MongoDB Laravel | Make E-commerce #78: Shopping Cart (III) | Update Cart Items Quantity via Ajax

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This is Part 78 of the Laravel 11 Tutorial in which we are building the e-commerce website with Laravel as the front end and MongoDB as the back end. We will continue working on the Laravel shopping cart page where we will show cart items.
From this video, we will work on updating the quantity of Shopping Cart Items via Ajax.
Now check once if the cart page is coming fine and the product is added correctly in the cart so that we can move further.
We will use jQuery syntax a lot in this part so watch below jQuery playlist to learn more about jQuery:-
5) Create Route :-
6) Create updateCartItemQty function :-
Now we will create updateCartItemQty function in ProductController to get the product id and desired qty by the customer via Ajax. We will first debug whether the output is correct.
7) Update updateCartItemQty function:-
Update the updateCartItemQty function at Front/ProductController to get the cart ID and new quantity of cart item via Ajax to update the cart item quantity and return cart items view via Ajax.
8) Add Header Statement:-
Add below header statement at top of ProductController:-
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;
Now you can see we are able to update the quantity of cart items with Ajax without refreshing the page.
In the next video, we will add some necessary checks and show error/success messages.
In the next video, we will continue working on updating cart items quantity with Ajax.
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