Using SQLite3 Database With Kivy - Python Kivy GUI Tutorial #55

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In this video I'll show you how to start using the SQLite3 Database with your Kivy Apps!
We'll start by learning how to add SQLite3, the built in database that comes with python to your Kivy app.
We'll create a very basic app that lets us add a name to the database, and then show all the database records on the screen.
#kivy #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:53 - Create .kv GUI
4:21 - Import SQLite3 Into Kivy
4:47 - Define Submit and Show_Records Function
5:40 - Create Or Connect To Database
6:50 - Create Database Table If Not Exists
8:54 - Submit Record To Database
10:56 - Add Submission Message
11:38 - Clear The Input Box
12:14 - Show Records From Database
13:30 - Loop Thru Records And Output To Screen
14:36 - Fix Errors
15:35 - Output Text Instead of Tuple
16:01 - Conclusion
We'll start by learning how to add SQLite3, the built in database that comes with python to your Kivy app.
We'll create a very basic app that lets us add a name to the database, and then show all the database records on the screen.
#kivy #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:53 - Create .kv GUI
4:21 - Import SQLite3 Into Kivy
4:47 - Define Submit and Show_Records Function
5:40 - Create Or Connect To Database
6:50 - Create Database Table If Not Exists
8:54 - Submit Record To Database
10:56 - Add Submission Message
11:38 - Clear The Input Box
12:14 - Show Records From Database
13:30 - Loop Thru Records And Output To Screen
14:36 - Fix Errors
15:35 - Output Text Instead of Tuple
16:01 - Conclusion
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