The Narcissists' Code 491- A Narcissists favorite dating app or online dating site. Toxic red flags

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A Narcissists favorite dating app or online dating site. Toxic red flags that you might miss. Slowing down

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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They’re on EVERY app. Christian mingle, eharmony, even the ones that seem innocent.


I met a Psychopath off POF 10 years ago, he found me on social media 9 years later, I deleted the profile. Also met the most disordered Narcissist off Match 3 years ago and got rid off him 11 months ago.
I set up a profile up on Match last month and there were so many men that were still on there since 2021!
They’re shameless and no body wants them.
I deleted the profile of course and will never use a dating app ever again.
Lee, you are too funny 😂
Thanks for keeping it real! 💯


I was dying when he said “i thought the Christian were good people but i met a cheek clapping pastor 😭😭😭”


I dated 3 men I met on tinder and pof. One was a psychopath, one assaulted me and the other one had a criminal record for domestic violence against several woman. Proceed with caution folks. It's a dangerous playground


Narcissist are on dating apps even when they are married or have a partner 😫


I met my Narc ex thru a dating app, I got discarded at my lowest part of my life, she wasn't the person I thought they were. After that I did some research on narcissism. Things that she did to me I cant forgive her for it, she took advantage of me. I was there for her, when she needed love & support like any Boyfriend would do....nope she didn't care about my needs always guilt tripping me it was all about her and her status, that mask of hers finally fell right off. She left when i lost my job & one of my family members passed away who i was very close to, I was devastated. It took me years to get over her. but I've notice the pattern of Narcissism after seeing your Tik Tok just wanted to say Thank you for educating us looking forward on your next content!


It doesn't matter if they're gay or straight. A lot of them find their way onto Grindr.

Also one time I told this one guy on an app I liked Britney Spears and he was like omg I do too. I was skeptical. So I asked him " do you like her song fighter". He said " omg I love that one" and I said funny how that's a Christina Aguilera song. And I unmatched. He was agreeing with literally everything I said. Major red flag


My ex was on Tinder, had 3 instagram accounts, 3 FB, whatsapp, snapchat and 4 different email accounts. And that google document that you can hide messages in like a photo and send via email to another person and they have to have a password to open the secret message. He had the nerve to say he never cheated on me. Really 🤬. He was a ordained minister


Hinge, is another one. Met a horrible narcissist from that site 🤦🏽‍♀️


I said Bumble before watching . I have been saying these for years that Bumble attracts certain type of men and women have to be careful.


My ex narc is now emailing since he is blocked. His game now is saying sorry, Happy Birthday, I am sick. Meaning he is sick. He is always with a new sickness or anything to stay home more than most from work. This man had made no effort after two years and then started crazy violent tantrums when I asked him questions he didn't like. You can't ask them questions on decisions others make as a couple who respect each other. Narcs don't like that they want to do.what they want and yet you don't have the same options in their mind. So glad to be free of him and his mess and drama.


Lee Dating Apps are a nightmare. The dating world is a nightmare period. I have met so many crazy people out there. I wish we had more dating events where you actually meet people in person, instead of online. A lot of people die by just using dating apps anymore. Watch Sex, Lies and Murder, Deadly online dates is another good show too.


Lee, I think I finally am completely over the narcissist. It took a very long year since the discard but I no longer care about them and it no longer hurts. Thank you for all of your honesty.


Exactly! Self love does not mean selfish.


I was shook!! You literally put into words what I'd suspected that changed my dating Before I found this video, I had conscientiously deleted my dating apps and began meeting people organiccally only because more times than not these gentleman are relational pariahs, attraction-interest junkies, kink seeking, and they are available swipes or matches for years without an end-goal. Perverting what dating apps are designed for. It totally just solidifies my resolve! Thank you!!!


Boundaries boundaries boundaries boundaries ❣️


I never make the first move and I avoid anyone who mirrors and/or has a blank profile. Instant unmatch


I met my ex narc on Christian mingle, he turned out to be pure evil, child abuser, thief, gambler, had 2 children, he abandoned them. Far from being a Christian that he claimed to be.


I used to know a married narcissist and mind you, I’m single. On this particular dating app, I went by my middle name. He comes to me and says “oh, you go by Mercedes now?” Looking back I’m like why was he on a dating app if he’s married??? 🤔🤔🤔 Thank God, that loser is out of my life!!!🥳🥳🥳


Yep Bumble is where I found the only Narc I ever was mind F**ked by. And actually I wasn’t even initially attracted to him. I couldn’t even tell you why I swiped on him. Even after the first two dates I didn’t think I was gonna get into him. It was the deadly kiss that flipped it. I’m still wondering WTF happened to me.
