How To Add Google Analytics To Google Sites | Beginners Guide

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In this Google Sites and Google Analytics tutorial, I share how to connect your Google Analytics to Google Sites and Google Search Console.

Have you built your website with Google Sites? And are you wanting to track your website's performance? If the answer is yes then this tutorial is for you!

► Check out the full step-by-step article over on our website here:

Google Analytics is an essential tool for anyone looking to measure their website traffic, performance and visitor behavior.

Recently, Google released Google Analytics 4 which offers deeper integrations, analytics, cross-device analytics and more, to help you better understand your online performance.

► These are the tutorials we mentioned in this video:

How to create a website with Google Sites:

How to connect a custom domain name:

How to use Google Analytics:

How to use Google Search Console:

► In this Google Sites and Google Analytics tutorial we cover the following chapters:

0:00 Intro
00:56 Getting started
01:42 How to setup Google Analytics
06:14 How to connect Google Sites with Google Analytics
08:35 How to connect Google Search Console with Google Sites
03:54 Outro

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Let me know if you found this Google Sites and Google Analytics tutorial helpful. Also, if you require any help or support with your marketing activities, make sure to get in touch with me today.

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

#googlesites #googleanalytics
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Many thanks for this - very easy for a novice to follow.


I really appreciate detailed explanations!


Thank you a million times for this video! Your directions were easy to follow.


You are a true treasure @Stewart, thank you for everything you do, I wish you great success and a wonderful life🌹


I admire the way of your style. Thank you so much for sharing this video.


Thank you sir, that was simple and straight to the point :) !


This was really helpful and easy to follow thank you.


Do you know if there is a way to run both UA and GA4 in parallel for new Google Sites? I know Google recommends running both in parallel, but I cannot find an option to do this.


Great information, thank you! Are you able to add a FB Pixel to a Google Site?


Hi I have also set up a domain that connects to the google site will traffic from people accessing the site through the domain also show up?


Thanks a lot for this video! One question, does this means that I don't need to add the google analytics tag to every page of the New Google Site?


I understand it's ok to have one analytics account for several sites but do you recommend that? You did say to make sure we're logged into the gmail account so that would mean if I have 5 sites then they would all have the same google/gmail account?


Thank you for this usefull video! I have a question about cookies and consent. Is it possible to activate a popup window at the site entrance for data collection consent? With Law 25 and the RGPD we need to be compliant. But I don't see how with Google Site, if so, I've missed some information! Thank you! :)


Stewart you re the man! this worked perfectly.. I have a question for your I tried to link google analytics 4 to my paid domain name and something curious happened---I have two computers-.. i only can see the data running in one of the computers..could I remove google analytics 4 and go through the whole process again? .. I have already figured out what went wrong I typed the wrong country....😶


Cool and useful content. I got a chalenge for you: How can i do for don't show the home page at menu and taht just the logo index works as home link? Thnx


Hi Stewart. Thank you for your video.
I noticed that, in your video, the same warning in orange that appears on my Google Site property appears at 6:04, saying, "Data collection isn't active for your website. If you installed tags more than 47 hours ago, make sure that they are set up correctly. View tag instructions.
When I click on View realtime (as you show in your video), my navigation on the website appears!
But when I go to Data Streams > Data Collection > Collect website and app data, it says "DATA NOT FLOWING"
Is this right? I am really lost on this point. I have another site through Wix, and it doesn't have this message on its GA4 property settings.
Really thank you for your time, it is a nice video, and it helped me a lot!



It appears that setup requires the tags to be added to the HTML <header> but there is no way to do this. I get the error on the Analytics page:
No data received from your website yet.
To start collecting data make sure your website is tagged using the Measurement ID:


didn't work for me, I've settled all like you did, but it keeps saying I need to configure something, and no data was collected. I've migrated from another system to google sites, I had to delete the previous analytics account... I don't know if this has something to do with the problem


Where do you put the Google Tag on the Google Site?


hello sir.what about SEO for Google site
