Resident Evil 7: Biohazard [Here's Your 'GOOD ENDING'] Debunking 'outside good ending on the demo'

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This video was made in response to people saying if you could somehow get out of the house it would trigger a secret ending.

So as you see here there are low res backdrops, invisible walls, basically the day time outside is unfinished.. Meaning you are NEVER getting outside in the day time. There is no happy ending out side the front door
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It's still possible a trigger would load the remainder of the outside for an undiscovered ending, although I'll admit it's unlikely.


Hey y'all. I usually never post. But let me get it the point;

I think I found a new "thing" in the re7 demo that involves the
headphones in the tape-past-time that makes it so the phone in the
current time doesn't ring (technically). Let me explain how I did it and
why I say "technically".

So no matter what phone ending you get, the phone will always ring and blink red.

If you go through the game as if you were trying to get any phone
ending, (get the fuse, go to their stairs, activate secret stairs, go to
the telephone room) but then go back to the video and go watch it, then
proceed as normal and go upstairs (to where the headphones are) and
then go to your options, select headphones, and put all your audio stuff
on 0....when you go back to the current world, and you go upstairs to
where the phone is...the light is no longer blinking red. (Which never

So "technically", it's as if it were not ringing. Not sure if it's a bug...but I was able to replicate it over and over.

If ou go back to the audio and change it back to can hear
the phone ring, but the light doesn't blink red on the phone.

Not sure if it means anything, or is part of the bigger solution, but any feedback would be great.

His is the link to the live stream I did it on. Done in the first 15 min
or so. Will try again tonight. This is seriously frustrating me.

Let me know what y'all think!


Actually this video is a good ending of RE7 demo, but capcom never let anyone can reach this, so capcom put the glitch or bug in outside house to made anyone think that there is no good ending in RE7 : beginning hour. In fact, we didn't have a choice to find a goid ending except always punched out by Family Man


that is not necessarily true, it’s entirely possible that the assets didn’t properly load or something with the draw-dist got skipped or broken due to something you did. there are any number of technical issues that could cause this. in other words it’s entirely possible there is a way to escape the house in the present day, but what you see here is just the result of a bug


lies you escape through the attic window LOL


Capcom has said there there IS a way to get outside. I recently heard this. Maybe there's another way


Areas that aren't used aren't loaded and rendered completely to save memory. You glitched to the door so the game never loaded what's supposed to be there. A fully rendered version of outside EXISTS, we see it in the vhs. they'd have no reason to completely remake the outside in low res as opposed to just taking what they already had and making it day


after reading more confirmations that this demo isn't going to be part of the full game i worry the whole game will be like a normal RE game and nothing like this demo and if that happens ill be dissapointed :( so i hope im wrong that the full game plays like a typical RE game, even though this demo isn't a part of it.


Maybe it's supposed to trigger a cutscene once you get out and that's the reason why it's not loaded


i wonder why didnt they just used the setting in the vhs, just night time.
it seems more like they wasted resources making two versions of the same level.


Hope the mannequins are in the final game 👍 #bringbackmannequins


You can spin the ceiling fan, then insert the dummy finger and the front door will unlock. The code is 7 clockwise, 7 counter, 7 clockwise. On the ground there's 3 stars, every time you go clockwise 7 press X on the star. That's it


Yeah capcom already said the protagonists and the house used in the demo and their beta entitled KITCHEN" will tie into the game at a later part. Meaning the characters never leave the house, but honestly we only have one more ending to find so it's probably something about the basement. like the character unlocks it sees stuff and gets locked up there. Capcom also said all these endings could be considered canon. You do realize Clancy and your other char never die. Stop flipping out there is no outside


im saved that resident evil 7 that dude dide kill me its glich and the basement monster its gliching and if you want survive its so insane to get out the house or im trying all endings i got bad end i go in back in the house and he killed me i got glich in video tape im flying in resident evil 7 its best end for ever


Thanks for hacking the door. Now you fulfill the curious of 230 people. And 168 members of family dislike you.


I got this the first time I played... but I dont know how I did it.


lol the description just crushes your hopes and dreams m8


How'd you do it? I'd like to look at the glitch myself


how to do that my name is Gabriel Hall


How did u do this? How did u get the door open is what i wonder mostly.
