The Tyndale House Greek New Testament Reader's Edition
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A review of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament Reader's Edition, published by Crossway. My copy is a sturdy black hardback with a slipcase, a Smyth sewn binding, heavy paper, little show through, and an attractive 9.5 point font. Brief definitions and parsing information are provided on each page for words that occur fewer than 25 times in the Greek New Testament. It includes a 498-word glossary in the back, and a very helpful appendix entitled "Surface Forms to Lemmas." ISBN 9781433564154.
00:00 Details (three charts) -- dimensions, layout, font, margins, paper ...
01:14 Size compared to the standard Tyndale House Greek New Testament
01:29 Size compared to the United Bible Societies Fifth Edition (UBS5) Greek New Testament
03:09 Font in the text
04:15 The text is line matched
04:35 The font in the footnotes
05:10 Paper characteristics (weight, texture, color, opacity, reflectivity)
05:50 Print non-uniformity
07:45 Appendix: Surface Forms to Lemmas
08:18 Appendix: Glossary
08:55 The ribbon marker
09:10 Head and tail bands
09:25 The title page
09:48 The copyright page
10:05 The table of contents
10:40 The preface
12:29 How to use the footnotes
14:00 How to use "Surface Forms to Lemmas"
15:08 A close-up of the typeface
16:13 The font compared to the font in the UBS5 Reader's Edition
17:17 Footnote comparison -- Tyndale House vs UBS5 Reader's Editions in Luke Chapter One
18:24 A close-up of "Surface Forms to Lemmas"
18:30 The Tyndale House Reader's Edition's glossary compared to the UBS5 dictionary
18:52 Summary of differences between the Tyndale House and UBS5 Reader's Editions
19:30 What makes the Tyndale House Greek New Testament unique?
21:28 Nine instances where the Tyndale House Greek New Testament rejects UBS5 {A} readings
22:25 Some other noteworthy differences between THGNT and UBS5
22:30 Summary
00:00 Details (three charts) -- dimensions, layout, font, margins, paper ...
01:14 Size compared to the standard Tyndale House Greek New Testament
01:29 Size compared to the United Bible Societies Fifth Edition (UBS5) Greek New Testament
03:09 Font in the text
04:15 The text is line matched
04:35 The font in the footnotes
05:10 Paper characteristics (weight, texture, color, opacity, reflectivity)
05:50 Print non-uniformity
07:45 Appendix: Surface Forms to Lemmas
08:18 Appendix: Glossary
08:55 The ribbon marker
09:10 Head and tail bands
09:25 The title page
09:48 The copyright page
10:05 The table of contents
10:40 The preface
12:29 How to use the footnotes
14:00 How to use "Surface Forms to Lemmas"
15:08 A close-up of the typeface
16:13 The font compared to the font in the UBS5 Reader's Edition
17:17 Footnote comparison -- Tyndale House vs UBS5 Reader's Editions in Luke Chapter One
18:24 A close-up of "Surface Forms to Lemmas"
18:30 The Tyndale House Reader's Edition's glossary compared to the UBS5 dictionary
18:52 Summary of differences between the Tyndale House and UBS5 Reader's Editions
19:30 What makes the Tyndale House Greek New Testament unique?
21:28 Nine instances where the Tyndale House Greek New Testament rejects UBS5 {A} readings
22:25 Some other noteworthy differences between THGNT and UBS5
22:30 Summary