Can A Recruit Humble A Drill Instructor In Basic Training?

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you don't want to face a drill sergeant beaten up by a trainee


My drill and one of my battle buddies went at it HARD in combatives training and the trainee won. Drill got up brushed himself off, and shook the trainees hand and said good job, he recognized it was a good fight and that the trainee did nothing wrong. A good leader shouldn’t be ego driven, his job is to make you the best soldier possible, shout out to staff Sargent buetner, you a real one


If the drill instructor was a pilot he’s call sign going forward would be Goliath


I and one other dude beat the TI in the two mile run at the end of basic. He reamed us out in front of the flight, but then later took us both aside and told us he was proud of us for pushing him so hard. So motivating!!


"Look out boys we got us a bad ass here"
"Affermative sir"


Instructions unclear: The dog is now my DI.


Back in 2003 one of my fellow recruits tapped out a Marine drill instructor… He became company honor grad


Army vet here. I love the troop in this because he said "most likely". You NEVER underestimate the enemy! When training recruits to handle the enemy, you need to realize there is always someone better than you!!!

Fun and true story, March 1999, Fort Jackson, SC A-134 Inf Reg, a young private PVT Taylor, did not heed warnings to not volunteer. This includes when the DIs ask, does anyone have martial art experience? To my regret, I got my @$$ handed to me by a black belt!!! I learned something new that day with a fat lip and some blood in my mouth. Needless to say, I took my lumps and learned the lesson.


At basic we had a similar thing happen. The dude wrestled for years and knew ju jitsu and he absolutely hemmed up our DS. The DS tapped out and gave him a ton of respect for it.


Bro gave him the Clint Eastwood treatment 💀


the drill sergeant made a fatal error not noticing the recruits cauliflower ears


I similarly underestimated someone in Basic. We were doing pugil stick training, and, lacking confidence early in my Army career, I chose a guy who appeared a little shy and overweight to be my opponent, thinking he wouldn't be too intimidating. He hit me once, and my head flew clean off. Once my head was re-attached, I found out he was a Junior Olympics Powerlifting Champion. Lesson learned!


A fighter can have a heart of a gentle giant. What comes next when the situation forces them to fight can turn their heel to the thing you wished you hadn't wished on your self. Bless the guy


Lesson the Drill Instructor should know. Never underestimate your opponent.


"Remember the basics of CQC"
- The Boss, MGS3


My personal experience during boot camp in the US Army as well but slightly different. My Drill Sergeants knew I was an ex State, National and World champ in Karate because one of them was a student of the late Ed Parker, “Father of American Kenpo” who was a classmate of my Master at the time Ralph Castro, founder of “Shaolin Kenpo” through various conversations we had before hand-to-hand training and we had exchanged thoughts in techniques. Maybe only 4-5 other Privates knew my background as well but the majority of Alpha 4 Comany didn’t. When our 1st day of hand-to-hand combat training began, my Platoon Sergeant yelled out, “I see you, you crazy little Filipino” and was laughing so hard but with pride because I was one of the Squad Leaders in his Platoon. Boot camp was fun for me.



I remember a 5'4" future state champion wrestler from my high school who was running on our cross country team for conditioning. He was getting picked on by a 6'1" senior on the team and just kept ignoring it. Finally the taller kid started pushing him. The wrestler simply said, "I'm going to politely ask you to not put your hands on me." With that, the taller kid started reaching out and my brain still cannot compute the speed at which the wrestler had the tall kid on the ground and in an arm bar. It was stunning. No one ever messed with the wrestler again.


I heard a similar story about a young kid, like 17-18, who was an extremely successful martial arts student and had even had to fly to Japan to obtain some of his credentials, belts, etc. and when the day came for this type of hand to hand training, he just wouldn’t do it. And the DS asked him why he thought so, he gave him a very basic answer. Well, the drill sergeant said ok, well then it’s you and me. Within less than 3 seconds the young kid had bowed, taken down the drill sergeant and then bowed again. From what the rest of the story said the drill sergeant actually didn’t freak out. He gave as much of a compliment as you could expect from a drill sergeant, something like, “Ok, if you’d all have some of that in you then we may have a chance.” Something very vague but without insulting the obvious extraordinarily badass martial artist. I’ve always loved this story. I wish I could remember exactly where on YouTube I saw it. True story though all the way.


There is always somebody bigger and better no matter how much of a badass you are


One thing, I've always learnt, doesn't matter how good you think you are, there is always someone better than you.
Give it your all!
