How to Start Cabbage (and other brassicas) from Seed Indoors

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How to start cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and other brassicas from seed indoors, to get a jump start on the growing season!

I share how, when and why I start my brassicas, like cabbage, indoors in mid-February for my Zone 6a, Ohio garden.

These tips to starting brassica seed indoors can also be applied to other vegetables.

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00:00 When To Start Brassicas
01:30 Seed Starting Supplies
05:16 Sowing the Seeds
07:54 Seedling Care
12:14 Hardening off & transplanting tips

#zone6gardening #ohiogardening
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Thank you for breaking everything down so clearly for beginners like me. It’s my second year gardening and I’ve already improved so much on my first year all thanks to YouTube and content creators like you, keep it up!


Not only are you a great teacher, but I'm so impressed with you replying to so many comments. Thanks.


I’m so thankful to have a fantastic fellow Ohioan to learn from


Thank you! I'm at the tippy top of West Virginia, so basically Ohio and Philadelphia. I'm new to gardening but committed. We got ourselves a homestead and grow lights and all the things needed, now I'm just absorbing information.

Thank you. I like your channel and your voice. 👍👍


This is so helpful, thank you! I started my brassicas about a week ago and they've all germinated. I really wanted to thank you for the instructions on making your own seed starting mix. I followed your recipe and I can't believe how quickly everything has germinated! Ultimately, it's less expensive to make my own mix, and the seedlings get a better start. I so appreciate the education you provide!


I actually start my seeds in starter trays filled with the same dirt they will be transplanted to. It is working well so far. I will fertilize the beds about a month before transplanting into the garden with a 10-10-10 fertilizer. Love your informational videos! You are a very wise gardener.


Growing other brassicas for the first time this year. I've always done broccoli, but this year I am adding cauliflower and Brussel sprouts. Going to give them their own dedicated bed. I've always potted up the broccoli, think you just saved me a bunch of work. Thanks Jenna!


Love your Van Gogh painting! Hello from Ashland, Ohio! Late to the game gonna start this week! Love your videos new subscriber!


After trying the number 3 soil starting mixture with the worm casting and micorizomes and had great healthy plants I will again try to copy and keep up with your seedlings and get a even improved garden better than last year's best season in my life and I'm 71 years old and have gardens every year since about 23 and a good garden but you Lady is the Master Gardener Lady
Thanks for teaching me


LOL Cough Cough thank you! glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. =)


It's a new growing season, and time to review these excellent videos. Thanks!


We are from Illinois zone 5 love the explanation very truly, we are going to be right behind you with starting seeds. Can't wait for the next video about different lighting for the seedlings.


As a Plumber, I recommend that you don’t let any dirt down the sink if you have a garbage disposal unit, either try to use the other drain or if both have disposers don’t use that sink for dirt/ soil


Fellow Buckeye here! So glad I found your channel. I started my brassicas yesterday! We have lots of bunnies and deer that love to nibble on all my plants and racoons that love the corn so gardening is a real challenge. Row covers really help! Thanks for your tips! Looking forward to checking out more of your videos!


My Winter garden in Louisiana was frozen to death in December even though they were all frost tolerant greens and tubers. Right before the next good few rainy days I direct sowed more bulk seeds directly onto my lawn. In Winter that`s the easy way here to have greens and radishes, but it requires bulk packages of seeds for reasons like the freak freeze. It`s wonderful to have fresh mustard and turnip greens in Winter. And I choose the plants that thrive when planted that way to make more seeds. When mowing season arrives I just mow around them. You can quickly get genetic strains adapted to your area that way that do better with direct sowing.


Lovely girl. You so smart and present so well.


Just back from vacation (10 days cruising the Caribbean) and the entire time all I thought about was starting my brassicas! Its 0400 hrs with coffee in hand I'm going to my basement and do just that. As always your video was right on time. I am beyond excited!!! Zone 7 DE.


While a year old, the info is still good. Heading into year five of gardening, brassicas (other than radishes) have had their issues. But another spring approaches and so another chance to try them and learn. Instead of trying them all I am limiting myself to cabbage, kohlrabi, and mizuna (I got a free seed pack) to learn to get at least one productive. I will also be moving them out earlier into a large cold frame sometime in march, weather permitting in 5b. I just started a tray the other day and so far I am doing what you suggest. The only difference is I use sifted potting soil instead of seed starting mix. I luckily came across promix at $9 for 2 cu ft on clearance. Looks like good stuff, I picked up more and now have 5 of them.


Great and comprehensive clip! Kohlrabi is usually my focus early (Ohio also) I have not messed with grow lights for years - I stick with a south facing window and use some outdoor hours on nice days! I mix garden tone in the starting mix and only fert in the water if I see a need! Huge in my book for any starts and house plants is rain water, the treated water we get from the lake really can hold back delicate plants!


When looking at a guide I always make sure to see if the person making it has good results. And I can’t think of anyone who grows better brassicas than you! Wish our grow lights weren’t all in storage, I’m thinking I’ll have to at least buy some starts of cauliflower this year. Thanks for another great video!
