Who Actually Controls Gas Prices? | Climate Town

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Some reading you can do:
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein
Hot Mess by Matt Winning
Merchants of Doubt by Erik Conway & Naomi Oreskes
Overheated by Kate Aronoff
The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells
All We Can Save by a bunch of great writers
The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson
Drawdown by Paul Hawken

The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations by Daniel Yergin
The Energy System by Travis Bradford

U.S. Imports:


Gas Industry Capital Expenditure:

Written by Rollie Williams and Matt Nelsen with help from Ben Boult and Nicole Conlan
Shot by Matt Nelsen, Nicole Conlan, pickups by Jesse Wilcoxen, Mark Vigeant, and Rollie Williams
Color Correction by Brandon Pro at UptownWorks

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I hate so much that the people that lived through the 70s oil crisis then doubled down on car-dependent infrastructure instead of focusing on things like public transit and active transportation to reduce overall reliance on fossil fuels.


Mom gave me $10 to buy the ingredients to start a lemonade stand, I just kept the $10, never sold the lemonade and it was a record-setting year. -The oil companies, kinda


My favorite climate activist/comedian who does a better job at educating and informing than most journalists do


Great video; love the production value. One small problem — you’re wrong. I control the gas prices from the bedroom of my childhood home. I have since I was born in 1999, using a system of levers and pulleys.


As a local from Kuwait, moving away from the system here is quite literally an impossibility. All my country invests in is oil production, selling and making more, and as a result building more and more roads and infrastructure for privately owned vehicles. That in turn has been causing the tiny and super dense Kuwait city to be more congested than ever and getting hotter and hotter as each year passes. Being the hottest place on earth, it's literally unbearable, we comment and complain, but double down on making it hotter the next year. It's absolutely disgusting. And locals here are are so filthy spoiled rich that they rarely ever think twice. We have a neighbour that has 13 cars. It's insane. All of this as a result of the demand for oil and how much our tiny country happens to be sitting on. And the Kuwaitis absolutely love this life style and refuse to see another path. Thank God for this black gold, let's just keep pumping it out. It honestly sickens me.


The only thing I don't like about this content is that it's too good! I can't just listen to it, podcast style, while driving to work because I would miss out on all the hilarious visual gags and useful charts/graphs!


The quickest way to learn that someone doesn't understand economics is them saying the President controls the gas prices.


Would love to see you shine a light on the water rights issue in the southwest states. I live in Arizona and was reading about farmers growing water intensive crops to keep their water rights. With the deadline set by The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation almost up, it seems like farmers are expecting a payout to take the hit for water shortage.


I'm from a poor country (Lebanon) and people and business are installing solar power(as much as they can manage). It might bring you guys hope to know at least some poor countries are going through renewable energy instead of going through coal in their development


This video is a godamn life saver. I have relatives who blame the dems or the GOP every time gas prices jump. When I try to explain that it is a lot more complicated than that they say "we have our own oil fields, don't tell me we import half a supply, that makes no sense" and other repeated talking points.


NotJustBikes and your channel's exposure to Strong Towns and their initiative of designing our cities to be anti-car or at the very least just *not car-centric* is one of the best things we can do long-term to alleviate this climate crisis. Thank you so much for putting this much effort into researching these topics and making it entertaining to watch 👏


Corporate bailouts are absolutely the worst part about any of this

The companies get bailed out by tax money and pocket all the profits for themselves


Everyone who lived through the expensive gas prices of the early 2000s decided it was a good idea to go out and buy gas guzzling SUVs again. SUVs have become more popular since then.


One thing I’d like to state is one of the reasons the US imports so much crude oil from other countries is because we have the largest refining industry globally.
We are a gasoline exporter but a crude oil importer.
Still not a good thing but, it annoys me when people overlook this.


America needs a reimagining of our car-centric cities. Reducing the number of cars (gas, electric, or otherwise) and increasing city density will have the biggest climate impact and psychological benefit.


Don’t forget we need to make cities more bikeable, walkable, robust multi tiered train systems to compete with airplanes and cars (even electric cars). Keep food local, rethink consumption, and densify cities.


I love how when gas was cheap all I heard about was that people didn't want cars anymore. They wanted huge Trucks and SUV with terrible gas mileage. Now gas prices are horrible and I am betting there are many people regretting that. Unfortunately people have such short memories.


If you make a product that's in high demand now, but there's a growing movement to get rid of, and anyway it's going to run out before too long, the obvious move is don't spend a single dollar on increasing production and just extract maximum profit while you can.


I just love it when people complain about gas prices when the top three best-selling vehicles are all big gas-guzzling, inefficient, and enormous 20-26 MPG trucks


That 20 year summary of the oil markets was magnificent.
