16 Things to do in Salem, Oregon

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Salem, Oregon is the capitol of the state and a great city to explore for a few days. The city is home to lots of history, museums, parks and restaurants. I visited a few months ago and I loved getting to know this fun place. You can see all of my favorite spots in Salem, Oregon in this video and let me know what I left off in the comments.

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Antique Powerland just north of Salem @ the Brooks exit is a great place to see old tractors, trucks, logging stuff and a steam powered sawmill. Weekends from Memorial Day thru Labor Day many of the 14 separate museums are open, you might even be able to get a ride on an antique trolley or a miniature railroad.


WOW, what a great video! I'll start at the end...pies and donut holes, yum! And coffee thrown in. So many great places for architectural and landscape photos. Good job capturing it, felt like I was there in a few places (minus the rain). Got to put these places on my go-to list.


Lived in Salem for 3 yrs, worked at Willamette University. Been to Silver Falls so breath taking place to visit.


I live here and am embarrassed by how few of these things I’ve done, definitely going to do some of those hikes as the weather warms up!
But im saving this video for next time a relative visits otherwise the main salem locations i know are dive bars and dispensaries (which I’m surprised you didn’t mention alongside all the bars/wineries).
Kinda neat to see my city through a stranger’s eye! You should check out Olympia WA- seems like the type of town you’d like, based on ur videos :)


I just want to say thanks for another wonderful trip. Really satisfying and enjoyable!


i was born here in salem and this was super cool for you to look at the things that raised me!!!


So glad you enjoyed your visit!! We love living in Salem.


Love seeing oregon getting some attention. All parts of oregon are gorgeous the coast and the gorge are my favorite


Thank you so much born and raised in salem and I feel you Did a great representation of my town you definitely Earned a new sub and I will also check out your other videos thanks again


How did the Enchanted Forest not make it on your list? It's just a few miles south of Salem, visible from the I-5 freeway and is an amazing landscaped theme park that has been visited by generations since the 1960s. Hand painted artworks that include many familiar nursery rhyme characters and delivered in their own individually unique motifs along with entire sections of the park devoted to everything western frontier life to fairy tale-like settings. Other then the one located in Canada, I've never found anything like Enchanted Forest in my travels.


Thank for sharing your trip in and around Salem. Enjoyed seeing each recommendation. Seeing all the flights of beer got me especially thirsty


I live there. Since I’ve lived here for so long I don’t see much special about it, but yeah there are lots of things to do. Enchanted forest is one of them, used to go there all the time as a kid and remember spending my 12th birthday there. Haven’t been in a long time, but I remember that being really fun for kids, especially this one Bob sled roller coaster


I have never been there. You certainly highlighted some reasons to visit... very informative and interesting 👏👏


I would say bush park is also a good place to visit I went on a school field trip when I was 7 and it’s such a cool place to visit


As a local for quite sometime now I’ve done everything on your list and more. You forgot Bush house in Bush pasture park, The Elsinore Theatre, and the Hallie Ford museum. Also try the Willamette valley cheese company; they do samples there of their cheeses. Also I like Xicha Brewing Co for beer flights and margaritas.


Fun fact: The Eco globe is an acid leach ball left over from industrial processes that were done down by the river. My understanding is there wasn’t any good way to dispose of it so they painted it and put a fence around it.


I don't know why but the state capital reminds me of Griffith Park Observatory from the outside, but the inside reminds of a Frank Lloyd Wright building. Thank you. Always love seeing your family. The Twins are getting big.


Konditerei! Best cake anywhere! Also, Annie’s for breakfast. Oregon Garden, Enchanted Forest, many other wonderful parks in Salem, as well. Willamette University campus and Hallie Ford museum of art has some fairly important exhibits. Don’t forget Saturday Market downtown about 6 or 7 months of the year. Salem Cinema for artsy and indie movies (no young kids, though). The Yard food park on State street, has a great common area you can eat the food you buy from the vendors. Northern Lights Theatre pub reopened, where they have second run inexpensive movies and food. Family friendly. Did you say Minto Brown park? I forgot, sorry! Also, IKE Box cafe/coffee place. Schreiner Iris gardens, and Wooden Shoe Tulip farms, not too far up the road. Salem Audubon nature reserve, too.


Dude! I live just a bit east of salem and never knew about some of these places. As usual, I loved the video and will go look closers at my neighboring town. Thanks for the ride. O, very very sweet babies.


Hey Josh, i loved your video on Salem but am surprised you haven't mentioned ENCHANTED FOREST, it's a very well-known theme park and it's perfect for children. If you ever go back definitely take your kids there as it would be perfect for them