The Most Remarkable Bow We've Tested

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We tested nine flagship bows head to head and the PSE Mach 30 DS won by a landslide.

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Thank you for dumbing it down and giving us good instruction without the extra foolishness. Keep it coming! You are appreciated.


Pretty impressive, considering PSE was bought by the Outdoor Group last year and some people expressed their concerns on whether PSE bow quality would diminish. I'm not going to rush out and buy the Mach 30 to replace my Levitate, but even in a subjective test like this where three people shooting the bow had similar tight groups suggests the design is pretty solid. Now the question is--can PSE sustain this, and improve on it to produce tge "Bow of the Year" next year.
Not everyone has to agree. If you bought a Lift or an RX-8 this year and are satisfied with it, that's YOUR top bow for 2024, and that's what matters. Master you bow, and you'll get great results. Good hunting to anyone who has read this far.


Reword that phrase.
Change it to.

Revolutionary, in Bows shorter than 33" or more.
Previously, what we traded away, in a lightweight, smaller package bow, was some stability and accuracy.

As you said, the larger Target Bows, at 40 inches and more, with 7 and 8 inch brace heights, and more, brought in increased stability and increased accuracy.

So traditionally, the 34 or 35 inch bow is the compromise between the Target accuracy 40inch bow, and the Lightweight, small package 30 inch hunting bow.

But what your testing with this bow shows, is that the company has gone back to the drawing board, diagnosed those weaknesses on the shorter bow, identified areas where they can remove instability, or, areas where they can increase stability, and compensate.

And the final package, is a new design, that is able to do, at 30 inches in lightweight carbon fiber, compete with longer Bows, and perhaps outperform them.
In accuracy at range.

And just like with a backpacking rifle, there is demand for an accurate package, that is lightweight and maneuverable.

But yeah.

Change the phrase. Don't say "it should not be able to do this".
Say something like "revolutionary in compact, lightweight hunting Bows. 30 inch carbon fiber, outperforming 34 and 3t inch Bows"



Calling a $2, 000 bow remarkable is a bit ridiculous imo. For that price the damn bow better be amazing.


$1, 800 real pricey us poor hunters can't afford that!


I hope they update the Mach 34 with the same features.


Glad to see its getting the glory is deserves..I freaking love mine!


As a shop owner, it must be great to get to shoot test all the newest bows. But I'll bet it's challenging to figure out how to convince potential customers as to why this year's model is so much better than last years.


I shot the Mach 30 and Decree. I didn’t want to pay the high price so I got the Decree and love it. It is a 31.5” bow and I think it has a smoother draw cycle. It has the same cam system as the Mach 30 too. Love it.


It's chill they keep coming out with new stuff every year. I'll stick with my 2014 Bear Attitude though. I used it in an in house tournament at a local range this past weekend (1st tourney ever) and shot 305 out of 360. Only the to 3 got placed and at least 1st/2nd were 328 so i don't feel that bad about my score.

I was also using cheap Vital Impact arrows from Sportsman's.


my fifteen year old carbon High Country Triple S with perf-x cam comes in at 3.6 lbs all set up. that sight on the PSE probably cost more than my whole hunting rig.


The thing is, every bow that PJ stands in front of a camera with, is awesome. In My opinion he is not a credible source in terms of reviews. Not one time have I ever heard him utter the phrase, ' what I don't like about this bow. '


My god people put your big boy paints on. If you like your Mathews keep it he didn't say they suck just maybe PSE knows how to build a bow too.


I got a use PSE last year as my first bow and it has been excellent and given me no reason to look elseshere


Wishing there were more criteria used for this year's bow review like what was used in previous years bow of the year reviews. Used to get real scientific and even used sophisticated equipment to measure such things as shock.


When I think of a “light bow” it doesn’t weigh 6 lbs. it’s a recurve, a thing of beauty, and can be carried miles and miles and not get heavy.


This bow will give deer a nervous twitch.


The best cam system in the industry, and pse has the only carbon riser made in the USA!


In my lifetime of 60 years we have went from 100 for a top bow to now 1800 for a stripped down bow. Sad.


Very interesting with regards to dynamic brace height and even brace height in general. I don't know exactly what my Hoyt Defiant 30 does, but it is a pretty good bow. But sometimes I feel that my short leverbow, Monsterbows Phoenix, actually can feel more stable than the Hoyt at full draw - probably because it has a pretty big brace height plus the dynamic brace height is probably a bit longer at full draw, because of the flex in the limbs. I look forwarf to my comming new leverbow, Monsterbows Dragon / Honey Creek Archery Swarm. It is pretty much the same as my Monsterbows Phoenix, short leverbow - just a longer version.
