Appium Tutorial 6: How to use Appium Inspector - Android and iOS | Locator Strategies | Attributes

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The course will help you,
👉 Master Appium from beginner to advanced level
👉 Design and Implement production ready test automation frameworks using Appium + TestNG and Appium + Cucumber.
👉 Implement end to end CI/CD using local Appium server
👉 Integrate test automation framework with BrowserStack cloud and implement end to end CI/CD using the cloud
👉 Become mobile automation expert and boost your mobile testing career

Why this course?
✅ This is one of the most comprehensive Appium course ever created online
✅ I have explained every concept in great details and with live coding
✅ No other online course covers iOS real device automation like the way I have covered
✅ We will be designing and implementing production ready frameworks using Appium + TestNG and Appium + Cucumber BDD
✅ We will integrate frameworks with other important tools like Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Apache Log4J2, Extent Reports and so on
✅ This is the only course that covers end to end CI/CD implementation using Appium for both iOS and Android
✅ This is the only course that covers parallel execution on real Android and iOS devices
✅ We will be running the Appium framework on BrowserStack cloud and implement CI/CD using Jenkins
✅ We will be covering a lot of automation best practices and Appium tips and tricks throughout the course

Important topics covered
👉Introduction to Appium
👉JAVA Essentials
👉Setting up Appium environment on Windows for Android
👉Setting up Appium environment on MAC for iOS and Android
👉Creating our first Appium project
👉Native Apps automation
👉Appium Gestures using Touch Action API
👉Appium Driver Commands
👉WEBVIEW automation for Hybrid and Web (Browser) apps
👉TDD Framework design from scratch using Appium and TestNG
👉BDD Framework design from scratch using Appium and Cucumber
👉Complete CI/CD implementation from scratch for iOS and Android
👉Run Appium on BrowserStack cloud through CI/CD
👉Deep Links to improve speed and reduce test flakiness

Connect with me

Some of the reviews from the course
***It's the best Appium course available in udemy. Om you have done a great job by choosing the content which is actually required to focus on and explaining those in the simplest way possible. I highly recommend everyone to enrol to this course. Well done Om!!!***

***I have completed the course and found that one of the best course in Udemy and most of other courses are incomplete and outdated information. Omprakash keeps the tutorials up to date. I'm very happy with the content and explanation. He is also very helpful and supportive, give quick response and resolve the issues.***

***So clear and easy to understand this course. Thank Omprakash so much.***

***Better Than Any 100000 course ! Thanks***

***Very helpful step-by-step tutorials! Every step is working as described Thank you for the detailed lessons.***

***The course was very detailed and very useful for learning from basics to in-depth concept about appium tool. Omprakash explained each concept with clear detailed explanations and examples too! This is the best Appium course available online Thanks a lot!.***

Рекомендации по теме

Even the other tutorials on youtube are not that good. Yours is i found the best. Thanks for the tutorials.


Good videos i must say. After searching appium tutorials on Udemy and not being satisfied there and returning back here, i must say that you have done a great job. Thanks


Hi OmPrakash, you are awesome, the videos on appium tutorial are really helpful. Thank u so much. If you could post videos like this on selenium web driver also would be helpful.


Hi... Can you please also cover the challanges we face while working in iOS ?


When I click on the element on my Appium Insepctor, it says "interactions are not available for this element". I can easily tap on that icon on my real device but I cannot tap on it on Appium Viewer. What should I do?

I am a beginner with iOS automation


These are outdated versions, In recent Appium Inspector app, Custom server is not present as shown in video


Hey please how do you download ApiDemo-debug.apk, any link will be appreciated


Do you think Appium Inspector is good compared to the others?


outdated versions,
This is not recent version, for new versions you have to download seperately appium server and appium inspector
