Say NO to this During a Search Warrant

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A common comment I have receive is about consenting to search warrants. Not all search warrants cover your entire house, so it's important to tell police you don't consent to what's not included in the search warrant. 👮‍♂️

Now, they may not disclose that the search warrant covers only a few rooms or the front or backyard. If you open your door and let the police in, they can argue that was you giving consent to search the entire house. So, ask for a copy of the search warrant and tell them verbally that you do not consent to what is outside of the warrant.
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In the 60s our parents used to teach us that the police were an authority figure to look up to and respect. I tell young people today not to ever talk to a cop without an attorney.


The more they make your life difficult, the more you make their jobs difficult. Within legality of course.


Even if you don't consent, and state it OUT LOUD, they still search.


I'm elderly and recently moved in to share a mobile home with woman a quarter century younger than me. Too late I learned she uses illegal drugs for paín mgmt. She's almost old enough for SS. Meantime, she uses my car and carries friends in it, but she does chores for me, too. Suddenly, I'm listening to you repeatedly, as cops can confiscate my car for her drugs if it gets pulled. I can't afford another move. Don't have power to do it anyway!


Given the crazy ass searches that some judges have signed, I wouldn't consent to any search, warrant or no. That being said, I definitely would not interfere with the exercising of a warrant.


I was at my friend's house in the backyard when about 15 cops came w a search warrant for the house and cars. They started to try and search me and i said absolutely not it doesn't say anything about people or occupants the one cop started giving me crap about it boat when the sergeant showed up he told them to back off I was right and I was free to go he looked at the warrant and said it was a complete oversight on their part but I was right


I tell my whole family if cops ever come even if they have a warrant you don’t consent or open that door. If they have a legitimate warrant they’re going to get in and with these courts if you allow them in after seeing a warrant they’ll see that was consent even if the warrant is proved fake later


Thank you...😢 It's about time a real attorney stood up and tells it like it is.
Our Rights have been trampled on, far too long.
So very, very few understand the 4th amendment.
Thank you again, for speaking out, and explaining this important Right.


Its also good to Review the search warant before they begin the Search... Some warants only allow them to gather evidence that is in plain sight. Meaning they can NOT open drawyers, closets, or anything closed. SOME cops will claim it was Open after finding evidence, but they will need to provide Body cam footage saying it was open when they got there, and they didnt open in Violating the Search warant.


You will be labeled as a bad citizen when they make us comply. Because we will complain but don’t actually do anything about what we complain about.


Never knew you could ask to see the warrant terms before seeing this channel


Its so disgusting now that you cant even trust your own police or government. America is spiraling down to hell.


They don't give a fuck they'll still go searching even where they're not supposed to


Yet they will make you stay in one room so you can’t watch.


The Constitution rules we used to live by.


They can ONLY SEARCH FOR WHAT IS STATED ON THE SEARCH WARRANT!!!! Anything found, outside the scope of that warrant is Completely Inadmissible in court! It's Illegally Attained Proof!!! Doesn't matter if you're guilty or not! They didn't have a Legal Search Warrant for that area, those items, etc. They went Beyond the scope of law to access those items!!


It does give your lawyer the ability to challenge scope, but the judge decides. Never seen a judge...ever, strike evidence because of scope.


Cops rarely carry a PHYSICAL copy of search warrants (or arrest warrants, for that matter)...and on the rare occasion they actually have a copy with them, won't give it to the person being served! If a subject wants to inspect a physical copy, law enforcements most common responses are usually something along the lines of; 'you can have/see it when we're done' or 'only have an electronic copy here, you can get a hard copy by writing a request in person at the applicable courthouse/police department building'... neither of which allows anyone to know the areas permissable in the warrant...and don't even try to witness the search, or try to document them doing it!!!


Thank you for all your helpful advice Sir 😎👍


Cops rarely have a warrant. ALWAYS SAY NO.
