Learn Modern JavaScript Fundamentals in 7 Hours! FREE COURSE

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JavaScript is the language of the web. If you want to code for the web, you need to know JavaScript inside and out. From humble beginnings, JavaScript has grown to a powerful and complex language with features such as classes, promises, arrow functions, generators, string templates, and many others.

In this course, you'll learn all of the essential concepts of the JavaScript language. That's right: all of them! Including the most important recent improvements to the language.

You'll start with the very fundamentals of the language: variables and datatypes. Then in each lesson you'll build knowledge, from data structures like arrays and maps to loops, control structures, and functions. Along with the basics of the language, you'll also learn some key built-in APIs for manipulating data, AJAX, and working with the web browser DOM. Finally, you'll get a look at some of the most powerful and widely-used web APIs that are supported by all modern browsers.

# 1. Introduction
00:00:00 1.1 Introduction
00:00:10 1.2 Setup

# 2. Language Fundamentals
00:07:46 2.1 Variables
00:14:07 2.2 Data Types
00:25:21 2.3 Arithmetic, Assignment, and Comparison Operators
00:34:56 2.4 Unary, Logical, Comma, and Spread Operators
00:42:57 2.5 Exponentiation and Logical Assignment Operators
00:47:32 2.6 Operator Precedence
00:51:05 2.7 Reserved Words
00:53:50 2.8 Numeric separators
00:55:45 2.9 Strict Mode
00:59:28 2.10 Nullish Coalescing & Optional Chaining
01:03:11 2.11 Functions

# 3. Data Structures
01:13:52 3.1 Arrays
01:18:18 3.2 Objects
01:22:46 3.3 Sets
01:27:38 3.4 Maps
01:31:57 3.5 Weak Maps and Weak Sets

# 4. Controlling Program Execution
01:36:22 4.1 Conditionals
01:43:50 4.2 Try Catch
01:46:46 4.3 Switch Statements
01:51:16 4.4 The For Loop
01:57:03 4.5 The `for .. in` Loop
02:01:56 4.6 The `for .. of` Loop
02:05:35 4.7 Iterators
02:10:31 4.8 While Loops

# 5. Using JavaScript
02:14:03 5.1 Working With Strings
02:23:26 5.2 Working With Strings: Padding, Trimming, and Replacing
02:27:34 5.3 Template Literals
02:33:02 5.4 Working With Numbers
02:39:31 5.5 Working With BigInts
02:44:08 5.6 Working With Arrays
02:55:10 5.7 Iterating and Transforming Arrays
03:02:34 5.8 Searching and Flattening Arrays
03:05:47 5.9 Working With the Object Type
03:18:57 5.10 Object Literal Extensions
03:25:41 5.11 Working With Object Instances
03:32:19 5.12 Object Methods for Keys and Properties
03:36:35 5.13 Getters and Setters
03:40:57 5.14 Custom Objects
03:52:11 5.15 The `Math` API
03:57:02 5.16 Working With Dates and Times
04:04:50 5.17 The `Array` Constructor

# 6. Functions
04:09:45 6.1 The `this` Object
04:15:00 6.2 Working With Functions
04:24:30 6.3 Scope
04:31:46 6.4 The globalThis Property
04:34:08 6.5 Arrow Functions
04:41:02 6.6 Generator Functions
04:48:33 6.7 Closures
04:53:30 6.8 Prototypes
04:59:53 6.9 Spread Syntax
05:02:19 6.10 Default and Rest Parameters

# 7. Miscellaneous
05:07:21 7.1 Destructuring Assignments
05:15:28 7.2 AJAX
05:20:50 7.3 Regular Expressions
05:31:31 7.4 More About Regular Expressions
05:40:01 7.5 Even More Regular Expressions
05:42:54 7.6 Classes
05:49:29 7.7 Timeouts and Intervals
05:53:34 7.8 ES Modules

# 8. Working With the DOM
06:01:54 8.1 Selecting HTML Elements
06:06:51 8.2 Manipulating HTML Elements
06:14:19 8.3 DOM Traversal
06:19:36 8.4 Adding and Removing Elements
06:24:18 8.5 Creating Elements and Other Nodes
06:28:54 8.6 DOM Events

# 9. Web APIs
06:38:37 9.1 The Selector API
06:41:10 9.2 Geolocation
06:46:24 9.3 Web Storage
06:51:31 9.4 Web Workers

# 10. Asynchronous JavaScript
06:55:03 10.1 Promises
07:04:52 10.2 Promise Chaining
07:10:07 10.3 Promise Methods: All and Any
07:14:01 10.4 The `async` Keyword
07:17:19 10.5 The `await` Keyword
07:21:16 10.6 More About `async` and `await`
07:25:05 10.7 Asynchronous Iteration
07:28:49 10.8 Dynamic Imports

# 11. Conclusion
07:30:58 11.1 Conclusion

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Tuts+ is the best tutorial production house which I've learnt mostly from, and still learning from! 😇 Much appreciated.


One of the best platform to learn. Exceptional integrated course. Thanks alot for your diligence.


That's great course, very well structured! Thank you for opportunity to learn hard things so easy


The verry documented and organized course I've ever listen to! Thanks


Can't wait to learn this then move to React


Amazing Man! All in one. Want this type of more courses from you.


Top tier tutorial series. Thanks for the education!!


Hello. I like your lessons. I wish you success and prosperity.


One question : We heard about modern js, does it match the norm? like for example today we use all concepts but in modern like instead of ajax we use fetch. So, seeing this will not take us from the modern JS norm na, it will all be valid today also na?


Watching the section on promises and the volume keeps going really low and loud again.


U deserve more subs likes and love guys just keep it up and always bring tutorials and courses for us guys


Thank you bro, this is the best-briefed explanation of JS


If i finish this course, should i proceed to dom manipulation already?


i love u lessons, clear and knowladge for beginner like me.


hello, do you have a course for create react app?


I have some questions. How updated is this course to the current state of JavaScript? Thanks in advance.


Hi, you forgot to explain the spread operator.


I wish you uploaded this before, but thnx nonetheless


excellent video, great content thank you


I was waiting for this man

please answer some of my questions:-

-is it beginner friendly?
-also beginner to advance?
-also is it enough to get started with freelancing or internships?

