What Causes Morning Sickness?

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If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know that the agony that is morning sickness -- and it’s not just something that happens in the morning! SciShow explains the many theories about what causes it.
#science #pregnancy #health #medical #scishow

Hosted by: Hank Green

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I don’t think I’ve ever been as miserable as I am now while pregnant. This makes me feel guilty because I see other women and they seem so happy to be experiencing pregnancy meanwhile I’ve never been more miserable. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone and can’t wait to be done I feel like I took for granted feeling normal.


I'm 4 months pregnant and was horribly sick until 3 weeks ago. All day, all night, there was no morning about it. My doctor put me on the BRAT diet (my mom loved that name) which consisted of Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and toast and it helped A LOT! I recommend this for anyone who is feeling the effects of "morning" sickness.


And cue the many reasons I'm glad I'm a man. Fellow guys, we haven't the faintest clue what women go through in their lives. Seriously, puberty for girls, pregnancy, periods, menopause... women deserve a medal for being able to put up with all that.


Almost to 2nd trimester. I never imagined morning sickness to be so extremely bad. It’s more like 24hour sickness. It’s so awful, I’m praying it ends at 2nd trimester.


The most evil thing about morning sickness? Apart from feeling like you have the worst hangover every single day for weeks, because it happens at the start of your pregnancy... You don't have a bump yet and no one can tell you're pregnant! This means no one offers you any sympathy and your co-workers just think your being lazy and look like crap. Aaah, the joys of motherhood!!!!


Being ten weeks pregnant I actually was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum from week 4 to week 9. It was a living hell. I only had to look at an empty cup and I was being sick. Hospital had to hook me up to an IV for 3 weeks to keep me hydrated. Never again will I make fun of my mum for being sick when she was pregnant with my sister.


i have severe sickness all day :( i’m so miserable and tired i feel like i am going to pass out


I had hypermesis gravdruim from about week 5 to birth with my little one! I was hospitalized at one point because I didn't keep fluid or food down for 5 days, I was on iv fluid for 3 days and then I had to be medicated for the rest of my pregnancy. I was hospitalized twice for fluid which I thought was pretty good in the end. I lost my job all of my freedom, fainted in a store and I couldn'T leave the house without someone being with me or someone knowing how long I was going to be ! IT WAS HORRIBLE! It is very rare to have hyperemesis but its even more rare to have it for as long as I did... No one tells you these things before you get pregnant! Safe to say I won't be having another one for a while haha 


My friend is pregnant, and she actually found that her morning sickness improved a lot when she started eating almost continuously, if slowly, all throughout the day. She even has to snack when she gets up to pee at night so she doesn't have to wake up to go vomit. And her sense of smell and taste have DEFINITELY improved. I'm usually better at identifying a smell and where it's coming from than most people, but now she has like a super sniffer that even far surpasses me. Peanut butter smells too strong to her now and makes her sick, and she can taste if meat has been frozen or isn't as fresh, and WILL throw up if it's old enough, even if it wouldn't make a normal person sick or even notice. She can never eat most fast food anymore. And heads up, Wendy's burgers aren't as fresh as they claim. McDonald's and Burger King have better/fresher meat apparently. Honestly, it's really cool to watch the process.


What causes morning sickness?

Waking up, obviously.


"Just a theory"
Oh Hank, we're on a science channel. Its a hypothesis!


I am 8 weeks pregnant and experience Extreme “Morning sickness”. This video was perfectly explained. THANK YOU for making this video.


I was afraid of getting pregnant due to morning sickness issues. It's really hurts me but since the day I started "no to morning sickness tea", I had no morning sickness and no nausea or vomiting.


:( my “morning” sickness woke me up at 3 am to barf...I hope it chills out because it never seems to end


My only cure was a cup of “no to morning sickness tea” during the day and a cup at night along with frequent snacking and lots of ice water.


As a woman carrying my second child it is also interesting to know that not every pregnancy is the same either. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was so insanely sick between 8-10 weeks that i thought I was going to end up in the hospital. However I am in my 11th week right now and I haven't had any morning sickness... I felt a bit off for a week but nothing like the first time.


In my first trimester my morning sickness was terrible. “No to morning sickness tea" is truly a reliable source to settle my morning sickness dawn, drinking it early in the morning before breakfast work batter.


Lost weight, fainted from not eating enough, didn't want to eat, throwing up when eating. Then gain a ton of weight at the end and having the baby kick your ribs from the inside. Plus all the moodiness and aches, pregnancy sucks! Thank you for reminding me about that.


My biology teacher once mentioned that morning sickness is caused by the discomfort of organs rearranging themselves in the woman's torso in anticipation of the space sure to be required by a growing foetus in the later trimesters.
Could that be true? It seemed credible at the time because she was pregnant when she told us that.


10 weeks into my second pregnancy and the nausea is still a pain in the ass. Lol it stopped at 13 weeks with my daughter, so praying it eases up the same way this time around!
