nowt - there were many things for which we exist

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There's no permission to use this music for any film or video projects.

© nowt
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It’s disturbingly nostalgic, like a memory I’ve never had. Strangely, I see a monochrome picture with my memories faded in it; being lost to time


This is the best piece I've ever heard, very relaxing, but I feel very lonely listening to it.


After the storm there is always a rainbow . Ignore the storm, look for the rainbow.


always so melancholic and tranquil~ it's like sinking into a sad abyss but it's quite alright, because that is the destination~


Such a sad but melancholic sound. It's like some of those moments when you can briefly recall the memories of your childhood as they fade away into the dark of the night.


*as i lay down on the dry grass at 3:42 am, i look into the sky onto the stars, i let out a sigh and wonder how things couldve been different. And i lay- and lay until sunrise, a tear falls from my cheek and coincidentally wets the patch of soil of a young sunflower. and just like that, as the final piano note fades out from my headphones, my fatigue is spread out into the stars above me—I decide to go on for another day, and maybe.. maybe this time, things can be different~*


Thanks for making this a single track. I loved it and this photo, like a long lost happy memory.


The reason why I love listening to music before I sleep :


*Cries heavily from this. Like just go lies down and cries.*


"I was married to her for 43 years, and she died before me. Now I just exist until I go up there with her."


It brings me peace, thank you Nothing


nowt how can an inspiring musician speak to you? this would make my year. you've been such an idol for me


Music. The great communicator. From soul to soul.


This is sooo sad & beautiful its makes me wanna cry 🥺 everytime i listen to this....


Would love a loop of waltzing for eternity


Scratch stood in front of me, in this dream I've had before, a thousand times over. He looked unwell, so full of hate; I could feel it radiating off of him; it was like his feelings were mine.

A pain grew in my chest, in my heart. I wanted to throw up; I wanted to die. I wish he would have killed me all those years ago when I was just a kid.

The longer he stayed in that dream, the heavier my heart felt. It was as if there was a build-up of blood and tears inside of it, and at any moment, it was going to burst.

But it never did; it never went away.

My heart never burst; I never died.

In all of these millions of repeating dreams, I was only cursed with feeling the agony of my heart rotting.

Why did it never kill me? Why didn't he kill me? Why do you continue to reside in my head, my heart?

And then he spoke to me; the vile man uttered in disgust:

“How dare you believe someone could love you after what we've been through, what we've promised, who we are. You're so funny, so stupid, reckless, selfish, useless.”

His words were so familiar yet so confusing. He continued to speak,

“That's why you depend on me; that's why you have us. We're here so you have someone in the end, you ungrateful bitch, ”

The liquids in my heart began to rage. They wanted to get out; they tried to breathe. Scratch’s words only angered them more.

“But you truly know that you will die alone; your future set in stone will not be changed, ”

A pair of hands approached me, grabbing my skin and hair. They began tugging on me as if attempting to tear me apart. The humanoid hands made from black ooze smelled like the rage you feel when things don't go your way.

They reeked of selfish, uncertain desires.

Scratch spoke once more as my skin, flesh, and bones began to rip apart slowly.

“Everything you do will fail; you've made sure of that many years ago.”

As tears tread down my face, I am ripped to shreds. The agonizing screaming of unfathomable pain my mouth cannot regurgitate only grows louder in my nonexistent hippocampus as seconds pass.

A faraway feeling of satisfaction lingers amid the blood that used to be mine.

My heart continues beating. The restless liquid inside of it grows darker and angrier. Although I am dead, my heart keeps living.

The blood inside of it is no longer blood; the tears inside of it are no longer tears.

All it is now is a restless, rageful, vile black ooze.


It is as if you are living a plain and nostalgic memory, but something inside you knows it is not yours.


Nowt, it's been a long road hasn't it. Ty for this song, I have listened to it since It had came out and even then it doesn't get old, I recommended this to almost everyone I know and they love it, ty for this music and pls never delete this gem!!


Omg i remember this image when I was 3 when it was night my family went to watch a movie but I was playing with my flashlight blue then when I fall I saw blue lights everywhere and a rainbow and there was house and there was a creature telling me something I forgot then I open my eyes and I was back in reality


Another year, another lonely valentine's day.
