the "Kaganates".


I like how Joe Rogan picks these experts brains


Not central America, but all The Americas that developed in present Southern Mexico


Why did they carve out these huge head's that weigh
20 too 25 tons each?


What Im curious though is why does the same area have civilisations one after another. They probably messed up something real badly, e.g. had wrong value systems that create societal time bombs just waiting to explode


Thoft and Ra was there before them that’s where they got there civilization from.


What would you say if this is t the first planet we took over … will be the last


This is the USA narrative. The Olmecs were important, but even before the Toltecs every ruling culture left significant contributions to what is now Mexico and South America. It seems to be a collective of great ruling cultures. The Maya ruled first and ruled for much longer. To say that the Olmecs were the mother culture and the first great culture and civilization, is a stretch. There are several sculpts of big heads and faces all over Mexico and South America and they all look different. The USA concentrates on these, bc they resemble a group of people who falsely claim to be Indeginous to the Americas. The USA is such a bust with skewing world history, especially with the"real" Indeginous of the Americas. If and when Mexico and South America pick a champ, they will let YOU know who it is. Hancock had me fooled for a while, he is just another hack like the rest, he also skews!


Mayans came first not olmecs and the mayans originated I'm gutemala not mexico


Look I really want to believe that there was an older civilization on Earth. But I have to ask this 1 simple question. Where are the fossils of these older people? 11, 000yrs ago is about when the Mammoth went out and we have plenty of bones and fossils of them.
I'm not sure if Plato was just talking when he talked about Atlantis. Did Plato make it all up or did he really visit it? We may never know and it's fun to think about.


nose havin, breathin all the white man
Clayton Bigsby


The helmets possible used as a form of communication signal to the mind like cellphone & satellites nowadays..


Europeans typically only listen to Europeans.


I thought Olmec means "Old Mexican"... 😁😂


No one ever mentions the Toltec Civilization!!


On Jeopardy:
'George Washington crossed the Potomac in what year?"
Graham Hancock: "What is 11, 600 BC."

"The year the French revolution began."
Graham: "What is 11, 600 BC."

I've never seen a guy so obsessed with a theory. He interprets the entire world in a way to try to make that theory true.
