Ansible palybook - How to upload new IOS file to multiple Cisco devices for IOS upgrade

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When you upgrade Cisco IOS, uploading the file is at the center of the IOS upgrading processes. There are two ways you can upload the new IOS files. 1. FTP (using CLI command) and 2. SCP (default method for ansible). Here, I will demonstrate the first method and then demonstrate the second method in a later post.

Purpose: upload new IOS files to multiple Cisco routers or switches with ease and speed up the process.


- Configure FTP server, follow FTP server install and configuration processes in my previous post.
- Upload the new OS file to FTP server
- Enable ‘ip scp server enable’ command on Cisco devices
- Make sure that your user had the level 15 privileges to access Cisco devices’ flash

Configure FTP server:

Demo and files on WordPress:
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