Your Beginner’s Guide to Learning Apologetics

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Are you passionate about getting into apologetics? I get frequently asked about advice on how one should best get equipped for answering difficult questions about Christianity. In this video, I’ll share about some of the best practices and resources that have helped me grow in Christian apologetics. I’m aware that there are many more good channels out there than the ones I highlight. The ones I mention are simply the ones that have helped me the most. Under the list of apologetics channels, I’ll add some great channels I didn’t mention in the video. Do check them out as well!

0:00 Intro
0:22 Theology First!
2:00 Real-Life Practice
3:08 Studying Apologetics
4:47 The Game Plan
6:50 Final Advice

Channels for Biblical and Theological Formation:

Theology Books:
Gordon McConville, Exploring the Old Testament Series (several small and very readable volumes, highly recommended!)

David Wenham and Steve Walton, Exploring the New Testament series (also several small and very readable volumes, highly recommended!)

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Alister E. McGrath, Christian Theology: An Introduction

Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart: How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (this is probably the most wide-read book on hermeneutics)

Apologetics Channels:

Introductory books on apologetics:
Who Made God? And Answers to over 100 Tough Questions on Faith by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler
That’s Just Your Interpretation by Paul Copan
True for you but not for me by Paul Copan
Letters from a Skeptic by Gregory and Edward Boyd
God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John Lennox
There is a God by Anthony Flew
The Atheist who didn’t Exist by Andy Bannister
Tactics by Gregory Koukl
Relativism by Gregory Koukl
The Reason for God by Timothy Keller
Why Does God Allow Evil? by Clay Jones
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona
The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel
Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God by Paul Copan
On Guard by William Lane Craig

Channels by Atheists:
@CosmicSkeptic by Alex O'Connor
@GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic by Drew McCoy
@rationalityrules by Stephen Woodford
@ApostateProphet by Ridvan
@godlessengineer by John
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Avoiding arguments on social media is golden advice. A mentor once told me: "Online arguments are not a good training ground for someone who does not have experience. Stay away from them completely until you have studied deeply, and even then, don’t just dive into every argument headlong. This is the hardest piece of advice for most young people to accept, but it is one of the most important. I know how it feels to want to save the world, to stand up to the intellectual bully on twitter or youtube or some chat board. but if that is all you do, you will fritter away years in the intellectual shallow end; you'll be at best a playground hero, and sometimes, you'll get your nose bloodied and look like a fool. take the long view instead. begin training now for the serious battles, and when they come, in the mercy of God, you will be ready for them."

Oh and thanks for the mention in the description btw


Great advices given there, Lukas! Also very well made video, love the B-roll story. And you included my channel on the list with THOSE guys??! Wow! I'll take that!


Aww I got a shout-out, thanks brother 😊 First time I'm seeing your channel and really love what you're doing. Great style!


Thanks so much for including us in the list! God has done such a unique and uniquely cool thing with your work. You're so right for this platform, and you have a gift for breaking down tough ideas for others.


This is a fantastic list, I feel a little ignorant because I’ve been a Christian for 21 years, but I just discovered apologetics about 3 years ago.

I’ve learned so much in the past few years about my faith just by listening to Christian debates, pastors like Mike Winger, IP, and what do you meme, and I feel really blessed by the available information that’s out there.

I don’t know if I’d ever want to “debate” another person (I’m a little slow on my ability to response), but it’s definitely a subject I love and enjoy.




First comment! And i really want to learn theology! Perfect timing! 😄😳


Love your videos. This is very well made! Online apologetics is indeed scary, easy to be hateful online. People seem to be nicer irl.


Hey, if you don't like reading, don't forget, audiobooks are a thing!


Binging your channel and taking notes and reviewing them and contemplating is the best way I have grown you are the best !!!
Iam not even a devout Christian but defending faith in god is so much easier after watching your content !!!!


This was very helpful and well edited! Thanks


Hi Brother!
I am from India. This morning I was searching for this video but didn't find it but suddenly I found it now. I have subscribed to your YouTube channel as well. Thanks a lot.


I love apologetics or studying Theology “not to argue” because for me I feel like it beings me closer in relationship to God Almighty in knowing God. I also like to know what to say to others who are Christians who have questions so that I can provide for them answers so they may grow stronger in the faith and not be deceived as well as answer questions from non Christians in hopes that they see the true God of the Bible and turn to Christ and be saved for eternal glory! When I read in the gospels you see how Jesus responds to questions, which is asking questions about their questions. This opens them up to their own assumptions and thinking on the subject. God bless y’all and I pray that you keep seeking after the Lord God Almighty and all that He has done for us! +++


That was a great video and super helpful for people who want to make a plan on studying apologetics and theology! It can be overwhelming because there are so many topics to study, but making a plan can put things in order.


Yes! Please talk to us non-Christians in real life with an open mind.

You might learn a thing or two. And we might also!


Most Recommended Channels for Apologetics:

1. Inspiring philosophy
2. Mike Winger
3. Testify
4. Cold Case Christianity - J Warner Wallace
5. Jonathan Mc Latchie
6. Lydia Mc Grew
7. Mike licona
8. Capturing Christianity
9. Unbelievable
10. Askdrbrown
11. Deflate
12. SJ Thomson
13. Whatdoyoumeme?
14. ReasonableFaithOrg
15. drcraigvidoes
16. Acts17Apologetics
17. Sam Shamoun
18. Anthony Roggers
19. Dr. Sean Mc Dowell
20. The Beat by Allan Parr
21. One minute Apologetics
22. Crossexamined
23. Gotquestions
24. Alisha Childers
25. Mellissa Dougherty
26. Trinity Radio
27. Alpha & Omega ministries
28. Apologia studios
29. Dividing line highlights
30. Trinity Apologetics
31. Dallas theological seminary
32. Reasoned Answers
33. Gary Habermas
34. Apologetics315
35. John Ankerberg show
36. The counsel of trent
37. Pastor Kyle bailey
38. Adherent Apologetics
39. OneforIsrael
40. Christian prince
41. Rob Christian
42. Hatun Tash
43. CIRA International
44. Islam Critiqued.
45. Trinity Apologetics
46. Daniel Apologetics
47. Stand for reason
48. Bible answer Man
49. Answers in Genesis
50. Sentinel Apologetics
51. Steven Bancarz
52. Red Pen Logic
53. Ruslan KD
54. Gospel in Life
55. Wise Disciple
56. Micheal Heiser


Great video - as always, Lucas. They're all great apologists.
CS Lewis continues to be a sea of powerful teaching for me; and he wasn't even a trained theologian, but a literary historian. But - Lord, could Lewis think. Great sense of humour too.
Kind regards Kim


Step one: Abandon all honesty integrity.
Step two: Feign honesty and integrity.
Step three: Commence with the lies and hypocrisy.


You chose the best clip of the best Unbelievable video. Ofc


Great point about learning theology! I can only second that. To me it seems as if the deeper you get into philosophy the more it comes across as if the theological points are getting forgotten.
