Photoshop Generative Fill - This will blow your mind

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In this video want to to show you the generative fill in the current Beta version of photoshop (May 2023). It uses A.I to replace anything or generate content. It matches lighting, perspective and content in a game changing way. It will allow anyone to produce professional level edits in a matter of seconds. It truly blew my mind using it (you might hear me say that a few times in the video).

Please enjoy this video (and enjoy your photography).



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Wishful thinking


Please send me any questions in the comments.
Vero: @doakdenphotography
Instagram: @doakdenphotography


In this video Darrell discusses the May 2023 beta version of photoshop that includes generative fill.

#generativefill #editingphotos #photoshop
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Enjoyed the video. I’ve been watching a lot of these just to see what people are trying with this tool to get ideas.


Hi Darrell. That is amazing! It will be next to impossible to identify whether a photo has been manipulated or not. Could be very controversial. Thanks Jon and Sandra


It's a wow moment and its going to save so much time for us keen photographers


its so insane, a 2 hour edit took me just 5 minutes now


I much prefer to go out into nature and take photographs, blemishes and all.


I think AI distroys art if used just randomly. In the meantime, you can repair parts of the photos with distractions. An artist must use it very carefully.


You can speed up the removal by just using the Remove Tool ! No selection needed. Just paint over an object and poof - - - It's gone


Hi Darrell a very controversial topic. I'm afraid that I am very much in the camp of "yet another nail in the coffin of photography". AI enhancement, sky replacement, severe software manipulation, in my humble opinion this is when you stop being a photographer and perhaps become an artistic image manipulator. Show me a good unedited raw file photograph straight out of camera and I will be the first to commend you on your achievement. However show me a photograph after you have heavily manipulated it in photoshop and replaced the sky and introduced false light contrast and colour and I will shake my head and hang it in shame. One has to appreciate and truly admire the great photographers of yesterday-year who managed to produce outstanding images without software enhancement, auto-focus, eye and face detect, focus tracking etc etc. How on earth did they do it? Perhaps they mastered their craft and learnt the necessary skills in order to produce great images without relying on the camera and processors etc doing all the work for them. Let us all return to being photographers and not button pushers. Sorry for the negativity, just my opinion. Oh and by the way, love the channel.
