Biden's Cognitive Health: Neurologist Explains

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In this video, I discuss Joe Biden's recent behaviors and evaluate whether they may be indicative of normal aging or a potential neurocognitive disorder.

DISCLAIMER: In this video, my goal is to enhance awareness and education about neurological conditions using real world examples. I am not Biden’s physician and I have no patient-physician relationship with him. I do not make diagnoses in my videos; instead, I make observations and opinions based on my medical knowledge and publicly available information.
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Someone in the comments insightfully asked about Biden's confabulation and quick temper. Here are some examples to provide evidence:

Evidence of confabulation:
1. Falsely claiming he was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11.
2. Recalling conversations with leaders who had passed away years ago.
3. Biden kept telling a story suggesting that his late uncle was eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down in World War II. Biden’s dramatic details of the story do not match the Defense Department’s official account of the plane crash.

Regarding irritability, multiple news outlets have reported instances of Biden's quick temper with staff. Even when we listen to Biden's speech, he has inappropriately lashed out at people. For instance, during the debate, some of this behavior was evident, when he exhibited sudden anger seemingly out of the blue, lashing out at Trump and calling him a "sucker" and a "loser."


Neurogal MD is spot on. I'm a nurse who has worked with many patients with age related neurocognitive disorders.
I've also seen people with acquired age related cognitive disorders become stubborn and dig in when being asked to do things they do not want to do.


I worked with seniors for years and know age does not mean you are mentally diminished. Pres. Biden not only shows mental issues, but physical issues. He shuffles while he walks and has lapses of memory and slurring speech. If this man were my father, I would want him to retire and enjoy his last years without the stress of being in the Oval Office.


My father went through this and it was heartbreaking. He was a highly regarded thoracic surgeon with board certifications in pathology and vascular surgery along with a stint as Midwest president of the american cancer society. We witnessed a change in gait, a propensity toward sudden anger outbursts and memory loss. Our family had to act fast into getting him into a care facility. The thought of him practicing surgery in this condition is of course absurd, however, this country is expected to accept Biden as President. Now, that's not only absurd, it's both frightening and dangerous.


One would think cognitive test would be standard for any U.S. sitting president


He blew my mind when he thought it was appropriate or acceptable to lament about the “close call” in _almost_ losing his corvette while speaking to the hundreds of people in Lahaina who had just lost *EVERYTHING* many who had lost their loved ones. Insulting, apathetic and disrespectful… Beyond comprehension that he or his “people” thought this was acceptable. He has zero business being in the White House or in any position of power. He’s reminded me of My grandfather fighting against giving up the keys to his car.. Biden needs to have the keys to the white house taken away!


For anyone familiar with the normal aging process, it doesn't require the "expertise" of a doctor to conclude that the President is likely suffering from a neurodegenerative condition. The pattern of decline and overall cognitive and motor presentation is completely consistent with this likelihood, if one has been paying attention to it.


As Marine vet, I’ve seen a lot of permanent brain damages on the battle field and recovery after gunshot or shrapnel wounds. What I saw during the debate was terrifying. More so than watching fellow Marines with permanent disabilities. He needs to step down. I just don’t see how he can even host foreign leaders if he can’t even form a cohesive sentence.


Very balanced, informative, educational video from a concerned expert. No armchair needed. Our country needs more information like this. Thank you very much, Neurogal MD.


Everything she mentioned is spot on. Let this man retire with dignity!


Neurocognitive testing is mandatory for physicians beyond 70 yrs old in many medical systems. It would be very reasonable to have annual testing for all members of the government.


Out of 350 million people, the best two candidates for presidency are 78 and 81. They might be healthy now, but they are not going to improve in 4 years.


I believe every president should have to have a cognitive test and be held to the same hiring practices as a civilian trying to get a job on a government military base,


If this were any one's uncle, father, or older brother, the family members would understand it as the individual suffering from some sort of progressive dementia or neurocognitive disorder, and would be working to protect that individual. This is a person who needs less responsibilities and difficult decisions to make -- not more.


For those of us who have gone through this with our parents it is obvious


Thanks for your insight. I am now 83, and as a result, I ask my self many of the things that you mention here. take good care, my intelligent friend!


I thought you did a good job keeping this apolitical, fact and evidence based. I'm sure you'll get angry comments from overly passionate political team players but I found this very interesting as someone who has watched loved ones struggle with Alzheimers and Parkinsons.


It’s certainly NOT normal aging, my 92 year old Father communicates just like he did in his 40s .


It doesn’t take an expert, a rocket scientist or certified evaluation to see and understand that he is old and has changed drastically over the last few years. Anyone with any common sense can see the stark decay.

Anyone who says he’s ok and there is no problems or issues should be examined for their own mental health issues.


The members of his Cabinet should have banded together long ago to demand that he be fully and properly tested, with the threat that they would invoke the 25th Amendment if he refused. They were derelict in the duty that they owed to the rest of us. Disgraceful. We now know that the Amendment needs to be modified.
