Planning Your Island in 5 Simple Steps | Animal Crossing New Horizons

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Hello beautiful humans, today I’m taking you through my process for planning an island! This is just MY process, not THE process, and I hope that it can give you some ideas or just a place to start when planning your own island!



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Do you go into a new island with a plan or do you like to wing it?


I had such a "duh" moment when you recommended laying out all your designs. That makes so much sense! I just finished my island, which means I have a desperate need to flatten and start over. LOL These are great tips.


This is PERFECT timing. I just finished my island for the first time last night and I'm really scared of losing motivation in a restart. But this was so so helpful!


Ok idk why I never thought to actually lay my designs down to see if they’re all cohesive! Love that! I’m thinking of doing an autumnal island next as well! Excited to see what you do :)


I love the step by step planning!! I've always been a wing it person, but I'm planning my new island out a lot before I start decorating 💛


I am at this very stage. I'm choosing not to flatten this time because I find that when I do I rarely build up again as the joy of running without inclines or bridges is wonderful.
I haven't settled on what look I'm going for this time, but working on an entrance is going to be my first step.


I am so glad i found this video! i was getting overwhelmed flattening out my island. ironic that i chose this video to play in the background while i am doing it :) Thank you for the great content!!


When terraforming, you should always start by removing every second line of cliff. If there's 2 on the end, start from the side and do every second line from there. Never EVER do each line one at a time. It wastes so much time and watching you, even as an example, infuriates me lol

Another pro tip: instead of turning and carefully positioning yourself before hitting the cliff, turn in a little circle. It will line you up with the next spot you want to remove. You can also press B to make tighter/faster turns. Use at your own discretion.


luckily for me i planned my island around the basic structure it already had, so i didnt have to completely flatten it. however im certain removing all the ground to make it mostly water is still tedious as heck;; tho im hoping itll make creating a rock garden slightly easier;;


having snacks and drinks and a movie on in the background is what I start with if I know I'm going to be playing for awhile. Glad to know that I am not the only one.


I'm flattening my island for the first time soon and I'm so excited! This is really helpful, especially the idea of laying out all of the designs to make sure they flow together


The laying designs down idea is genius!! I just deleted about 10 slots I ended up not using and I wish I had done that sooner 😭


So when you put down all of your custom designs together it's like your making a mood board on your actual island. Great tip! Thank you.


Laying out the designs and mixing them with objects before starting to decorate is so damn helpful
I wish I knew these tips a year ago 💀


This video was very helpful and inspiring! With the game celebrating its third anniversary, I recently started a new 🏝, Peachwood! The name was inspired by the native peach trees. Still very early on, don't even have Resident Services yet, and I'm not time traveling. But I aim to learn from the failures of my previous islands, which were all dumpster fires, and make Peachwood something truly special. I think the entryway might be the last thing I do. Since I plan to do my terraforming from the top down, I made the conscious decision to cluster as many homes as possible near the entry. That way I only have to move them once, saving time and bells!


Your ability to explain and organize are showing themselves brilliantly here! What a lovely door opener for creativity you've shown! Love this!


Yess, thanks for this video
I have been under the stress of not knowing how to decorate my island for 5 months and the truth is that I appreciate this video, I will apply your advice and I hope this time if I can decorate the island decently.
Thank you thank you <3
PD: I'm from Spain so I'm still working on my English, I hope I didn't have any mistakes writing this haha.


I flattened my first island completely, then got too overwhelmed with how I was going to continue. I just reset for the first time (I’ll find you again chevre 😢 I promise) and really gonna try to do things in a more cohesive manner this time around, now that I know what mistakes I made the first time. All buildings are on the beach and I picked a layout that looked good to build off of. Will not be flattening this time around, but I’ll be using the layout I have and adjusting as I see fit. AND definitely starting with building the entrance first. I think that will really set the tone and inspire me to continue creatively


i just got an OLED to replace my switch lite and i’m super excited to start a new island! My old one is a mess and not aesthetically pleasing how i would like it, but i’m hoping my new one will be better planned


These are all such great tips!! I am about to start my 3rd island, too, and I find all of these things really help. I've also finally learned to allow myself some room to change my plans/ideas on the fly because sometimes, once you really get going, ideas change. Personally, if I am not loving it, I just sort of stop playing. oop!
