Top 3 Things You Should Try If You Have Fibromyalgia (Based on Science)

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"Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present Top 3 Things You Should Try If You Have Fibromyalgia. (Based on Science)

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To everyone suffering from fibromyalgia, aerobic exercises like walking/swimming/cycling as well as meditation, muscle stretching and strengthening..good sleep..healthy diet (Minimal junk, minimal sugar) has helped me massively to keep going through the days..with good energy, good mood..the pain is still there but in very lesser intensity..Live healthy and active..that's the mantra for fibro..I wish healing and happiness to all those suffering through this disease.. Remember Fibro is NOT a progressive disease...and with discipline, some patients have even reported to remission of symptoms.. Yes we can do this!! ❤️


The pain sometimes is almost unbearable.


I’ve had fibromyalgia since I was 25. Not at 58 I still suffer from major pain everywhere. I also suffer from degenerative disk disease, chronic cluster/.migraines. I’ve tried bio-feedback, nerve blocks, massage therapy, drugs, acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and reconstructive therapy via an Osteopathic orthopedic specialist referred to me by The Boston Pain Clinic, and 100s of other conventional as well as non-conventional treatments that you can think of. Nothing has ever helped except for deep tissue massages every 2 weeks that allows me to remain partially mobile. While I completely understand the concept of educating an individual on the process and factors involved since I am a retired Special Education teacher that specialized in abnormal behavior/ deviance disorders, I can state this does nothing at all. I’ve experienced a few short periods of remission, but it never lasts long. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on mattresses, massage tables, tens units, herbs, minerals, pillows, creams and special diets with nothing to really promote as being effective. Fibromyalgia can and does cause other conditions that are damaging to the body. Classified as an auto immune deficiency, I can attest to the easy at which I contract viruses, thyroid problems, system, and chronic digestive issues. All which are symptoms of having fibromyalgia. Really wish you guys would do an updated video. Respect!


A "good brisk walk" feels good and helps feelings of well-being, yes--until 24 to 48 hours later when the horrible pain sets in. ???


I was just recently diagnosed. I’m always here in the comments but now I have my diagnosis and I’m so happy to see you have a video on it! You guys truly are the best’


just a note, I have fibro and i have a heart rate from 90-100 just standing still... the other people I've talked to with chronic pain have similar high heart rates.


I am so grateful for these guys. I have had both R and L total knee replacements in the past year and their advice and exercises augmented my PT and their videos have been instrumental in my recovery. I also have fibromyalgia and your exercises and advice are spot-on. I am an RN working three 12-hour days per week and I’m doing very well. Their humor is also good medicine! Thank you, guys!


People here comment on walking. I have been living and working with FM all my life, Twenty Nine years since A major flare that has altered my life. Yes I deal with all the symptoms of FM. I was lucky. In 1991, I met a PT that worked with FM patent's and worked with me. I could not function, work any thing. It took over six months of working thru pain. Yes made worse by even walking. Now after nearly three decades, I still walk almost every day even if I feel so bad you just want to die. At least you can smell the air, walk around the block. I walked over four miles yesterday. And yes I came home exhausted. Today ? No flare ups from my activety. If you let FM win. Inactivity makes it worse. I tell you. Just get out and walk. Yes it gets worse before you get better. No walking doesn't cure FM. Just makes your life a little better. Naproxen Sodium helps with the pain. Same thing as with walking. Over the counter 230 mg Taken two pills three times a day. If I can I maintain at two a day, Its the only thing that I found that helps. So just get out of bed and walk.It takes effort, working thru the pain. One day you will look back and say wow. Walking has been a big part of my life. I still feel like crap. Some days worse than others, even so bad I cant walk. I do work also. It can be done, I have met other FM that walk also.


I never even managed to get diagnosed. After going from specialist to specialist, and loosing the job that provided health insurance, I gave up on doctors. I just tried to push through the pain and treat myself. This past year I gave up on even that. Now at least I finally look like I feel.

Edit: I'm finally on Medicaid. So, I'm finally seeing doctors again. So far Fibromyalgia is one of the things that is being treated and we are looking into other autoimmune diseases as well. And I did test positive for Lyme disease antibodies. So, I have had it in the past. I think it is very likely that Lyme disease is what initially triggered much of the rest. But at least now I have doctors who are trying to help me. That gives me hope.


My FMS symptoms come and do. I can go long periods of time with little to know symptoms and then wham! I'm knocked out and don't want to get out of bed. And its not linked up Depression. I know what Depression feels like.


Thank you for this video! Love your channel.

Just ordered the workbook. Having FM is tough. The pain and exhaustion is unpredictable. I've done a ton of work and pain education courses but I need more. This workbook hopefully can be helpful in getting intimate with my pain.

The pain is a protection, I agree. For me, it's all related to trauma and my body is on alert. Unfortunately it's a full time job to manage this.


So glad you explained about pain. It is usually a signal that something is wrong or needs attention. But education is important in these matters. I had Guillain-Barre Syndrome and experienced some excruciating, exquisite pain that was constant. I usually have a high tolerance for most types of pain and this seemed almost unbearable. My doctor explained there were some meds available, but did not recommend their use. He explained like you did that I was "hurting but not harmed". That became my mantra for several long months. So glad I did not take meds as I learned it can cause short term memory loss. Love your channel!
I do some of your exercises and recommend you to my clients as I am a licensed massage therapist.


The deep breathing that I use is to inhale for a count of 8, hold 4 seconds, then exhale for 8 seconds. I have educated myself about Fibro for the entire 21 years, since I was first diagnosed. I find it very helpful to learn about the disease. Progressive Muscle Relaxation videos are free on YouTube.


I do not eat fast foods, processed foods.fresh vegis, chicken, salmon, turkey, sweet potatoes.hardly any sugar, good grains.this has helped alot.i walk everyday 3 to 5 miles.i force myself to do pain has decreased at least 50%.i also use doterra natural vitamins, omega oils and cell builders.


I'm lying in bed but can't sleep due to my fibro pain in my legs. After 17 years of this hell, it seems like some medical pros are getting close to understanding this syndrome. I went swimming tonight which turns up my pain level. Thank you for caring about us.


“Try and get your heartbeat up to 95 to 100 beats per minute” 🤣 that’s my resting heartbeat even though I’m taking medicine to slow it down. Part of the reason why I’m here lol. No brisk walking for me.


BUT we have to find WHY our nerves are heightened..mine is the worst in morn .and night.


Not one video tells us really what to do.i suffer from horrible horrible fatigue is devastating.i have been to doctor after doctor.nothing.what do we do.please help us who suffer.


Hey Bob an Brad👋,
I'm so happy I found you guy's. I have learned so much about how to deal with my post car accident trauma an injuries. Primarily neck fracture shoulder an back. You both bring me such delight an joy listening how to improve swollen tight muscles an nerve pain with education an especially doing the technique with seriousness coupled with light hearted humor. I find myself smiling when I'm watching almost like you're just talkin to me in my own personal therapeutic session...I'm a nurse by trade started very young in the 80's at 24 when so called proper body mechanics to lift position an turn heavy patients ultimately has hurt me in my later life. Thanks for all you do it really makes a difference in my life each day😌🦋💕


So interesting. I got fibromyalgia at the same time I was being diagnosed with lupus. I’m seeing the connections between the two now.
