Economic Update: Germany Shifts Left

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[S11 E42] Germany Shifts Left

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Biden's and Democrats' fading tax reforms, German and Austrian politics shift left, Yale sells out to rich donors, product shortages often deliberate, wages for housework, and real US food inflation.

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“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.”

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Compared to US citizens I live in a (more) humane capitalist society (Note the contradiction!). Being used to the given rights which workers fought for, I want a more just and peaceful society. And I will fight for this not only at home but also for workers abroad, because I'm a proud socialist and internationalist. Stop dreaming, wake up and stand up for what's right and human! ✊🌹 Greetings from 🇩🇪.


I live in Las Vegas and my rent is going up $400 on the next rental cotract. I am disabled and live on a fixed income. The whole world is going through a crisis and these greedy BASTERDS can not get enough money. They are a very large property corporation.
It's time to take a stand. Who is with me?


You don't have to tell me how bad american society has become. I'm living it professor Wolff! 😪


Americans lose their mind when I tell them how many days of paid vacation ALL working Europeans get.


thanks Proff. for having us every monday


"Never be deceived that the rich will let you vote away their wealth" Lucy Parsons


So thankful for your work Prof Wolff. You're a brave truth teller.


@ProfWollf. I appreciate the comparisons and contrast of other countries’ policies, protocols, governmental parties, and laws to that if the USA. Thank you.


I own a very small American manufacturing company. We buy certain microchips. One chip used to cost ~3.00 USD each and are pretty much gone worldwide. For the few who sell them now, the profiteers, they are selling them for anywhere from $32 to $86 USD each. I won't buy them. We were buying them at ~10 but now the prices are insane...oh, did I forget to say they come from China? Yes, they do...oh, yes, and we've had to pay MORE money on tariffs, too...isn't that nice? I'm still waiting on a refund check from China for all the tariffs we've paid since the last guy said they'd pay for


4:45 The Rich screwing the Poor... brilliant!


Thank you Prof. Wolfe! People need to know what you've got to share and we're so glad you're willing to do so!


Law was and is always tilted towards the rich. Society, at large, looks down upon the poor. This is the tragedy. 🌲🌲🌲🌲


Thank you Professor Wolf!! You are a treasure for all us.


Respectfully, Dr Wolff, Yale didn’t sell-out to this billionaire as they’ve been an institution for the wealthy since inception. They simply maintained course


Germany moves left and we move right. We are on the wrong track. Just ask working people how well they are protected by their system in hard times in both countries.

We are building a stronger oligarchy with greater distance between the richest, privileged, very few and everyone else. Our lives are becoming more precarious and the rug is being pulled out from beneath both working people and our shrinking middle class too. Sadly all the laws and all the money in America is flowing into fewer and fewer hands in America. Germany is still a very capitalist country with its own privileged class but with their parliamentary system and 6 parties they have chosen to try to give the German a people a floor they cannot easily fall beneath. Here we slip from one class to a less secure one in the blink of an eye and almost no effort will make you whole again. That holds true for all but the elite in America. You cannot fail if you are an oligarch in America.


Dr. Wolff, the SPD is not a socialist party. They're social democrats. Big difference there. Also their history is super sketchy.


Re: Product Shortage. Personally, I believe that the billionaire Capitalists see that there's an increasing number of citizens demanding wage increases, thus, in preparation for future wage increases, the Capitalist billionaires are creating "supply shortages" to justify jacking up their product/service prices. Then, in the near future, the billionaire Capitalists will act like they're being good people and increase wages a bit across all industries. Afterwards, the shortage supply will improve, prices will come back down a bit, but the billionaire Capitalists will make sure that they've not only appeared to be doing good by raising wages, but that they are also profiting a little more off of every item/service they sell. End result, the majority of citizens will be no further ahead and may be even a little further behind. The game is rigged and the wealthiest are screwing the rest of society every way possible.


Despite all this talk of worker shortages, the jobs out there are STILL mostly shit. Shit pay, shit hours, no guaranteed minimum hours, no room for growth, and full of short-staffed, grumpy workers.


One learns much more from this learned professor in 30 minutes than 30 months from other sources. Reason being, as the illustrious professor says, the other "sources" don't tell you much. Thank you, Prof. Wolff!


As a UK citizen, I can't believe how poor US workers are and yet they still decry any hint of socialism.
