The Boys Season 3 SPOILER REVIEW (Finale & Season 4)

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The Boys Season 3 Review. Full spoiler review and reaction of the boys tv series on amazon prime. I breakdown my thoughts on the series so far and touch upon BIG MOMENTS like soldier boy vs homelander or the herogasm episode the big finale in episode 8 with butcher vs soldier. al even speculating to what could happen in the boys season 4.


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Speculation for Black Noir, do his powers include regeneration? We saw that Soldier Boy bashed his brains in, he healed quickly from his fight with Kimiko, and he survived a blast head on. Idk but to me I think Noir is coming back, Edgar has had him in his pocket for a reason.


In my opinion, Herogasm could have been the finale for season 3. The episode was so good. I literally had a herogasm watching it.


Now that Butcher is on limited time it’s gonna be fun to see how for he will go to get things done, this is the start of Butchers Villain arc and also JUSTICE FOR NOIR


lmaoo you’re foul for including MM getting violated by “Father’s Milk” 😂😂😂


I hope black noir isn't actually dead. I can see him surviving bc he has from everything else in the past. Hopefully he is actually alive qnd then actually helps the boys later go at homelander.


I actually can see the empathy for homelander when he’s by himself and he talks about wanting to be loved and wishing he knew his father, and wanting to raise his son, he’s still twisted but I just love how the show isn’t black and white and deals with the nuances of society


The Boys has definitely been one hell of a ride so far. I love the MCU so much and can not wait for more from them. But The Boys is definitely my one of favourite superhero shows on TV !


This season was absolutely beautiful. Disney should be taking notes


You never fail to make hilarious intros.


definitely my favourite comic book show, can’t wait for season 4 😭💙


Loved every episode of this season except for the finale. Everything felt super rushed and didn’t really make sense towards the end. It felt like they didn’t know to end it so we just ended up being right back where started at the beginning of this season. Also the buildup to the giant fight they had made no sense when literally no one died. Like I get that they’re superpowered and are able to withstand more damage but at what point does damage dealt outweigh how much they can withstand? What happened to all the consequences? The only person that died was Black Noir and he didn’t even get to put up a fight. There’s just so many plot holes about how things happened and no answers as to why they did. Hopefully they’ll explain it next season. The finale was probably my least favorite episode of The Boys so far. The rest of the season was great tho.


The season was great, but I didn't like the decision they made at the end when Soldier Boy fought against Butcher. And we couldn't get that Epic rematch between Homelander and SoldierBoy.


The ending was such a let down, the turn against SB after everything, the sheer inclusion of SB to stick him back in a tube at the end. Definitely expected more hell to break loose for the finale


Each season I start to love Butcher even more. The writing for his character is really great, episode 7 really made me love his character. The Hughie and Butcher relationship is also really great. Now I do wonder since most of the 7 are dead (RIP Black Noir), retired, or left, is Homelander going to look for replacements that support his actions like Stormfront. Can't wait for season 4.


This season is so good, I kinda got into the boys late probably late into season 2 but man I'm so glad I started watching it because this season is absolutely amazing and I'm so excited for season 4....billy the butcher is slowly becoming one of my favorite hero's or anti-heros of all time, at least the billy the butcher from the TV show that is


Personally I feel like it’s good but the last episode felt off for some reason, but it’s definitely my favorite season. But I don’t understand how this show could even possibly go longer than 1 or 2 more seasons

Edit: Also Starlight getting all powerful to do very little damage annoyed me a bit.


To be honest I didn’t like that they made Maeve last that long against homelander, yes it was to retire her character but is Maeve had a few month of training she could beat homelander, that kinda proves homelander isn’t that strong enough heroes can kill him


I cried when Black Noir died, like for real?! I couldn’t believe it. Also I have a feeling that season 4 might be coming to the finale for the boys.


I didn't like how Mother's Milk was trying to throw down with Soldier Boy at the Herogasm party. I totally understand his reasons. But it's like dude, maybe try to come up with something a little more effective than just putting your fists up? Especially when he knows Soldier Boy could kill him with one punch to the head. Then he'll really never get to see his family again...
