Texas Waitress' Commute Gets Much Shorter After Customer Give Her A Car

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The Denny's waitress, Adriana Edwards, said she had been walking about 14 miles to and from work each day.
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In a day and age when you read about so much hatred and violence this was a nice change and a great story of goodwill! 😊


When she tells her kids that often used line- "I used to walk 14 miles to work." She'll have the video to prove it.


Walking four hours? What happened to taking the bus? Either way, I'm happy for her.


Anyone have proof she walls 14 miles a day? Call me skeptical but I doubt a college female would do this


This woman reminds me of myself so much it's ridiculous.

I actually walk 5 miles to school and 5 miles back home and also walk 6 miles to work, but my coworkers usually end up catching me before I leave and offer me a ride. I only ended up walking home from work twice. I walk because I've continously made poor decisions with my credit cards and I'm about $6K in the hole. It may not seem like a lot to most people, but for a full time college student and a part time employee, that's a lot. I can't afford to take Lyft all the time with the amount of credit card debt I'm in. I work part time at Best Buy making $11/hr.

If I'm walking to school, I leave out 2 hours before my first class and it usually takes me about an hour and a half to get there. If I'm walking to work, I leave out 2 and a half hours before I'm scheduled to come in and it usually takes me about an hour and 50 minutes to get there. I give myself extra time just in case I get a cramp or something.

I used to have a job that was 11 miles away and it took me about 3 hours and 15 minutes to get there. 5 days after I was hired, I decided to walk to prepare for the worst case scenario when I can't get a ride. I ended up in the hospital for dehydration and now those bills have gone to collections because I don't have room to pay towards it.

I don't really ask people for rides because I don't want to be that person mooching off of others for free rides. I don't expect to be offered a ride either, but it's always nice if I do get one. If I don't, fine by me. I get to where I need to go within a 15 mile radius of my house regardless. The longest distance I've walked nonstop was 14.5 miles.


Now she can drink, drive AND be on social media at the same time!


how is this a feel good story? the fact that she's this desperatae is a testament to how awful our society is to the poor, where are the bus' or other modes of transporatation, why hasnt she had an oppurtunity to get a car. Seriously broken country we need to fix these issues with ways other than relying on peoples kindness


Smells like BS to me. How about buy a bike and cut that commute to about 30-45 minutes and get some exercise too?
