Glimpses of Sri Ramakrishna | Swami Sarvapriyananda

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Swami Sarvapriyananda speaks on the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.

Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.

Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Order's first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.
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when you speak about Ramakrishna i just love to keep listening, feel like you keep speaking and speaking and that video might never stop


আপনার বক্তৃতা আমায় কাঁদায় আজ আপনি আমার মনকে আনন্দে এবং প্রশান্তিতে ভরে দিলেন। মন অশান্ত হলেই তাই YouTube এ আপনার কথা শুনতে বসে পড়ি ।সেটা একেবারে magic এর মত কাজ করে। কোনো সময় চোখের জল সব দুঃখ ভুলিয়ে আবার আশার সঞ্চার করে আবার এই আজকের মত সমস্ত অবসাদ ব্যর্থতা ভুলিয়ে দিয়ে নতুন উদ্যোগে জীবন যুদ্ধে ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়তে উদ্বুদ্ধ করে। ঔষধ steam engine এর মতই আপনি আমার মত আরও হাজার হাজার মানুষ কে বৈতরণী পার করাতে এসেছেন এই ধরাধামে। তার যোগ্য হতে পারবো কিনা জানি না। কিন্ত আপনি আমার মধ্যে যেন সেই চৈতন্যের সূচনা করছেন। কারণ আগে তো এত আনন্দে থাকতাম না। আপনি আমার কাছে সাক্ষাৎ সেই বাংলার নদের নিমাই ! তিনিও তো সেই super- mystical power যিনি শ্রীশ্রী ঠাকুরেরই অংশ বলে বিশ্বাস করি যেমন Christ বা Prophet Mohammad? ঠাকুরের কথায় যত মত তত পথ?


Jai Sri Ramakrishna Jai Sri Ramakrishna Jai Sri Ramakrishna Jai Sri Ramakrishna Jai Sri Ramakrishna


It is so amazing that we live in the times of such great teachers like Swamiji and also have the internet and YouTube to access their teachings at the comfort of our homes. Every time I hear the stories of Sri Ramakrishna, I tear up again, again and again...words do deliver bliss when it comes from such beautiful teachers.


Thank you so very much, Swami, for giving this beautiful talk about the life and spiritual journey of Sri Ramakrishna! I appreciate these stories and thoughts more than I can tell you.
Advaita Vedanta itself helps me to make sense of the visionary experiences I have been blessed enough to receive, but I fear that if I had never had them, then all the lovely rational arguments and explanations about Brahman and Atman, etc. would not have moved me toward actual faith and actual experiences of the Divine in my daily life. Thanks to the glories that I have beheld and thanks to the eloquent and patient way that you describe and unfold Advaita Vedanta for the seekers of the world, I am filled with the divine light every day... but I owe one more huge debt of thanks, and that is to Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramakrisha, and of course, Ma Sarada Devi herself. I owe the greatest debt of all to Holy Mother. These divine incarnations and the experiences they underwent, as well as the things they told and described to their contemporaries make the journey all the more possible for uneducated heathens such as myself.
There is a precious doorway opened when the divine presence takes on a human form, for we can see both the light of God and the childlike faltering nature of humanity entwined, and somehow that co-mingling of forces beckons us all toward God. We are shown that it can be done, and that it can be as awkward and strange as it is beautiful, at times. God welcomes us all though the lives of such people, and hearing their stories is a profound and precious blessing.
Thank you, thank you, and a thousand times thank you. Your light and your message are reaching farther than you can probably guess. May you be forever and in all ways blessed, dear Swami.
Sincerely, Naomi.


I have seen this talk 4 times in last 2 days....such is the effect of the teacher....I am immersed in Ramakrishna....he is god and my guru is Swami sarvapriyananda.... Thank you for changing my life


There's something sublime about listening to an "Escape Artist" (a person who has escaped the vicious cycle of Mahamaya) narrating stories about another "Escape Artist". Its an art basically, its not science. No pun intended, this zone is beyond measuring tools of science.


Jai Bhagwan Sri RamakrishnaDev ki Jai, Jai Maha Mae ki Jai, Jai Swamiji Maharaj Ji ki Jai. I pray to Sri Sri Thakur, Sri Sri Ma, Swamiji Maharaj, may Their blessings be upon all of us always. 🕉️🙏❤️


Swamiji pronam niyo!! Choker jol thamatei parchilam na puro kotha sunte sunte!! I can't be more grateful to thakur for choosing me to be on his divine spiritual path. Joy thakur! Joy Maa! Joy Swamiji!


জয় শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ ❣️🙏🙏🙏❣️
প্রণাম মহারাজ 🌹🙏🌹
শুভ দোলপূর্ণিমা 🌷🙏🌷
জয় শ্রী গৌরাঙ্গ মহাপ্রভু কি জয় 🌹🙏🌹


Ramakrishna was a spiritual giant, but there are many spiritually advanced beings even today of a lesser manifestation of ishwara whom we ignore simply because they don't fit the norms of society. It's very easy to hear stories of these people and be devoted, but if we met them today, chances are we would mock them or avoid them.


Yesterday Swamiji talked about Sri Chaitanya, that's worth listening!
Pranam Maharaj 🙏 🙏.


OM Namah Sri Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya Namo Namaha


I have read and heard Gospel many times.
Swamiji narration is so sacred and feels presence of Gurumaharaj.
we feel Lord presence in u swami.ji.


Don't know how to describe the state of mind is in, listening to Swami. It is just that.


हरी: ऊॅं तत्सत्|
श्रीरामकृष्णार्पणमस्तु 🙏🏻
Namaskar Swami Sarvapriyanandaji Maharaj 🙏🏻
Thank you Vedanta society New York for sharing this 🌹


Thankyou swami, i can't get enough of your talks!


Gouri Pundit on that day hearing Vaishnava Charan declared Sri Ramakrishna as Avatara, said - Vaishnava Charan said very little, He, not a Avatara, Avataras come out of Him ( Sri Ramakrishna).


Thousands Pranam Maharajji!! Your discourse is forever, SHASHWATA!!!


I love the way you teach us Swami, so profound and yet light and funny. Please come to Brazil ❤
