Colic is a symptom.

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My husband told me constantly that our first son had colic and i kept arguing with him and told him colic isn't a diagnosis its just when you dont know whats wrong. Turns out he had a sever milk allergy. He was on the most broken down formula available and felt so much better. Don't settle for colic. Yes babies are fussy but it's them trying to communicate a need more often than not.


I literally told his doctors (later left that practice) that colic means they don’t know what’s wrong with him and I wasn’t willing to take that as an answer. They missed tongue, lip and buccal ties, milk protein allergy and reflux FROM the tie and allergy. Don’t grin and bear it, fight for your baby. I self diagnosed him and found the right docs to support me and he was better in 11 days.


I am so thankful that someone said this! I worked exclusively with infants for 20 years and I have always said that there is no such thing as colic. Your baby’s horrific cries are caused by something else. PUSH! Be a crazed mom until you find out what it is!


Yep have known a kid to be allergic to milk and cry like this. And my nephew was deemed “colic” by one doc and when he was taken to another doc thankfully they realized he had an enlarged heart and congestive heart failure. He needed multiple surgeries and did code a few times. But thankfully is alive and well today.


My oldest had colic. But it felt wrong to let her scream and cry on agony. She nursed CONSTANTLY and if you laid her down, she'd wake up screaming. The doctor said it was reflux... But I kept looking and pushing, I found her lip tie. Not the pediatrician, not the lactation nurses. Me. At 6 weeks she had laser revision for severe posterior tongue tie and upper lip tie. After her laser revision, she would stick her tongue out and move it around.

Her tongue wasn't moving before, at all. Her colic got better but she remains a very clingy kiddo, and I can't help but think 10 weeks in absolute pain (it took about a month for the revision to work) altered her response to physical needs.

Push, research, and find out why that baby is in pain.


Always try cutting dairy out of your diet if you’re finding that your newborn or infant (solely breast feeding) is this uncomfortable. The kicking and stretching of the legs can often be a sign of gas pains. Nobody told me this 10 years ago when my kid was this miserable. She screamed 20 hours a day, 7 days a week for 7 months straight. We took her to every specialist and gastroenterologist and pediatrician under the sun and nobody could figure out why she was so upset all the time. They kept telling me “she’s just not a happy baby, she’s very colicky, it will pass”, just brushed me off as impatient and a new mom. I was 21 when I had her, I had no idea what to do. I bought every gripe water, gas drop, exercise and positional movement to alleviate her pain and gas, and nothing changed. There were so many times I thought I couldn’t possibly handle another second of screaming, I felt like the worst mother on the planet and I felt so hopeless and helpless and isolated. Nobody told me that me eating dairy could cause this discomfort in my baby whom I was exclusively breast feeding. She was so gassy that my family gave her the nickname “Miss Tooty” as she farted nonstop from day 1. My sister just had her first baby and her son was just as gassy and uncomfortable and the first thing they told her was to cut dairy out of her diet. It worked perfectly, he’s now a happy baby. One of the dumbest things the peds dismissed me with when my kid was a screaming banshee was “she moves a lot, she’s just upset because she doesn’t have the ability to get up and move around yet but she wants to be able to. She’s been here before (like an old soul) and she doesn’t like being confined to a baby’s body” like….what? Really?


They sent us home with our newborn baby he was vomiting and crying the whole time went 2 or 3 times a week for 3 months straight to the ER with him but they did not took me serious and told me he had reflux, the other time it was "just a cry baby", other time they told me he had a cow milk alergy. 3 months lather they found out his head was to big for his age and sent them in for a echo, on the echo they saw that he had some sort of liquid in his head. The day after they did a CT scan and turned out he had a old stroke and they started blaming us of child abuse (baby shaken syndrom etc) after all the horrible exames they did with my baby they could not find any signs of child abuse but wont admit that they made a huge mistake for sending us home and not taking us serious.


When I was born doctors told my mother I had colic and made her force feed me if front of them while I was screaming. Finally she went to a different doctor. I had a temp of 104, and had a throat infection, ear infection, some sort of bladder infection, etc. it was in fact not collic


My son had colic. Doctors wanted me to stop breastfeeding and give him a like tummy safe formula it was a purple one by one of the top brands in the US. It was nearly $40 a week half of our grocery budget for TWO WEEKS for us at the time. I Decided to change my diet. Had zero diary had no coffee or acidic foods. Completely changed my son. To me it clear that he had some sort of diary intolerance


As a mom of 5, I have always done everything I can to address all their cries. Even when it seems impossible because their cries are their only way for them to communicate that something is wrong. Parents need to trust their guts and advocate for their babies.


Very TRUE! For us, it was symptoms of Milk and Lactose Allergy/sensitivity.


My baby used to cry a lot, I realized that it was what I was eating that made her scream every night ! Now I'm gluten, dairy, egg and soy free and we haven't had a moment like this in over 6 weeks !
I never bought "colic" there's always a reason, just keep digging within yourself and listen to that voice, Mama's heart knows best.


The formula constipated my daughter so bad, all she did was cry. One night I stimulated her bottom with a q-tip and Vaseline. Dry huge balls were coming out till finally it soften. I am not kidding the pressure that came out was so intense pooped went straight for the wall, bed and bed sheets. She was so backup, she was pooping everyday but not as much as she was suppose too. That was the first night I slept for about 8 hours. Hopes this helps someone 🙏


THANK YOU! That’s what my mom tried to tell everyone for years. Thank God she taught me that symptoms and/or syndromes are “symptoms” of a larger disease! If she wouldn’t have fought for me, I wouldn’t still be here.


My daughter had colic and I was dealing with postpartum almost lost my mind and sanity. Thank God for keeping me ❤


I was lactose intolerant, severely. I still Am. Mom blamed me for screaming for a full year, but couldn’t connect the family history of lactose intolerance to my colic then subsequent stomach issues. Smh


If baby is drinking formula it helps to warm their formula and stir the formula not shake the bottle to mix. Shaking the bottle produces a lot of gas.


Colic is horrible however I did find a few tricks that the nicu gave me. You can go to your local nicu and ask them if they can print out their physical therapy exercise lists, these can be used for any baby a lot of them focus on helping with passing gas, moving their poop along and helping them to gently stretch themselves out. My twins would scream and cry until we would start doing them, particularly bicycles. Usually within 5-10 seconds there would be farts and poop, then happy babies until they needed to fart or poop again. Those first few months are an adjustment period for their digestive and circulatory system so giving them a little help goes a long way. Plus all the exercises can be so fun and incorporate a lot of eye and skin contact that is really good for babies and moms to lower stress.


My daughter was having colic until my pediatrician (thanks god for having her) asking me what was I eating lately. She told me to stop broccoli, kale and chocolate. My daughter stopped crying and after only one day I saw her beautiful smile! ❤
She also told me to reintroduce these foods in two months and see if they were still causing problems. Broccoli was fine but I had to stop kale and chocolate for 9months total.


I dealt with 2 of my babies having colic and reflux. 5 months of screaming day and night. I did an elimination diet for those 5 months and that didnt help at all. I also tried everything out there like chiropractic adjustment, gripe water, tummy massages etc to no avail.
Its really hard to listen to your baby cry in pain but all you can do is try to comfort them in any way possible.
