🔴Blitz Red Alert 2: World Cup Finals! | Pro 1v1 | Luke -VS- Qien (Command & Conquer Tournament)

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Hey everyone! My name's Iver. Welcome to my channel: RA2 World Series. I host and stream pro Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (Yuri's Revenge) games... and give the winners cash :)

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🙌Red Alert 2 World Series is a monthly tournament series looking for PLAYERS, SPONSORS, and STREAMERS! All skill levels welcome... even if you haven't played in 20 years, come join the fun!

(100% go toward next month's price pool)

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"Red Alert 2 World Series"
This is a monthly cash-prize tournament that is split into three different game modes: Standard RA2, Yuri's Revenge, and Blitz. For each mode, we separate players into divisions based on their skill level: Pro, Semi-Pro, D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 (for the noobies).


This channel features a variety of RA2 gameplay, including professional 1v1 matches, 2v2 games, show-matches, multi-player, free-for-all (FFA), tournaments, and cash prize events. We also feature helpful tutorials, strategies, and walk-throughs, with tips/tricks for new players. I focus mostly on PvP, but I also do PvE occasionally, like 1v7 Brutal AI Enemy challenges, Allied Campaign, and Soviet Campaign games.

"Red Alert 2 Remastered" has yet to officially release, but until it does, I've created a variety of custom maps, tiny maps, survival maps, and mod maps to keep us all entertained! We have a great community of players of all skill levels... download the game today, and come play with us! :)


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💥 "Blitz"
This is a Red Alert 2 game mode of my own creation. Tiny-map, no ore, build oil for money (max 12 oils). All Allied get all Allied bonuses (minus France), all Soviet get all Soviet bonuses. There is a 10min game timer. No engineers allowed.


🎉Wanna watch LIVE?!
Follow me on Twitch (for free) to catch the matches live!


🙌 Wanna see more?
Liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing, is free for you, and helps me grow and create more content!


💪 Wanna play?
After the scheduled matches I host open games that anyone can join! Follow me on Twitch (for free), next time I stream join in for some fun! Message me on Discord with questions.

I also host tournaments each month with brackets for players of ALL skill levels. Join my Discord for info:


👍 Download Red Alert 2?
Trying to figure out how to play RA2 online? Follow this link, it has a video that explains how to download RA2 and play on Cnc-net!


🙌 Donations
Wanna support the channel? 100% of your donations go toward creating more games!


🤝 Discord
This is a free and easy to use messaging app popular in the gaming world. See schedules, ask questions, and join the community!


📧 For Business Inquiries:


#redalert2 #commandandconquer #yurisrevenge #redalert2download #RA2cashGAMES #twitch #RA2theMOON #gamingchannel
#redalert2gameplay #redalert2remastered #videogaming #strategygames #rtsgames
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😛Download & Play
😅Red Alert 2 Comic Book!
😎Red Alert 2 Merchandise!
🤑Donate & Sponsor!
🤠Tournament Signup!
😍Tiktok, Twitch, Discord!

All info...

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🙌Red Alert 2 World Series is a monthly tournament series looking for PLAYERS, SPONSORS, and STREAMERS!

(100% go toward next month's price pool)

😃Signup & Info & Contact...


thanks for the work you do to provide this man. it's great that you are keeping this alive! I love watching these.


I've been binge watching your content lately. So much fun!


Been playing this game since day one. Loved when westwood was still around and after ea killed them there was xwis servers. Never knew that ppl still played online till today. Absolutely Awesome


Being playing this game for over 20 years and it amazes me how good these players are!! I come nowhere close. Amazing!!


Amazing games, super pro tactics, love to watch it👍…I am little bit disappointed Luke didn’t manage to win as he is my favourite player. Appreciate skills of both and thanks for sharing this👏


great game play. keep up the good work


It is Always great RA2 Videos that you make for YouTube. Thanks for your efforts


Great work Iver. So much passion for the game and the comunity. Keep up the good work. Was a fantastic 2023 from your side! Love to see more this year.


What a beautiful GI rush/tank control in game 4 for Luke.


14:00 That transition effect was epic.


"my armpits are a disaster" :'D


apparently i can hold my breath for 33 minutes .. omg that was fast paced!


You can apreciate and admire good tank control and tactics but spamming Kirovs or Demo trucks is the most entertaining to watch ngl. Especially from Pros who actually know what they are doing and when they can afford it🤣Luke had just enough tanks to fend off Qien when he started pouring out those bad boys in the 3rd game


qien is too good but luke can stand his ground what a game!!!


Love the new animations when switching to the next map after a match with this little tilting. And the moving 3D cubes with the pictures of the units on it.


bro ib think i watched this one 2 times xD


You don't like us equally, you prefer live chat lol


Hi, newbie here, why does no one play as yuri?


Does this come with the command and conquer remastered collection
