Why You Shouldn't Use a Tea Strainer to Make Tea - Strainer vs Teapot

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Why Shouldn't you Use a Tea Strainer to Make Tea? You can find out in this video! We're going to compare a tea strainer with a Kyusu teapot, which is the ideal tool for preparing loose leaf tea. We'll also explore a few different principles to consider when you brew your next cup of tea in a tea strainer or tea strainer ball. Let's dive into the world of tea strainers and see how they compare to the classic clay teapot.

🎥 Content of this video 🎥
0:00 Introduction to Tea Strainers
00:43 Space in a Tea Strainer
01:34 Not All Tea Strainers are the Same
01:52 Gyokuro in the Tea Strainer
02:11 Clay Design
03:22 Tea Strainer vs Teapot
05:25 Tea Strainers Conclusion
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Sorry but I disagree about the basket strainer. Why did you only submerge the very bottom of the strainer? The leaves have no where to exercise. Its suppose to be poured in through the top on top of the leaves and to the brim. That way the leaves can move around and open up. Maybe a teapot is better but I've never had a problem with a basket infuser and lackluster flavour. Love the channel though guys!


You need to repeat it. The strainer wasn’t fully covered, is supposed to reach to the top.


The tea strainer needs to be fully submerged in water on a much smaller cup and also covered ideally. This gets you nearly identical results as the teapot. In your video, you used a tall glass and the water didnt even reach half way up the strainer, so of course the leaves didnt have space. If water was filled to the top on a smaller glass, the leaves would have the complete volume of the tea strainer to expand in.


3:15 Are you really trying to tell me, that using a tea strainer THAT DOES NOT FIT IN THE CUP might be less than ideal? Who would have thought.


I've been curious recently about getting into drinking tea, but have almost zero knowledge of how to prepare it properly (All I know are teabags and letting it sit in a cup of hot water). Teapots and loose leaves are all new to me, and this video has been very informative. Thanks man


the basket type infuser that rests on the lip of the glass has more than enough room, if used correctly, what you wanted to prove but failed, is that the ball type stainless infuser has not enough space for long leaf teas like the Da hong pao. But that doesn't mean the ball type, or the spoon type submerged or in fact any of them that have smaller space don't work. They WORK with smaller tea leaves . It's pretty logical and one would expect and adult not mislead beginners into buying teapots.


What could have been an interesting comparison, was totally ruined by your use of a strainer that was stuck at the top inch of the glass ~ so despite your best efforts to use same amount of water & leaves, it was not a fair comparison!! So you completely underminded your whole point. Should have used one that sits in the cup/mug/glass, that can infuse all round


I know when i pour my water into the mug it goes down 15 degrees instantly, i recommend preheating the mugs as well as to not lose temp


You gotta use the og Chinese tea pot, the best way to use it is by boiling water then pouring it into the tea pot after you put the lid on you pour it over the tea pot so it's a hot pot.


Did not taste a meaningful difference (in the first cup). Had an excuse to make an extra kettle of tea tho :) Using the highest quality green tea I can get my hands on. There is one huge negative to this style though and that is that you can't make more than one cup of tea since the leaves just sit in the kettle while you finish the first one which is a rather large negative for me as I like to make more than one cup of tea at a time, like 8 dls of tea. The tea that had steeped longer tasted more bitter (to no one's surprise) while I finished the first cup. A fun experiment though! To each their own.

If you'd like to prove a point though I have a video idea for you (or just a fun experiment for yourself): test both styles using a properly fitting strainer while pouring the water through the strainer instead of setting the strainer into the water. Taste test freshly brewed tea from both styles ten times, be sure to strain out the extra cloudiness from your method though. If you can guess which tea is which correctly I'll believe there's a difference in taste which I'm just not able to pick up on :D


I brew my leaves directly in a teapot with boiling hot water for about 10 minutes and strain it before drinking.


You should really remove this video and re-do it. Basket strainers are really more than enough for a single cup.
1. Basket strainers are supposed to be as much in the water as possible to allow for leaf expansion, which you didn't do
2. Basket strainers NEED to be covered while the tea is infusing just like a teapot

Of course you get the most flavour out of a teapot as horizontal expansion is more important in tea leaves than vertical expansion, but those should be reserved for premium quality teas. The everyman will not notice any difference in regular leaves between a good teapot and a good strainer basket.


Why should you avoid the basket strainers? These ones seem to allow for a lot of space?


This is true. That the and the fact that the Japanese have been brewing tea for centuries and I'm not going to argue with that.


the plastic tube is supposed to be removed from the funnel of te teapot


i don't know about japanese but in chinese teas, cloudy and hazy is the last thing they want it to be


the tea strainer looks too big for the jug?


I think if you had poured the tea pot at least through the strainer after it being done it would not have been cloudy and would have been the same color.


you can strain as your pour into a sharing cup, before distributing it


Would you get good results when using a French Press?
