Alan Watts - Taoist Way Full Lecture - Alan Watts Organization Official

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The Works includes the following recordings :

Essential Lectures Collection

Tao of Philosophy
Not What Should Be
Sense of Nonsense
Coincidence of Opposites
Seeing Through the Net
Myth of Myself
Man and Nature
Limits of Language

Philosophies of Asia
Relevance of Oriental Philosophy
Mythology of Hinduism
Introduction to Buddhism
Taoist Way
Intellectual Yoga

Myth & Religion
Images of God
Jesus: His Religion
Spiritual Authority
Image of Man
Democracy in Heaven
Religion & Sexuality

Philosophy & Society
Veil of Thoughts
Divine Madness
We as Organism
On Being God
Mysticism & Morality
What Is Reality

Comparative Philosophy
Mind Over Mind
Philosophy of Nature
The Cosmic Drama
Spectrum of Love
Love of Waters
Game of Yes and No
The Smell of Burnt Almonds
Spiritual Alchemy

Eastern Wisdom Collection
Ways of Liberation
Introduction to Oriental Philosophy
On Buddhism
On Taoism
Way of Liberation

Introduction to Hinduism
On Hinduism
On Yoga
Religion of No Religion
Journey to India

The Middle Way
Buddhism as Dialogue
Religion of No Religion
Wisdom of the Mountains
Diamond Web
Transcending Duality

Eastern & Western Zen
Introduction to Zen
Early Chinese Zen
Uncarved Block
Zen Bones
Biting an Iron Bull
World As Just So

Swimming Headless
Wisdom of the Ridiculous
Philosophy of the Tao
Way Beyond Seeking
Landscape, Soundscape

Zen & Meditation
Democratization of Buddhism
The Controlled Accident
Zenrin Poems
Art of Meditation
Why Not Now?
Introduction to a Contemplative Ritual
A Contemplative Ritual

Extended Seminars Collection

Comparative Religion
Four Ways to the Center
Worldly Religions

Net of Jewels
Problems in Meditation
World as Consciousness
Zen Reconsidered

Early Radio Talks
Aldous Huxley
Art of Psychoanalysis
Bang or Whimper
Bhagavad Gita
Buddhist Mysticism
Constitution of Nature
Daylight Savings
Fundamentals of Buddhism
G.K. Chesterton
Gateless Gate
Humor in Religion
Laws of Karma
Man is a Hoax
Parallel Thinking
Play & Sincerity
Problems of Preaching
Reconciliation of Opposites
Return to the Forest
Seeing Through the Game
Study of Asia
Symbolic and the Real
Tribute to Carl Jung
Un-Preachable Religion

Human Consciousness
Ecological Awareness
Education for Non-Entity
Nature of Consciousness
Transformation of Consciousness

The Psychedelic Experience
The Psychedelic Explosion
Turning the Head or Turning On

The Arts
The Importance of Space
The Way of Tea

The Future
Future of Communications
Future of Politics
Future of Religion
Time and the Future

The Self
Birth, Death and the Unborn
Pursuit of Pleasure
World as Play
World as Self
The Universe
Individual and the World
Power of Space

Don't forget to not take anything too seriously. Happy listening!

Some great Quotes from the works of Alan Watts:

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.

You don't look out there for God, something in the sky, you look in you

We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.

Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.

I owe my solitude to other people.

The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.

No work or love will flourish out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.

You are that vast thing that you see far, far off with great telescopes.

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth

You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.
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PERFECT !! no doodling or unnecessary Music!


"But what makes it a problem is that you are dragging a past"


I am a Taoist. I practice and fail and start again. Watts changed my life for the better.


I'm so glad that I latched onto Taoism about 57 years ago. About the same time, I also had a strong peyote experience, and smoked my first weed. Terence McKenna said that Taoism is the philosophy that goes best with the psychedelics or e n t h e o g e n s. I agree. And weed is definitely an entheogen. Thank you so much for posting Alan Watts.... Decriminalize God's plant medicines.


Compassion / Empathy ☯️
Expectation / Reality ☯️
Being / Environment ☯️


So, what I got from this is that everything is one moment. This moment.


I just so much love listening to Mr Watts. My my, people watch TV, scratch around for the latest pleasure fashion...but it's all around us, hanging on the low branches of the trees. Peace be unto you.


"There is no continuous you" I need to keep that in my mind. Great talk.


Please continue spreading Watts’ talks. He’s amazing and unrivaled in explaining essence of Zen to all types of audiences. I would like to see something like Alan Watts centers or clubs pop up around the country and am willing to help in making it happen. Take care and live your lives like a musical.


Alan Watts quote highlights from this video: “Taoism is what everybody is looking for—the easy way in, the shortcut, using cleverness instead of muscle.”

“Can you find a way that sees into your own nature, that sees into the Tao, immediately?”

“When you know that this moment is the Tao—and this moment is by itself without past and without future, eternal, neither coming into being nor going out of being—there is nirvana.”

“We are all a constant flux, and the continuity of the person from past through present to future is illusory.”

“Our seeming to go along in a course of time doesn't really happen.”

“The Buddhists say suffering exists but no one who suffers, deeds exist but no doers are found, a path there is but no one who follows it, and Nirvana is but no one who attains it.”

“So long as you're in the present, there aren’t any problems.”

“The Taoist trick says simply live now and there will be no problems.”

“There isn't any continuous ‘you’ running on from moment to moment who originated at some time in the past and will die at some time in the future.”


This is wonderful!! I just received the book Tao Te Ching.


Its funny how when you understand this its like the answer for every single problem or question there is. The connections exist .


We all need to just take it easy. It's almost impossible, but the more we take it easy, there will be less aggression in the world.


Yup, people have only three days in their lives. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. The choice for yesterday is gone, at best there's just knowledge to be acquired. For today you have a choice. Tomorrow's choice only comes when tomorrow becomes today. Let's live today, shall we?


He's explaining beautifully, karma and nishkam karma are the concepts of geeta and tao te Ching and geeta validates each other vary well. The consepts of both scriptures are the same, but i found tao te Ching more easy to understand than geeta ❤


Simply magnificent😊😊one of the best short lecture I have heard😅


Being a Chinese Taoism practitioner, I was highly recommended by a client about this lecturer. I was lost for the major part of this video because his references seemed random, now India Yoga, now Buddhism, now Tao, now Zen... I gather this is maybe that the lecturer was keen to recollect/record his studies, or it could help the video attract more interest groups, or even perhaps he did have in-depth talks elsewhere and this one is a chat for his mature followers. But it is not the way Taoist learn things. For Taoism beginner studies, everything can be explained in one book which has only 81 paragraphs. We read the book so well that the words jump out at us on occasions it is the right answer to our puzzles. Advanced Taoism studies will have to tackle "book of change" to be able to foresee what is coming and what has been the past, which are all in us at any one time. I unfortunately may never be able to master the wisdom in the "book of change". I thought to leave a comment here and hope you will find it constructive and begin to focus and really delve into and properly comprehend one book only, even just one paragraph of DaoDeJing, provided your prime interest is in Dao as well.


8:00 Taoist begin. Thanks for reading.


The funny thing about karma and dao is that sometimes when you try to do good the result is disaster and when you try to do bad (by our definition of good and bad) something wonderful comes of it. More the former than the later. It's better to let things be. For Daoist fiction look to Ursula Le Guin's Lathe of Heaven.


The Tao happens without knowing!
I enjoy listening to Mr Watts. I learn nothing from him.
