The Boys Season 3 Ending Explained

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So after a season of setup, Season of The Boys ended with a quite literal BANG as Soldier Boy and Queen Maeve plummeted from the upper floors of Vought Tower after a big battle with Homelander and The Boys. While the season did draw to a close pretty nicely, the door was very much left open for the upcoming Season 4 to go even further with there being a number of setups and plot threads left unraveled.

In this video we will go through everything that happened in the Boys Season 3 finale and just exactly what it means for the show going forward and what we can expect to see in Season 4. We will take a look at Maeve’s fitting send-off, the terminal fate of one of our favorite characters (but how they might be able to survive it), how the show’s biggest villain has been put on ice, the future of Homelander and Ryan after THAT scene, what we can expect to see in terms of The Seven, and where exactly Annie and Hughie are in their tumultuous relationship. We will also draw parallels with the storylines from the comics and theorize about the inclusion of Jensen Ackles’ rather famous former co-star. This is The Boys Season 3 ending explained!

What did you make of the finale? What do you want to happen in Season 4? Do you think it will be even crazier than this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and make sure to subscribe to the channel today for all this and more.

0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Summary
1:20 - Season 4 Setup

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Written by: Aiden M
Narrated by: John Aljets @BenderWaffles
Edited by: John Aljets @BenderWaffles

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Homelander/Black Noir, Iron Man/Captain America, R2D2/Luke Skywalker: "You knew all this time?"


Ryan actually has a trait that belongs to Soldier Boy in the comics.
In the comics, SB is a coward who recites the States capitol cities when he's scared or overwhelmed.
In the show, you see Ryan doing this during various stressful situations.

Just a cool little factoid I thought I would throw in.


I love this show! Can’t believe black noir is dead though. I thought he was going to be so much more important to the show.


Anybody else dissapointed that Congresswoman Neuman didn't any much of a role in S3, especially after literally blowing everyone's heads at the end of S2. Also she got to use her superpower only once in S3.


It felt a bit silly this season they went through all the trouble wanting Homelander dead just to stop Soldier Boy, because Starlight and Mother's Milk had emotional reasons behind it, now the characters are back to square one in an even worse position they were in at the beginning of the season


They really goofed this finale. Black Noir was wasted and tossed to the side, the kid should've died and the finale fight was underwhelming to say the least. How many times is the main crew gonna abandon their mission, doublecross their allies and walk away when homelander is right infront of them?


@Screen Rant  The scene of homelanders ear bleeding made no sense.
How can a piece of metal injure him?
In season 1 it was said that the government shot a nuke at him and it didn't even scratch him.
I can understand maeve making his nose bleed by punching it, but no matter how strong she was, that metal straw should shatter when she hit homelander with it.
Remember what homelander told noir "you can sharpen that knife for 1000 hours and it still wouldn't cut soldier boys skin"
It would be like throwing a piece of bread at someone and expecting them to bleed.


The killing of Black Noir made no sense. I mean you kept him around all season for that. You finally have a chance to get rid of Homelander and you blew it. Just not that good of an season ender imo


Ryan smiles because he realizes in that moment killing someone isn’t something to be ashamed of. Desensitizing his value of life is another way of absolving himself of taking his mothers


I think that the injury that Maeve gave to Homelander is going to open the door for a weakness to Victoria Newman’s powers. It would be a cool twist if she ended up being the ultimate bad guy after killing Homelander due to this weakness. I mean, Homelander getting his head popped off is a pretty fitting way for the character to go🤣


They gave a good amount of screen time to Black Noir as if he’s a very important character in the end of the season, but killed him instantly and everybody forgets about him?
Doesn’t add up to me.


Man, the finale was better in my mind, than it actually was.


God this is such a frustrating ending. The quality and character development are superb, but ultimately this season went nowhere. Noir is dead, Maeve is powerless, Soldier Boy is locked up again, Homelander is unstoppable now, Ryan sides with him, Victoria is more political powerful. This was not satisfying at all, as these plot decisions were made solely to drag the show for more seasons.


When you get right down to it, ryan is the reason for everything that has gone wrong in the past 2 seasons. This kid needs to go.


That smile on the face of the Ryan 😈


disappointing .. nothing resolved or moved forward ... the season ended just like how it started


I felt like Frenchie really fully embraced Robert DeNiro's Taxi Driver this episode


His son facial expression hit more than the season for me. Yoooo


Hearing isn't the only thing that homelander might have received damage on. The injury may also affect his balance and sense of direction, though I doubt it in his case.


Real butcher would have killed homelander at any cost, even killing Ryan. Sad to see how ending spoiled his character.
