STREET PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECTS - and how they can help improve your skills as a street photographer

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We should all be doing street photography projects and, in this video, I look at what projects are, why we should do them, how we do them and then how we share them.


I've partnered with Joel Meyerowitz to promote his online street photography course, which you can enrol on here:
(Disclaimer: if you sign up for this, I get a small ‘thank you’ from Joel’s team).


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I'm the Founder and Course Leader at StreetSnappers, an organisation which provides street photography workshops and courses in London and across the UK, Venice, Lisbon, Prague and Paris. Whilst I'm an Official Fujifilm X-Photographer (ambassador), this channel is for everyone, irrespective of what sort of gear you use - including film users!

Please subscribe to receive news of new videos about street photography. You'll find tips & techniques, gear reviews, critique sessions, information about locations for street photography and lots of news, insights, ideas and developments from the world of street photography.


Рекомендации по теме

One way of getting into this mindset is to post mini projects on Instagram with each row of three images relating to each other in some way. If i have have two photos already that go together, then i will be out looking for a third one to complete the set before posting any of them.


In exploring YouTube’s photography offerings, I came upon your channel. It is one of the most inspiring, most informative and most useful sites I have come across. Going through your “portfolio” of past episodes keeps providing me with bits of guidance that help me in my photographic efforts and I look forward eagerly for your next postings. Thank you.


Thank you! I already lost fun of street because of Instagram.
Now I don’t focus on insta, I will focus on project and Prints


Thank you. Street photography is a phobia for me. Now after watching several of your videos, I am going out and getting into it.


Very inspirational.. now my mind cannot stop thinking when will i start my “project” in street photography..


Big Thanks for your kindness words about Street photography love ❤️


I came across this channel by simply going through youtube videos about photography, street photography, tips, tricks, etc etc, i watch your videos with great interest, there's so much information you give out to people for free, that's amazing! Listening to you talking about art of photography with such an ease and passion is some kind of hearthwarming and it makes me want to just go out and start shooting pictures! I've been interested in photography for a loong time, finally after many years i've finally managed to buy myself a proper camera. During this summer i'll spend countless hours out there in the streets to capture those precious moments of peoples lives. Thank you so much for your work, and keep it up!
Best wishes!


My most recent approach to Street Photography as well as Travel Documentation has been to create a photo essay to show the best of the day(s) observations of events, places people and things. It gives me a chance to interpose some titles, brief comments and connect the images to the theme of the shoot. After a recess due to health, I'm going back to the street just in time for our Nevada rainy and snowy winter.


Hearing you talk about getting my work taken serious is inspiring. I've watched this video twice now and I'm taking notes to start sketching my first project. I've been shooting streets for around 3-4 years but only for the fun of it and now I want to make a piece of work worthy of a coffee shop wall, as a first goal, so everyone can enjoy it or cirtique it or whatever. thank you for the great content. greetings from mexico.


Thank you for helping me decide how to continue projects related to street photography. Hugs from Brazil.


Great great great. Simple, effective, informative, inspiring and to the point, putting street photography to centre of the message unlike other channels where the narcissistic ego of the photographer is predominant. Thanks.


Tried my first night street photography literally last night and had 2 themes(projects) in mind before even heading out, an Elvis exhibition has just started in my town and every shop has something Elvis themed in the window and there's heaps of restaurants and bars on the strip. The other was to then head to the club precinct, that made for some interesting sights and of course cafe's and little eateries packing up as the clubs open became a theme too


I always talk about start "projects" but don't. Thank you for this nudge and i can't wait to see some of my street images in print.


Enjoy your style of delivery. Speaking of style, I can tell you enjoy timepieces as well. Photography and watches, two of my passions.


i appreciate your videos on photography, you are an encyclopedia of knowledge to any new photographer. understanding failure is over 90% of photography put in to perspective to never give up and do what you can to get your photos out there. I save videos like these for reference of what not to lose track of. thank you for giving these artists a tutorial on increasing the chances of success. You are well respected for what you bring to us amatuers and pros alike.


Ordered your 52 assignments street photography book yesterday and then this video showed up in my YouTube feed. Enjoyed the video and looking forward to going through the book.


Your Channel is very well done. I worked as a professional photographer for 40 years until I retired this last year. I've enjoyed street photography and nature photography for years so now I have more time for my passions. You've been a good source of inspiration. I taught adult photography for 15 years and a big part of my program was having students do projects so I stand by what you preach. I'll continue to follow.


Good day, Brian. This is an absolutely fantastic video and your channel is a great resource. Thank you!


One added bonus to projects I found is that it gets you actively looking. One could even say actively seeing. I watched this video about a year ago when I was brand new to street photography and noticed when I started looking for something in particular I started to see other images that I would have normally missed by being overwhelmed with possibilities. I’m still new to street photography but find your input extremely helpful and valuable. Thank you.


Thank you so much! I can really see how transformative this approach has to be. Feeling so enthusiastic and grateful.
