The Real Face Of Asian Hate

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As a Korean, I've always thought that the "Stop Asian Hate" movement was extremely disingenuous and patronizing. It just seemed like another excuse to blame everything on "White Supremacy" instead of actually addressing the issues that Asian people face.


This is what happens when you tell an entire group of people that they "can't" be racist.


I mentioned this on another post, but I'll say it here as well: my husband is a native Korean, and every single case of racist words and attacks he has received, have been from black people. My mother, who is a black woman, had acknowledged that the black on Asian crimes had gotten so bad in her neighborhood, that she asked me not to bring him there anymore for his safety. He was infuriated when he saw the 'stop Asian hate' flyers and ads on Instagram specifically, because they all mentioned 'white supremacy', when all of the attacks he'd witnessed and been exposed to were by black people.


Calling out racist black people is now considered racist. That’s the society we live in.


In my 26 years as a Vietnamese male, the majority of racism I experienced came from someone that was black. In elementary school, I was bullied by three black boys, while white kids would stand up for me or would comfort me afterwards. When I entered the work force, all threats and insults came from someone black. The only time I experienced racism from someone white was when my friend was making a racist joke, which he immediately apologized for even though I was laughing my ass off. People need to stop falling for this “white supremacy” narrative. It’s not as prevalent as it’s portrayed.


To quote a tweet I saw a couple months back, "It's so funny how the Stop Asian Hate movement died the death once people saw who the main perpetrators of the attacks were."


The thing is, by now when a news article doesn’t reveal a perpetrator’s race bc of “portraying negative stereotypes”, the reader already knows what race the offender is.


If you think this man is lying, ask yourself, how many of you know Shaoxiong Zheng compared to Floyd?
He was brutally murdered and her mom go all the way to US to take care of his corpse.
Black people are extremely protected and privileged, they can do whatever they want to Asian and the media will protect them.


As an Asian dude who has travelled all over this country, the only times racial comments that are backed with real anger, have come from other minority groups.


I love how they say they withholding certain footage to avoid negative stereotypes while simultaneously have no problem negatively stereotyping the shit out of white people


“Mug shots undermines the presumption of innocence”
Something that Kyle Rittenhouse never got: Presumption of innocence.


I’m a black man and see younger males attacking Hispanics as well. Anyone who looks like prey. It’s sad, old folks as well…very sad.


This isn't unique to Asian victims. I was reported to have been attacked by "youths" in 2015 Christmas Eve on the streets of Washington DC (H street, just east of Chinatown). They attempted to play the knockout game on me, and tried to steal my bike while I was distracted by them. I fended them off with my bike lock, and avoided anything other than the food I was carrying being dropped on the sidewalk. The camera in the federal building it happened in front of somehow just wasn't working at all that night, and I was told by the police that it would be charged as 'simple assault', which doesn't count towards the city's violence statistics somehow.

The cherry on top is that if I had've hit one of them with my bike lock (they scrambled when I brandished it), I would've been charged with aggravated assault, potentially accused of a hate crime, and my race most definitely would've been reported as the white assailant of a black person. In fact, by threatening them with it, it's entirely possible that would be considered as such to begin with, but they had no complainant.


Literally stopped an attack where a black man was assaulting an Asian women. I went to the police department on campus at my hospital and they implied it didn't happen.


I'm Asian, we know exactly which group is committing these crimes.


as an Asian, just want to say thanks for holding a light to the truth bro!


Things only get worse by hiding the truth. It's embarrassing that this is where we're at in this country. Thanks for being honest Bro. You've done more in this video than the media has done in years.


Same thing in Sweden - always when you read about a crime, if race isn't included you know it is a person from a "protected group" that is suspect/committed the crime.


One thing I've learned, is that when an article doesn't mention the race, you know they're not white.


It’s absolutely incredible to see a grown adult running UP to a person, proceed to beat them in public, and yell “don’t touch me”. I don’t understand the thought process.
