Все публикации

Why Are Drill Sergeants So Mad?

How a Pinecone Saved My Military Career?

Why Don’t Women in the Military Fight Like Black Widow?

What’s the Funniest Mistake in Boot Camp?

Why Being a US Citizen Is Great?

Can a Drill Sergeant Be an Actual Human?

Why is ‘Oh Yeah!’ Not the Best Way to Reply to a Drill Sergeant?

How NOT to Fix a Nervous Recruit in Basic Training?

Why Was This the Hardest Delta Force Mission?

Why Do the Best Pilots Have the Dumbest Callsigns?

What Is It Like to Go Against the Marine Corps?

How To NOT Quit Basic Training?

Why Was a Washing Machine Chasing a Navy Pilot?

Why Did This Recruit Follow Orders?

Why Would a New Pilot Give Fishermen a Surprise Evacuation?

Can a Difficult Recruit Finish Basic Training?

Why Would Marines Hide In A Box?

How NOT to Start Your Naval Career?

Can Someone Unstable Be A Drill Sergeant?

Can A Callsign Go Too Far?

Why Is The Training Belt The Most Powerful Item Of The USA?

What Mission Is More Important Than All Others?

What Happens When Recruits Mock a Drill Sergeant?

Is This the Smartest Callsign Move Ever?