The Sin of Howard Zinn’s Teaching | Dr. Jake Jacobs

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While attending the University of Brighton, studying American and European History, I was introduced to a textbook titled "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn a self-proclaimed Communist-Socialist Professor at Boston University. Zinn considered himself a social justice warrior who used his teaching platform, books and plays as a tool to influence his students into transforming the United States of America into a socialistic state. "A People's History" has been assigned as reading in many high schools and colleges across the United States and has sold over two million copies since 1980. The problem with Zinn's very popular work, besides it's failure to footnote his research, is the twisted history that is anti-capitalistic, anti-Christian, and anti-republic, designed to fit his socialistic aims.

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I wasn't aware of the controversy behind Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" when I started reading it. However, it did not take long to realize how transparent Zinn's biases were. The premise of the book sounds great, however the book doesn't actually present history with an open mind; rather it's an unrelenting stream of pathos. He warps American history into socialist parables.

While no book can accurately claim to be free of bias, there was shockingly little practical historical information in the book. The entire book is premised upon confirming and propagating any socialist sympathies in its readers. I can definitely see the fruits this book bore today in modern society. It would be an understatement to say Howard Zinn had an admiration for Karl Marx. However, I think today's socialists favor a Fabian/Gradualist approach.

I think everyone has an obligation to read and expose "A People's History of the United States". Howard invited criticism and had some valuable insights. I would actually like to explore more of Zinn's body of work so that I may be better equipped to smother socialism wherever it is found. I would also recommend everyone read the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and also familiarize themselves with The Fabian Society; these works are valuable in understanding the logical failures of socialism.


You can’t even criticize specifics in the book. You just say the book and Howard Zinn are Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, and anti-republican without explaining why those are evil positions to take.


Wow - a professor actually challenged your comfort zone and had you study a AMerican history w/ a perspective from which you were not familiar? Striking! They act like they are trying to get you to think fir yourself or something. Teaching students that the country they live in is the greatest in the world and beyond meaningful criticism is totally different than North Korea and communist China.

All that fire and brimstone and
Yet not one single fact in Zinn’s outstanding book is disputed.

You lose.


Can you suggest some good American History books? Books that provide citations would be much preferred.
Thank you


Brother in law gave the children's history to my daughter. I did not notice.
Saw it 2 days later. Brand new, crisp and in the garbage.


Zinn was an anarchist. Maybe actually read his books and see what he had to say instead of making a bunch of strawmans. He is someone that fought in WWII and the civil rights movement and deserves that.


Mary Grabar just wrote a book entitled, "Debunking Howard Zinn".
It is available at Amazon, eBay, etc. Check it out. She does a fine job debunking Zinn's BS.
As an instructor, I am doing my little part in my small sphere of influence to counter Zinn's lies.


Everything you're saying about this guy makes him sounds awesome! Thanks for turning me on to him


Well said and rightfully true in your entire statement ProtectingHistory.


Howard Zinn has done more damage to this country than probably anything else if you view education and history as paramount to a culture's survival. The least we could have done is offered our students a balance in historians of equal caliber. Human's see what they want and historians are no different no matter how hard they think they try. Also, more heads are always better than one. This would have been a great opportunity to show our kids how to think critically. Zinn's overwhelming influence is not good and I personally think he should rot in hell.


Why would his work be so popular if it had no appeal, or contained no evidence of historical fact? You'd think such 'diatribe', as you describe it, would not be very popular? Maybe we need to understand what 'popular' actually implies (?)


This channel henceforth forever has the biggest gay.


Jealousy erodes a part of the human spirit. This presenter clearly has issues.
