Historical Mysteries That Keep Me Up At Night

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This video has been a side project of mine for a bit. Decided to post in the meantime while more Fallout and Elder Scrolls content is in the oven.

0:35 - Carthaginian Gorillas

6:20 - Did Columbus Know?

20:52 - Lost Amazonian Cities

26:40 - The Strange Toxicology of Egyptian Mummies

34:05 - Fate of Mansa Musa's Predecessor

Background Music: Footballhead - Flamingosis

Background Map Footage - Europa Universalis 4, with Imperium, Graphical Map Improvemenys and Theatrum Orbis mods.
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As a complete history nerd, I fully endorse this video and any sequels it may spawn


Hell yeah, pre-fallout alt history lore


You know the gaming world is down bad when epicnate is making real history videos


Some additional things about the Gorilla story: The skins Hano was supposed have brought back were put up on public display and still visible 500 years later until Rome finally destroyed Carthage in 146 BC. Also note that the word Gorilla has its origin in whatever local language was spoken in that part of Africa in 600 BC. The modern population of the area came there somewhere later and so we no longer have any idea of what that original language was. This single word, Gorilla, is all that survives of it and its language family to this day and without the memory of Hano we would have no memory of it at all.


Thanks for all the supportive feedback! This video is just a bit of a side project I’ve been working on in spare time for awhile to hold yall over for the next Fallout video!

Here are some of the cited papers -


Nate, I am doing part of my PhD in Egyptology about the toxicology of the egyptian mummies and i am currently writing a paper about it for an upcoming scientific convention in my field. I must say that I was truly impressed with how accurate and how much information you managed to post in just little over 7 minutes.

I found your research interested and think that you have a knack for this.


After exhausting all of fallout and elder scrolls lore, he has finally moved on to real life lore. Im all for it <3


Please, please, PLEASE do more of these! I've enjoyed your work on Fallout and Skyrim, but actual historical mysteries like these are even more amazing. I want more!


Halfway through this video, I realised that history is much more interesting if it's treated as lore. Especially with Nate as the narrator.


I actually really liked this!
I love hearing about historical mysteries that aren't alien conspiracies


At first I was a bit worried about a game lore expert going into real history, especially "mysteries' because of how poorly that stuff is often handled on Youtube. But I gave it a shot because I know from your game lore videos that you do extensive research for those and would almost always come to reasonable conclusions, even when they weren't the most exciting ones. I'm glad I did because you exceeded my expectations here; not only did you not go for the low-hanging fruit of conspiracy stuff, you actually discussed interesting things I hadn't heard about before in an even-handed manner. You clearly did a lot a lot of research, and much like with your lore videos, you didn't jump to the most spectacular conclusions and instead made well reasoned guesses. Guesses that you made sure to present as guesses and not settled fact, which is hugely important imo. Good work, and keep it up, I'd love to see you make more of these.


My Portuguese grandma told me that the Portuguese fishermen knew about the new world before Columbus


It's occured to me that if Columbus knew that he wasn't sailing to India, then he called the natives he discovered "Indians" for no reason 🤣


Bro is doing pre fallout cannon events now 😭


As someone who's a fan of your channel and studies history, you did a pretty good job with this. I really appreciate how you seemed to do research beyond just reading a wikipedia article and promoting conspiracy theories about aliens. You actually presented the information very professionally while still being entertaining. I would honestly be up to seeing more content like this in addition to the video game stuff.


It could be Columbus wanted to open a trade route, and was reasonably sure that there were islands that he could resupply at. Allowing him to make what would be an impossible journey otherwise. As well as claim these islands for himself, taking full control of the trade route. Instead he found a seemingly endless continent that blocked all passage West, and made the best of it.


Columbus: _"Hey, I want to sail across the ocean to find a bunch of potentially uninhibited land that has no known resources. Will you fund me?"_

Not exactly as good of a pitch as finding a shortcut for Eastern trade.


20:55 even the Yucatan Peninsula holds rainforests so dense tat we are still discovering Pyramids by satellite; perhaps similar structures or civilizations in the vast, well-irrigated south American interior are not so different of an idea, and not nearly as outlandish as it may at first seem.


The Columbos story is kind funny for me, I'm Brazilian, and we have been said that Brazil was discovered in 1500 but they had caravelas coming here for at least 30 years before that, there was a guy that spent 30 years with the natives learning their language to have negotiations with the Portuguese court, it said that Brazil was only "discovered" because others Europeans countries were getting really close to this so called "island" (the south american continent) and if Portugal don't claim fast, they could loose the land.


hey nate guys here, I’m super excited about this video lmao
