Super simple Power Automate flow to get more than 5000 items from a SharePoint list into PowerApps

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This is a super easy method to get more than 5000 items from a SharePoint list for use in Microsoft Flow. You can return the results to Power Apps, the HTTP connector or perform actions within the flow itself.

Full details on my blog here:

#PowerApps #PowerAutomate #SharePoint #Office365
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Amazing solution. You have just solved so many of my issues, at a stroke. Thank you.


Gorgeous tutorial. I tried to use the solution to delete list items, but in order to do so I need to iterate thru all items means at each thread from lowID to highID, but a regular index variable can't be used as it would require an individual index per thread. As I am "just" a Citizen Developer I didn't figured out how to achieve this.


Amazing solution. Undoubtedly a simplified solution to your previous method, which still worked wonders for me. Thank you


how to get information of column with type Person or Group on sharepoint list???? please help me... I tried to get information of column "Requester", I to get it? @paulie M


Unheard of speed using Power Automate! This is so awesome. Any issues with throttling by Microsoft?


how to get 10K items into excel from sharepoint list


how to get more than 5000 items from excel with powerautomate


OMG This video helped me so much! I did change a couple of things though. I made the lowestID, highighestID, list name and fields inputs from PowerApps so that I could use it in different apps for multiple lists. Also, now that the lowestID and highestID are determined using a delegable filter in the App, it doesn't need to retrieve any unnecessary records. Thank you so much!!


Hi Paulie, hopefully you are still tracking questions in this thread. I tried to add a 'people' type field in my "fields" section. The flow fails during the SharePoint query step. Any tips on the proper syntax (or if it would be at all possible) to add a people field to the flow? Thanks you!


Hi Paul, I have applied your method to get more than 5000 items from a spreadsheet and your method to Send a HTTP request to update sharepoint. However I am getting the error message "Number of read requests for identity exceeded the limit of '900' over time window of '00:01:00'. The sharepoint list gets updated but it is missing some items, which I then need to reconcile back. Any ideas of how to overcome the error?


Can we get rid of the Response final action? It is Premium and unfortunately I cannot use it, I'll appreciate a response


Hi, thank you for sharing. I followed your guide but i got an error says my field is not valid, my filed is a lookup column in sharepoint, other fields is fine. So do you have any suggest to get value from lookup fields?


Hi Paul. Thanks for this great video. this has inspired me to create a flow similar to yours but with a twist: the flow can dynamically generate the optimum threads based on the number of items to download. So no more manually adjusting the flow to add the threads and related expressions all over the flow. Just feed it the site url and list name (as long as the connection has access to the list) and the flow will spin-up the apprioprate threads (max.of 50!) and page size to download it!

So the flow can (in theory) download upto 250k items.


Hello this is a game changer solution. It works great. I ran into a weird problem and maybe you can help. All works fine until I load the data into the collection, for some reason it loads the column names from your schema. When I download the data from the response action, it has my data schema. For some reason PowerApps still loads yours with the only column we have in common is ID. It is like somehow the response action cached your schema? I tried deleting from the flow and re-adding but it still does that weird. Thank you


How to update records back to SharePoint from the collection.


Nice! How use delegation with Photo? a gallery of item with 1 or 2, 3 photos per Item? 2 flows and how get the collection Photos?


Just found this video, love this solution. My question is how would I use the output data in the flow. My list I am querying is a reference list that feeds other lists in different solutions. So after I get the data I want to use the data to evaluate if the source data for the other solutions needs to be updated. Thanks.


Hi Paul, i get the below error on the "Response" item...

Any ideas and thanks in advance.


Hi Paulie, It is all working for me, however I don't have access to the Response action as it is a Premium connector. Is there any other way to send a very large array from Power Automate back to Powerapps? By way of background to the problem I am trying to solve as you may have a better idea. I have a list in sharepoint which lists inventory items. There are more than 5000 inventory items. A 'DRI' (Directory Responsible Individual) is assigned, via a People sharepoint column, to look after each inventory item. An individual may look after more than one inventory item. In Powerapps I have create a drop down to show the DisplayName of the DRI. On selecting the DRI a gallery would be updated to show only the inventory items the selected DRI is responsible for. First, I tried using a Distinct in Powerapps but in only works on the first 2000 items in the sharepoint list. So I thought I could use the Flow you described here to send a array back to Powerpps. Within the Flow I have used Union it create a Distinct list of DRIs. I tried using 'Send an HTTP' to create the consolidated list, however that returned the DRI 'ID' and not their display name. Therefore then used Get Items, which brought back the DisplayName, and went through the same process. However I am now stuck, as I do not have access to the action Response. I can pass the result back to Powerapps all in one text sting, which would then need to be Parsed in Powerapps, which I do not think is possible. Appreciate any thoughts.


Very nice, but the html of the linked blog page has collapsed.
