Kavanaugh Lied, A Truncated FBI Investigation, & Democrats Search for a Backbone

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Why did Democrats not push the fight to the America against Kavanaugh’s appointment? What do we face in the future? What should be our response? Current Affairs politics editor Briahna Joy Gray makes some suggestions

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He'll do a good job represting corporate interest on the supreme court. That's why they voted him in. The Democrat Republican thing is just theater.


The establishment democrats didn't push or challenge on this, or anything else really, because they are corporatists, just like the establishment republicans. The fact that they call themselves different names is simply for the voters. The senate floor is the theater stage, the voters are the audience. Both party politicians are the actors, paid to put on a show for the audience . The corporations are funding the production and as such, determine which play will be acted out. When the lights go down and the audience leaves, the actors take off their costumes and go have drinks together.

There's only one party in this country. Either color you vote for, you get the same result. Obama had a filibuster proof house and senate and gave America a Heritage Foundation healthcare plan. He could've ramrodded single payer healthcare, just like Mitch McConnell ramrodded Kavanaugh. Instead, we got republican healthcare and not even a public option. Because that's what the corporations wanted.

Trump campaigned on "Lock her up". The very first thing he did once in office, is what he didn't do. He didn't investigate her. He said "She was a good person". Because that's what the corporations wanted. You can't lock up a 2020 presidential candidate. They look out for their own and the public is not one of them. Notice how Joe Manchin voted to confirm Kavanaugh? A democrat in a deep red state. He had to vote to confirm to keep his seat. He's not a democrat and he's not working for the people who vote democrat. Meanwhile, Murkowski voted "Present". She was under pressure from her constituents to not confirm Kavanaugh, and this from a red state. But to vote "No" would've put her a great odds with the establishment. In the end, the establishment has turned on her, going as far as the GOP talking about investigating her. Now it's up to the constituents to save her. As it should be.

There is no changing the DNC from the inside. Only a 3rd party, actually a true 2nd party, can challenge the establishment. Right now, Republicans are represented by 27%, Democrats 26%, Independents 40%. The future of politics lies in those numbers. Time to organize and mobilize. And stop with "Vote blue no matter who". That only gets you blue dog democrats like Joe Manchin.


Very intelligent, articulate young woman.


Wow! Briahna Joy Gray needs to run for office. She is brilliant.


Should've talked about the fact this guy is a rank political operative involved in the 2000 elections, patriot act and providing legal cover for torture in 2006. If they had talked about these issues ON TOP of the sexual assault allegations, Kavanaugh would've been sunk last week.


In politics, everything that isn't forbidden is allowed.


For every representative, Republican or Democrat, who retains a trace element of independence, there are three sitting in the breast pocket of corporate capital. Since the supreme court decided that there should be no effective limits on campaign finance, and, to a lesser extent, long before, candidates have been reduced to tongue-tied automata, incapable of responding to those in need of help, incapable of regulating those in need of restraint, for fear of upsetting their funders.


kavanaugh is the best the gop can do. he's proven himself in that he doesn't need consent to impose his will onto others. thats great for business.


What happened feels like discovering something believed to be true was actually a cruel joke, a lie at one's expense.


We may learn but do we truly understand what direction this will lead us. If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten what it is and how to achieve it. We must all learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as miserable fools. we can endure much more than we think we can and for some time we have. We have to do the best we are capable of and see it thru, this has been another notch on us to push even harder for accountability and we must keep pushing forward. We must protect who we are and our neighbors, brothers & sisters, to keep our nation together. we can do this! "PEACE" should be the most important word to guide us all forward.


They are paid by the SAME corporate donors!!!


The Democrats have donors they are trying to please.


the protesters at the court looked like the walking dead banging on the doors..my 3 year old saw it on tv and said walking dead i cant watch..lol




Both parties have been owned at least since JFK was assasinated. What this appointment means for U.S. citizens is we no longer have to obey the courts seeing that judges are not impartial. If a law does not pass the golden rule test than it is not a law you have to obey. End laws that only help the oligarchy.


This interview is a message from and to the left. I expect more from TRNN. No discussion of Kavanaugh's work under AG
Gonzales? Hardly a mention of his pro-corporate votes!


It's not so much that Ds are paid to lose so much as it's both sides that are paid to follow the choreographed sequence of events to ensure a 50/50 divide among the 99%.


Much as I love you folks, its erroneous to suggest this will affect us for 30-40 years. Crop losses and heatwaves will spike next year, followed by abrupt sea level rise. Anyone simply need to look at Navy arctic images to see a blue ocean coming 2019 at which point the northern hemisphere has no coolant and experiences abrupt warming. You have months, not years.


Why are you confused the Supreme Court does what Corporate imperium desires a life long appointment translates into a payday


What I particularly liked about her was that she didn’t whine like most of the Democrats and the so-called resistance. Her combativeness is really uplifting and genuine.
