6. The Errors of Marcel Lefebvre [PREVIEW]

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Unless the situation of “necessity” is appreciated - and surely with Francis’s pontificate it is proved - there’s little point in criticizing +Lefebvre or comparing him with those who despite their actions did little to address the situation and much to compound it. The Church is not in a “regular” situation - there is a crisis of faith - in extremis - and it goes right to the top!


Thanks God for abps Levebvre and Thuc. God bless and keep the good work of fighting for Christ!


If like you say this is a series that points to the errors of JP2 and + Lefebvre then why is your title the errors of Lefebvre only?


One thing that the SSPX has is the experience of the event and thus of Archbishop Lefebvre!


You can never go wrong with Our Lord and his promises. But you can go wrong with speculation that doesn't lead to spiritual fruit. The road of least pride will ultimately benefit anyone the most.


I'm particularly attracted to this series because Timothy approaches both figures with true fairness and christian charity.


21:50 Regarding the Gangon's comments on the SSPX seminary, I am curious where you heard this, since his report was never given to the SSPX. Are his comments hearsay?


Can you provide a source for the statement that Professor Schmaus “persecuted” Pope Benedict and “threatened” his parents? In his Milestone he never mentions this at all. He describes the heated and contentious debate over his habilitation but never about Schmaus coming for his parents or being “persecuted”. In none of the biographies do you read of this persecution or threatening of his parents. It’s not in Seewald’s massive biography.

Schmaus was prudent in his assessment that the work had modernist tendencies if not full on modernist. Then Ratzinger in his recollection never accused Schmaus of misunderstanding him. He just flat out disagreed with his disagreement of it. Schmaus understood him accurately.

Ratzinger writes that Schmaus and he both reconciled and became “friends” in 1970.


This is just stealth division to prop up the trads over mainstream Catholics.


The best presentation of the SSPX situation, IMHO, is John Salza’s. His recent appearance on Pints With Aquinas is so thorough and charitable.


A huge shame for you to do this. Where is unity? Where is unite the clans? When are you first going to denounce real heresy and apostasy out there? Shame on you brother.


I don’t understand why we need to play this game of comparing a saint of the Church to a schismatic metropolitan who died excommunicated from the Church.


As a man, yes, of course - as did St Paul VI, et al. Do these errors, as errors, automatically disqualify him from having lived a saintly life .. worthy of some honour in the Church? No. Did those errors, in fact, lead him to make a grievous mistake - in rebellion against Sts Paul VI and John Paul II .. simply to defy the patently auto-destructive management style and admin team that drew around them (or that they had thrust upon them, as is often the case in any executive office - even monarchs). Yes, those actions led to schism, automatically, in fact, if not as a primary purpose; and the SSPX still lives in the subsequent quirky limbo of the neither exactly damned nor the quite approved status that divides .. yes, divides .. them from corporate union (legally and administratively, if not intentionally) within the Church in communion with God's beloved - called - to be saints at Rome and her jurisdiction (weird or malign as some of these souls may be in practice, which the Lord so permits .. if only as a fiery test upon our fidelity).
Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek.

God bless. ;o)


"Uniting catholics"...yet makes a video called the errors of Lefebvre. "Uniting catholics"...yet praises and adores JPII (leaving out his heresies). "Uniting catholics"...yet throwing the SSPX under the bus instead of denouncing the horrible sacrileges and acts of public apostasy happening out there in the Novus Ordo 24/7. Got it.


I think the Catholic Church, the Pope and it’s hierarchy are the single best argument against the Papacy and Papolatry. The Catholic Church doesn’t need the Orthodox to argue against the Papacy, the aforementioned criteria do a good enough job. WAY TOO MANY CATHOLICS ABSOLUTELY WORSHIP THE POPE AND/OR THE PAPACY.
