Local gym's 'no cops' sign likely not illegal

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The owner of the Barbell Club in the East Atlanta Village posted a sign saying cops and members of the military were not welcome. Lawyers weighed in on if it was legal.
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Back him 100%. He has the right to do so. And, I agree with his reasoning. Cops and military men are aggressive and intimidating. A social environment is much more relaxing without them around -- especially in East Atlanta, where the patronage would likely be mostly African-American.


The same people who call police the pigs will dial 911 in a heartbeat for the same pigs to come and save them in a time of trouble


It's ok folks, this is not discrimination because the owner is a liberal. (sarcasm)


No Fucking Pig's allowed- Did I Stutter?


This guy was arrested for beating his wife in 2013! What a hypocrite.


Now does this mean that someone can put up a sign and say no blacks or no gays? Or is this only allowed to be done by liberals?


This doesn't even make sense. No cops, okay. What about lawyers? They take a part in the process. Judges? Are judges allowed? They're a cog in the machine. How about forensic analysts? Sure they don't make arrests but they take a huge part in developing evidence and pointing the police to where they need to go to make those arrests. What about the family of cops? What about friends of cops? What about the cop that's delegated to only a desk job? He or she's just a paper pusher. What makes them any different than a lawyer, judge, or forensic analyst? What about people that work for private security firms? What about a precinct's IT expert? What does a uniform have to do with anything? Oppression can come from anyone and the worst of it comes from those with no uniform at all. If he was really committed to this ideology he'd realize that. I'm not saying any of the people I listed oppress others. I'm saying that this seems shortsighted and extremely naive.


I know this guy. His dad owns a private security business in Atlanta and sponges off his dad constantly. The guy is a perpetual screw up.


also notice the police department said "were we to respond to an emergency there".  That means they will not hidden meaning in the police statement.


If you have to compete with all of the other gyms in the area, and you deny the police force use of your gym, you might take a loss. This guy should really hone down his policy, are paramedics welcome? Are firefighters welcome? I don't think the police or soldiers really give a damn if their denied access cause most police forces have their own gym, and most soldiers have a gym in their barracks. It just sucks cause it doesn't seem that he's being so specific right now about who is and isn't allowed, is it only active duty? Or can veterans still work out in his gym? Can former police officers work out in his gym? Active duty military and police probably have their own gyms at home, or at the station or at their barracks. Probably isn't hurting those types. It would be a real asshole move to ban former police officers and veterans though. What if your just in the process of training for either of those occupations? Are you still welcome?


I support his ban as a small business owner I also will apply the same policy at my store, these days police are thugs who hide behind the badge.


As a veteran, I would not work out here. Once a Marine Always a Marine. In or out of uniform, I am the same person. 8 yrs Marine Corps/ 14 yrs Army.
Kinda sounds to me like body builders, no matter, who you are or what you do for a living, would not be welcome there either.


I'd rather be around most Cops than some of the other people I encounter.


*"We don't want to make people stronger so they can hurt people more efficiently" he said.*
Good health means a better mind. *DEADLY FORCE* is justified only when undertaken to prevent *_imminent_* *AND* otherwise *_unavoidable_* danger of death or grave bodily harm to the innocent. Do you want a brain clogged with cholesterol armed and dangerous? Use of force requires an assessment of the *_ability, opportunity, and intention_* of an aggressor necessary to cause serious or lethal harm.The use of persuasion and conflict reduction _rather than resort to the use of force_ is requires *assertiveness and courage.* Having a *professional* who is trained to use of _verbal persuasion_ and _conflict reduction_ rather than resort to the *use of force* is productive.


With the owners intelligence level I'd wager he'll run his gym into the ground in a year to 18 months.


Sure would be a shame if this hole in the wall got trashed.


Well he is open up for business for robbers and thieves !


Tell you what, you all stop thinking all liberals think alike and we wont put all republicans in the same basket, ok ted bundy or do we call you timothy McVeigh or do you prefer dylan roof


I see the steroids are taking their toll.


I can see not allowing cops. But, as a veteran, I totally oppose the no military view.
