Environmental Toxins: How To Eliminate The Silent Killers | Dr. Joseph Pizzorno

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Everyday exposure to toxins are silently wreaking havoc on our well-being, causing a surge in chronic diseases and health complications. In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Joseph Pizzorno to dive deep into the hidden dangers of environmental toxins. Learn about practical detoxification pathways, foods that support detox, and effective methods like sweating to eliminate fat-soluble toxins. Plus, discover how reducing your exposure to heavy metals and synthetic chemicals can dramatically improve your health.

In this episode, we discuss:

The startling link between lead exposure and cardiovascular disease

Persistent organic pollutants found in everyday items

The impact of heavy metals on prostate cancer, heart disease, and diabetes

How increased fiber intake helps eliminate toxins by preventing reabsorption in the gut

How regular sauna use can help eliminate toxins that are difficult to remove through other means

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Pendulum, Armra, and Purity Coffee.

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I could profit from this information MUCH more if there were subtitles. This way I could have shared it with my swiss german speaking father (MD) with whom I have a lot of discussions about new medical topics that don’t seem to reach his state of consciousness. Please start making your content more avaliable to the global community, thank you!!!❤


Great video! I have used Protandim Nrf2 for 15 years... activating SOD, glutathione and nrf2 'switches' inside the cell and also have learned how to detox through many avenues: Pure Herbs, Cellcore products, activated bamboo charcoal, etc. But FIRST I focus on cleaning up food and using it CORRECTLY to release fat inflammation help the detox organs function again and then we work slowly on detoxing protocols! Thanks for the discussion!


When he’s talking about the order of detoxing around the 44 min mark. It’s so important to make sure your detox pathways are open.. lymphatic so important because it doesn’t have a pump. Dr Perry Nickerson has awesome videos on easy ways to do and incorporate into your day. Best one the wet noodle. lol.


Amen to check for lead and heavy metals as part of prevention baseline physical testing


Wow great scientist , thank you for everything that you do Dr joseph, and Dr Mark thank you as well for teaching us how to be healthy.


Thanks to two pioneers in their respective fields (Naturopathic Medicine and Functioal Medicine) for focusing on this important yet too infrequently discussed topic! Perhaps a part two at some point?


Yes, and: Lead-exposed organisms commonly take two to four times the learning experiences to realize the consequences of their actions. Modern bones have 100 to 1000 times the accumulated lead than prehistoric bones had accumulated. Imagine what that means for societal wellbeing. And then, those exposures subtly harm many physiological pathways in the body that we depend on for feeling well. Very many types of illness can be exacerbated by lead uptake into our bodies. Messing with fishing sinkers (tackle boxes are superfund sites for lead), and working unprotected with lead batteries, can be accumulating higher body burden of lead in blood for a short time, but in bone for a very long time. This provides a store of lead contamination within the calcium of the bones. When stress from illness, pregnancy, old age etc. causes added need for more calcium, the body gets it from the bone. The body does not recognize the lead differently from the calcium, so it comes out with the calcium to once again circulate in the soft tissues where it can have toxic effect just as the body is at its most vulnerable. Contrary to common opinion, lead DOES pass through skin, but for some reason it loses its affinity for the red blood cells when it enters through skin, so it does not show up as elevating the blood lead level that is the most common diagnostic test for lead poisoning, yet more has entered the body. Lead is an ACCUMULATIVE toxic substance, it builds up a body burden that increases many ailments. Reading all of the available research is difficult, but sobering, and I can see how accumulation is a very important part of driving declining health, faster than would be if more precautions were taken with sources of exposure. Lead often substitutes for metal atoms that form the focal points of metalloproteins, making those essential proteins and enzymes dysfunctional because they no longer fold properly to get their physiologic job done. Now, glyphosate has become a co-contaminant adversely affecting many of the same physiologic pathways at mechanistic levels. Both lead and glyphosate can interfere with protein folding, having vast implications for disease causation both additive and synergistic. It is important to read the literature on both IMHO.


Superb presentation! Can someone tell me which kind(s) of SOAP & shampoos are best to use to avoid environmental toxins?


Video starts at 17:30. All the beginning is advertising.


Is this about mold? Hope so because most docs have no clue


In at least Germany - Alpha Lypolic Acid is by prescription only and they use it for toxic snake and toxic spider etc bites to strongly protect the liver


I have started with one meal a day so I fast 22 hours a day and feel good but have noticed that when the belly fat shrinks, my face has become red-flamed. Could this be due to toxins being released now that the fat is melting?


I find that reducing Playback speed to .75 works best for me.


The powers that be just removed my text numerous times. I tried retexting and even changed the wording to get it through, went back and checked, and it’s gone. We are in serious trouble. They may block this too…


NOW I understand why my Functional Medicine Physician did my detox LAST. IT seemed counterintuitive to me before....but now I understand. NOTE: Part ONE of the resistance is this; conventional medicine has not taught this info. in med school and TWO: insurance will not pay for "experimental" treatments...so many people cannot or will not do them.


How was it determined what baseline labs are included in the yearly physical covered by insurance? How do we get the general practitioner or insurance companies to include/ cover these other tests in " basic " testing? Or is it related to knowledge and money?


So how do you get tested for toxins in Canada... We have no functional Drs? 😅

Anyone else in their thirties and think its too late ? How are we ever supposed to heal and prevent when we live in a deadly world ?


When will these doctors realize and tell the public that the whole body is working together.
Every bacteria is it own entity and we are their host and they try desperately to keep us alive but if we make them multi task and spread those trillions of bacteria thin by having them work harder and longer on things like easily avoidable toxins in air water and food then the bacteria might not be able to help out with the cancer cell getting bigger ..
I started to get serious about food nutrition as a child and I'm my 40s went on a chemical free diet even moved into an Amish family farm for 7 months..

I'm now working on my comfort foods issues (I'm a chef) and eat them minimumly and usually use organic and grass fed items and I due feel great with no aches an pains and almost no sharp pains or numbness in feet at 57yrs old.
Switched out sugary drinks an make my own liquids w quality ingredients..

I will do a 50/50 at the bakery I will be involved with soon.. 😮❤

Thank you to both yous doctors


Was a really informative video so much of the way, but I don't necessarily think Dr. Pizzorno and Mark have enough data - social, historical...even medical data to back up causes of body dysmorphia. It was like most of the video had a ton of research, data and years of experience backing the talk and then randomly a connection was made between one thing and another because the men happened to feel like they've been hearing of a topic more often recently. Older cultures in India and Mexico have always had a third gender. Times are different in that people are made more comfortable to talk about their sexuality. If it was the 50s, people would have just kept quiet - there was no platform. People are getting their photographs taken now more than any other time in the past and so seeing how you look and analyzing whether that matches how you feel of course would be more discussed. I'm up for hearing new data and research, but the ending wasn't really backed and I don't know, it didn't really feel right.


Mt ggt is always high over 50. .. i wonder what toxins I have. Dr. Pizzorno how did you lower your
