How to Increase your IQ

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How to increase your IQ.

It's easy to think of IQ as something fixed. You take the test and it tells you how smart you are. But that's not actually how it works. Intelligence is far more fluid than previously thought, and your brain is a lot more malleable than it is rigid.
Neuro scientists are now clear that adults are capable of changing their IQ.

Do sprints.
The neuroscience is clear. Aerobic exercise is extremely good for your brain. In fact, working out raises your IQ far more than playing an online brain game. Plus, a Swedish study proved that cardiovascular fitness can actually raise your verbal intelligence by 50%. Increased cardiovascular fitness was associated with better cognitive scores. In contrast, muscular strength was only weakly associated with intelligence.
So if you want to be smarter, don't just lift, do sprints.

Get enough sleep.
According to science out of Loughborough University's Sleep Research Centre, every hour less than the recommended eight hours of sleep a night can knock off a full point from your IQ.
In fact, their report concluded that regularly losing two hours of sleep a night can cause someone with an average IQ to become "borderline retarded."

Learn a new language.
According to neuro science, learning a foreign language makes your brain grow. Because you're navigating a new set of complex rules (such as grammar different from your native tongue), it forces cortical thickening and increases in the volume of your hippocampus. In plain language, that means you're causing the language centers in the brain to expand, which eventually helps with other language tasks like negotiating, reading, and problem-solving.

Learn a Musical Instrument.

A study out of the University of Zurich showed that becoming proficient in a musical instrument can raise the IQ of both adults and children. Playing music can raise your IQ by 7 points or more.
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