Why is ESP32 better than Arduino?

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There are legitimate downsides to the ESP32 not mentioned. It's terribly inaccurate for analog read (especially when WiFi/Bluetooth is running), draws 3-10 times the power than other modern microcontrollers, its PWM is software emulated so it's unusable if you need precise and accurate PWM. Just some things to be careful about because some of these are dealbreakers for some projects.


Remember the S in IoT stands for security. Especially on a device with built in Wifi and Bluetooth.


Not better or worse. All depends what you need.


ESP32 is suitable for IoT project which requires Wifi or Bluetooth connection.
Meanwhile, Arduino is suitable for projects that do not require an Internet connection, such as smart trash, automatically opening doors, burglar alarm devices, etc...
And devices that consume very little power.😊


It depends on application. I'm a hobbyist, so I never use the same microcontroller for every project.
When I only need to read and send data (e.g. via 433mhz network), attiny85 is irreplaceable, consumes little and does everything necessary. If you need to run the display and do other things at the same time, and the RPi is too big, then the esp32 is the best option, but as someone below said, analog reading is bad, consumption is huge, etc. it has its downsides... (many people, including me, never use its low power core, because it is complicated to program)


I use ESP32, however, some pins have issues; some pins start turned on or pulsating for a few milliseconds, which is critical when the pin is being used to drive motors or power equipment.


I'll stick with my atmega*8 for most projects. Current consumption easily tuned down to micro amps when needed.


If you do not need IOT the vanilla MCU''s are very durable. I have a Atmel 328p running a motor (with driver) on a PUMP in a factory 24/7 for months now even if a FET goes short to VCC 12v it does not kill it. Replace the MOSFET and away we go. We do use the ESP 32 for some sanitizing device that needs IOT control, but yeah sometimes the Bluetooth and WIFI just dies not regularly, but after a few years it can.


You are forced to use proprietary software for the low level stuff on ESP32s which is a non-starter at least for me. I’ve spent too long trying to figure out how to use their API and why things don’t work the way I expect, so I just prefer STM32s with an off-chip wifi or bluetooth module.


Arduino was always meant to be the most inexpensive way to get in to programming robotics. I remember when you could get one included with a magazine. or like $5 usd.


Don't forget that ESP32s can run Tasmota off-the-shelf open source firmware, eliminating the need to write firmware in most cases. For custom operations, Tasmota allows on-chip scripting (in script or Berry). I have over 100 Tasmota devices running. At $1.50 USD for ESP32-S2 developer boards, including on-chip PSRAM, large projects are a snap. I've even replaced Raspberry Pis for some projects, reducing cost, power consumption, and complexity.


ESP32 is running a binary blob for the network stack that could have a potential CCP backdoor.


Connect it to your phone and you can use it to transfer data anonymously, it would of great help for people avoiding censorship.


I love the esp line of uCs. I made a security system out of esp8266 in the d1 mini layout. The integrated wifi made it a perfect choice, and the small form factor made creation of a compact, unobtrusive case and battery system really simple.


I use both but:
- arduino has reacher and better libraries/examples/tutorials
-Uploading program to esp takes ages compared to arduino
-arduino uno has higher pins amperage - less need for additional transsistors
- arduino has more pins for use
- it's bigger and i can at least see it :-)


Be aware that the ESP32 uses some proprietary Code (Espressive keeps this secret) for its WIFI capabilities. Nobody - except Espressive - knows exactly what this does. Keep in mind that the ESP is a Chinese product. And if I‘d keen to know what others do then I‘d do my very best to keep control over THIS core component of a system! So I‘d NEVER suggest to use an ESP32 in an environment where Security/ the protection of Data is an subject! But interestingly this is no issue. But these Folks are also very calmed by using the Windows Cloud… 🙄


The ESP32 is a bare-bones microcontroller, Arduino is a proto-board platform based on various types of microcontrollers. There is a big difference between those two!

I'm going to use an ESP32, whenever I must design something that requires wifi and less than a dozen IO pins.

I'm not going to use an Arduino, when the design requires no wifi but 90 IO pins! In that case I'm just using an At-mega6490, or I will look at what Microchip and TI have to offer.

Arduino is not a type of microcontroller, but a toy platform meant for kids and students!


I prefer the good old Arduino Uno R2, with ATMega in the DIP package, which I can easily replace in case of damage.


I wish STM32 would get more attention from the community.


Also keep in mind esp32 very power hungry fo battery based projects.
