Joe Rogan: We're just babies who got older..😪

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In this video, Joe Rogan discusses growing up and how it's just a natural process. He shares his thoughts on why we're just babies who got older and shares some of his favorite memories from when he was younger.

If you're looking for a humorous and insightful view on growing up, be sure to watch this video by Joe Rogan! He has a way of capturing the essence of growing up in a simple and relatable way that will make you feel good about taking those first steps into adulthood!
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I said that s*** when I was fifteen that I swear adults just sound like older children the way they try and justify their actions


I feel like there used to be grown ups back in the day. Now everyone is so child like, and sensitive.


I've been saying this for years. We are still kids playing in that sandbox. Only the sandbox and toys got bigger and more sophisticated. We are still the same little kids screaming "mine mine mine" and fighting over who controls what.


This is so true! Many of us spent years thinking about getting older, and believing that we would somehow understand what it's like to be a grownup! Boy we're so disappointed when we realized the truth! This is the very moment that we all realized that are parents may be older, and may have some experience, but they are not much different than we! However I do believe that I have hade some experience that not so many people have had! I was a young man in a family that was very dysfunctional, but this in no way slowed me down in my goal to destroy myself because I thought I was to blame for everything!
I did almost everything I could think about that was self destructive, and I once laid down in the middle of the NJ Garden State Parkway in the middle of winter with no shirt or pants at the age of 14! I just wanted to die! I am in
my 50s today, and I still fight with these same demons! I don't believe I have the courage to fight anymore, and I don't know if I want to simply survive anymore! I have spent my life being numb, so I don't believe that even if given the opportunity, that I would understand and feel the difference! This is me crying my eyes out, and spilling my truth! I hope the world becomes a wonderful place for all!


Its honestly such a mind grown up just older. Some are wiser some arent just wild. I think about this every day.


This happened to me exactly. Was checking out at cub foods and some cashier called me sir. I started laughing lol now that I'm 33 and I see how childish older people can be i realized many people are still children, just old


So true, many people never mature!!!!


My mother was incredibly smart. She drilled it into my brain that I better get REAL good at working and become as smart and cunning as possible because the world is full of geniuses and hard workers
So i hustled got ready for this tough tough world full of hardworking geniuses
Got tough
Turns out, most people are mouth breathing sheep.
So bot only was I ready for the world, i am light years above “average”

If i end up having Children i will instill the same mindset.


We all hit 17 and then our bodies continue to change until we die


This is because most people don't try to become more mature. They don't want to think, criticize their actions and improve.


spot on being called sir always triggers the existential crisis


facts i thought my parents knew everything until i was like 7 when i started noticing them mess up


We dont have to be big babies. When you are a baby, everything revolves around your own comfort and happiness. But an adult lives for other people, like their children, their spouse, their commitments and obligations. And, what's interesting is, there is fulfillment in putting others before one's self. There is meaning in living for others.


I knew I was a grown up when I left the house at 16. I was never in trouble again!


Wish i was a kid again i hate being a grown man having to work at a job i hate with a passion


Inside every adult there's a child wondering wtf happened!


Been saying this for 10 years since I got out of highschool


I realised I was a grown up when I couldn’t remember the very last time my mum or dad picked me up


Yo it's so true i feel almost no different from today then when i was like 13 I'm just a bit more mature and have a better temper thats all nothing else has changed 😂


I’m 24 still sometimes when people call me sir i’m like wow i’m getting old
