The Challenges Of Powering The City That Never Sleeps | NYC Revealed

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Dive into the crucial role of electricity in powering New York City, the City that Never Sleeps, and the immense coordination and maintenance required to keep the city aglow, with residents consuming vast amounts of electricity daily. To address the pressing climate change issue, watch New York City's ambitious decarbonization goals and ongoing efforts to transition to more sustainable power sources. How will the city ensure a brighter and greener future?

NYC Revealed, Electricity

Keeping the lights on in New York City is no easy task and as New York moves towards a greener future how we generate electricity will have to evolve.

#CuriosityStream #NYC #Electricity
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For crying out loud! No, Tesla was not a competitor! He was an employee. IIRC, Tesla even worked for Edison for a while. Give George Westinghouse the credit he deserves.


I am missing comments regarding reduction of energy consumption, like more efficient illumination etc.


2.6 Million kW of electricity per year? How can you get your units that wrong?


So, 2 minutes in and not even the educational streaming service can differentiate between kilowatt and kilowatt hour... how do I take the rest seriously?


This video's main body is a cut up from a previous documentary on NYC's electric power grid. The rest is gobbiegoo. At 10:30 the man at power plant is talking about respecting their neighbors while the video is showing what appears to be natural gas turbine with no steam cycle. These run extremely clean, but are noisy. It's a large jet engine. The emissions the neighbors are complaining about is likely the noise. The US power grid has been greatly clean since the mid 1980s.  No harmful acid rain from sulfur dioxide, coal fly ash or unburned hydrocarbons. Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 from high pressures and high temperatures from using earth's atmosphere in combustion were not being addressed, but are now. NO2 condenses at 70.2°F and rains out of the atmosphere in colder climates in 5 - 10 days. There is scientifically measurable amounts of coal fly ash.

16:00 shows a pie chart of the break down of electric generation for New York STATE not New York CITY, with video about New York City's electric power. The electric power generation for the State of New York comes out 29% nuclear and 23% hydro power with a suspect 3% from wind giving 55% zero emission; however, electric power generation from wind turbines and solar voltaic is wild AC that is not power grid quality and has to be conditioned by other sources of electricity.  

The 35% of the electricity that is generated from duel fuel gas/oil is very odd. Oil is the most expensive fuel for generating electricity. It is used for backup generators. Gas turbines being a version of aircraft jet engine can be retrofitted to run fuel oil, but this is not their normal use and they will be more polluting and dirties them up quickly where if running natural gas they are still clean after ten years. If duel fuel gas/oil is for converted coal plant boilers that is an extremely expensive way to make steam.  

Natural gas due to fracking and shale gas is extremely cheap right now in 2024 USA with the wholesale price in summer being $2.50 / million Btu, but historically natural gas was over $7 / million Btu. The equivalent cross over fueling cost if running a new ultra supercritical coal plant on high BTU bituminous coal would be $0.80 / million Btu natural gas, which has only happened when future contracts for natural gas had no place to put their natural gas during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The huge problem with New York City's electric power is it had no way to get enough of it in the 1980s. The high voltage transmission lines into the city could not have their existing placement expanded any more and at high loads the power lines would visibly sag from the expansion of the high heat they were generating, requiring to shed load by use of rotating blackouts in the city. The solution was to place natural gas turbine generators on barges wired at the docks. These were expensive to run at 1990s natural gas prices. Being able to be classified as marine navigation allowed few restrictions on their use.

This video has the United Nations Climate Change disclaimer. Global warming was officially stated at 1.1°C in 1991 and 1.06°C in 2022. It's scientifically impossible for greenhouse gas behavior to cause global warming. All the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth is completely absorbed in earth's greenhouse effect by greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the radiating surface that is always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor. 

The back of the United Nation's IPCC science report states it took its greenhouse gas samples at 20, 000 meters altitude where it is common high school level knowledge there is no greenhouse radiant energy. This is typical practice for deceptive marketing to state legal data transparency protecting the perpetrators from fraud prosecution. The IPCC has been transparent with its data acknowledging it is not dealing with active greenhouse gases.

Earth's greenhouse effect is frequently used as a primary example to high school students of a system always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor absorbing all the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth with greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the radiating surface that is all around us everyday and can't have its overall effect changed. There is no further greenhouse radiant energy to interact with greenhouse gases. At 1% average tropospheric water vapor over 99% of earth’s greenhouse effect is from water vapor. Water vapor would hold earth's greenhouse effect in saturation if it were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

Arctic warming is taking place with the proving mechanism being warm Atlantic Ocean waters migrating deeper and more frequently into the Arctic Ocean warming it and the region. That warmer water is causing a few weeks less of reflective snow and ice coverage resulting in more solar heat gain to the Arctic region surface.

Atmospheric CO2 levels of 1200 ppm about three times what they are today would greatly invigorate C3 plants the majority of plant life on earth greatly greening the planet.

0.4% of the atmosphere is CO2 and on average 1% is H20 water vapor. (1% H20)/(0.4% CO2) = 25. Water vapor is 25 times more present in the atmosphere on average than CO2. Water vapor has an CO2e of 18, 18 X 25 = 450 CO2e total for water vapor to 1 CO2e for CO2.

The Earth’s oceans have 3-1/2 million sea floor volcanic vents warming the water and changing it’s chemistry that have not been systematically accounted for.


We would have so many less problems if it became federal law that office buildings had to shut off lights at night.


I appreciate that ConEd has a fear level low enough to allow the public to see where their bills get spent and the importance of the complicated (not complex) system. I hope they have a backup ops center off the public view in case “something” happens to it.


Indian Point will not be mentioned since it was shut down 3 years ago.


Feel like a child watching this…not in a good way.
It‘s just shallow and doesn‘t go into many details or challenges.
Show me graphs, maps ect.


"In any system of energy, Control is what consumes energy the most.
No energy store holds enough energy to extract an amount of energy equal to the total energy it stores.
No system of energy can deliver sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.
This universal truth applies to all systems.
Energy, like time, flows from past to future" (2017).


Once again, Tesla is relegated to nothingness for his role. Edison steals throughout time.


Just casually mentions all the fossil fuel plants are near low income neighborhoods smh lol


thank you, I have new innovation, grab energy and pure water and fertilizer from sea


I hope this was recorded 3-4 years ago, because I cannot take anyone seriously that is still wearing a facemask. Unless you are immunocompromised that I get, why arent you in a biohazard suit? lol.


when u pull into campground go straight back to the woods hang a right about a 1/8 mile on left hand side is about 7 expensive rv, those are all mine one for each wife of course


the woods should be cleared out into paths for 4 wheelers, golf carts etc...


moore im gonna put your rv right next to mine and rachys ok


memphis wtf are you so busy doing you cant water my pot plant? im giving that plant to dre and snoop next time i see them, how u gonna make in the world and raise kids? answer me?


around here we speak 80 percent truth 20 percent lies we get umder others skin cause we are lovers in disguise. omg your the worlds best poet and dont even know it


i seen the old residents left there skin suits behind
