🔥Pro 2v2 World Cup! - $650 Red Alert 2 Tournament (Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge)

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Pro Blitz World Series (Event #14) “World Cup” (December 2022)
This is a 1v1 & 2v2 Red Alert 2 Tournament: featuring 12 different divisions, 70+ players, and $650+ in cash prizes!

Wanna play next month? There are Divisions for players of all skill levels! Join my Discord server below for more info.


Hey everyone! My name's Iver. Welcome to my channel: RA2cashGAMES. I host and stream pro Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (Yuri's Revenge) games... and give the winners cash :)

My channel features a variety of RA2 gameplay, including professional 1v1 matches, 2v2 games, show-matches, multi-player, free-for-all (FFA), tournaments, and cash prize events. We also feature helpful tutorials, strategies, and walk-throughs, with tips/tricks for new players. I focus mostly on PvP, but I also do PvE occasionally, like 1v7 Brutal AI Enemy challenges, Allied Campaign, and Soviet Campaign games.

"Red Alert 2 Remastered" has yet to officially release, but until it does, I've created a variety of custom maps, tiny maps, survival maps, and mod maps to keep us all entertained! We have a great community of players of all skill levels... download the game today, and come play with us! :)

Info & Links:

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💥 "Blitz"
This is a Red Alert 2 game mode of my own creation. Tiny-map, no ore, build oil for money (max 12 oils). All Allied get all Allied bonuses (minus France), all Soviet get all Soviet bonuses. There is a 10min game timer. No engineers allowed.


🎉Wanna watch LIVE?!
Follow me on Twitch (for free) to catch the matches live!


🙌 Wanna see more?
Liking, commenting, subscribing and sharing, is free for you, and helps me grow and create more content!


💪 Wanna play?
After the scheduled matches I host open games that anyone can join! Follow me on Twitch (for free), next time I stream join in for some fun! Message me on Discord with questions.

I also host tournaments each month with brackets for players of ALL skill levels. Join my Discord for info:


👍 Download Red Alert 2?
Trying to figure out how to play RA2 online? Follow this link, it has a video that explains how to download RA2 and play on Cnc-net!


🙌 Donations
Wanna support the channel? 100% of your donations go toward creating more games!


🤝 Discord
This is a free and easy to use messaging app popular in the gaming world. See schedules, ask questions, and join the community!


📧 For Business Inquiries:


#redalert2 #commandandconquer #yurisrevenge #redalert2download #RA2cashGAMES #twitch #RA2theMOON #gamingchannel
#redalert2gameplay #redalert2remastered
#videogaming #strategygames #rtsgames
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💥WANT RA2 TO GROW? Like this video and comment below to help me get RA2 in front of more people!💥

💪The Red Alert 2 World Series is a monthly tournament series with divisions for ALL skill levels... Noobs welcome!

🙌We're looking for PLAYERS, SPONSORS, and STREAMERS!

(100% go toward next month's price pool)

😃Signup & Info & Contact...

🥳Download & Play...

😎Watch Live (free)...


Really enjoyed the 2 V 2. Always good to keep playing around and seeing what works best. We appreciate the innovating Iver!


Wow 2*2 is much more interesting than 1*1, this was the first time i saw lategame units in player competitive


I have to say u do develop great maps.


two comments for improvement though!
1. Please don't spoil the length of a single game - it's enough we can see how long the whole match takes! :)
2. No idea what happened in the bottom left corner at the end - video suggestion popped up and took that space over covering the action. Maybe consider doing an outro, so the game's not covered at all?


Awesome games as always! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas! 🤩


Wish 2v2 was easier to organize. Fun to play


How to get sniper with paradrop togarher?
